
Innocent Overlord In Highschool DxD [DroCompleted]

A Child who was killed Countless millions of Time Before he could even be 2 year's old. Because he was in a mortal world The Reincarnation Guardian always Reset his memory but Thing's are about to get serious when A Celestial Being See's this ......

tiko_tiko · Anime et bandes dessinées
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49 Chs

Healing Misla Bael, Seekvaira Comes to visit (+18)

After hearing Sairaorg,Hex and his peerage members were shocked.

Hex asked " what kind of joke is that?"

Sairaorg said " it's not a joke. didn't you say you'll take my mother as concubine? i am asking you to heal her if possible not take her as a concubine but i am ready if you take her as a concubine but if she wakes up does nothing then please don't touch her"

Hex nodded his head and said " look I've never touched a women willingly, Seekvaira last i saw her 2 year's ago and i admit i kissed her but that's all"

Sairaorg said " Why are you still pure? " then looked around Hex's Peerage members,All of them beauty to the boot and their body is awe inspiring.

Sairaorg asked " do you have any"

before he could finish,Hex with a blushed face waved his hand and said " no no no i am okay 100% "

His peerage members laughed seeing this.

Albedo said " Hex sama is very good boy you know Sairaorg Sama"

Sairaorg nodded and said " alright you can be my daddy "

Hex blushed hard and said" no this is not how it will work ,with me you'll be my cousin with your mother you'll be her son."

Sairaorg nodded his head and said " if she can be cured whatever you say Hex "

Hex smiled and said " as promised if she didn't do anything i won't touch her but after she wakes up if she do something,we can't hold her otherwise she'll die "

Sairaorg said " I've made my mind Hex,after you came 2 year's ago countless doctors came but no avail,no one can cure her only you"

Hex said " i can destroy her curse feelings,you ready to go?"

Sairaorg nodded his head.

Hex then said to his peerage and Quera" I'll go cure her ,if possible i don't want anything strange happening but let's prepare for worst and hope for the best"

Hex casted his spell then Sairaorg and he disappeared.

Hex and Sairaorg appeared in the mansion where Sairaorg and Misla Lived.

After arriving they were greeted by the old butler of Misla.

Then they proceed to Misla's room.

While walking Butler said "I've prepared mask for you your highness Prince"

Hex nodded and said" very well let's see what happened "

After appearing in the room where Misla Is in coma ,Hex looked at her She was very young looking slim women,she had brown hair and looked so gentle.

Hex mostly like gentle women so when he sees her ,how gentle she looked even sleeping he felt a little attracted.

Seeing her in comatose state hex decided to save her with is Black [Power Of Destruction] which can destroy even emotions.

Hex sat beside the bed as he worn a simple t shirt and shorts because it was morning and he was supposed to be going to train then Sairaorg appeared.

Hex then said " it's still there those emotions, Sairaorg help her sat down I'll push my [Power Of Destruction] inside her heart."

Sairaorg nodded and get in the bed and held her while Misla was with closed eyes sat down.

Butler appeared beside Hex and Gave him a mask Hex accepted then butler said " I'll leave the Mistress in your care " then he left the room.

Hex then very thin needle like small 4 centimetres long power inserted in her heart area and held it for sometime but nothing happened but sweat appeared in Hex's forehead as it takes enormous amount of magic power to maintain that needle.whole room was filled with sweet aroma. Slowly Half and hour passed and hex was full of sweat and Sairaorg time to time looked at him from behind Misla.

Suddenly Misla's body Quivered and Hex said" ahhh!"

Sairaorg asked " are you okay?"

Hex nodded his head and said " it's just her emotions are too heavy and while destroying i can feel some of it "

Hex maintained his power output same amount from the beginning to now it's already Two hour's.

Misla's Eye quivered and she slowly began to open her eyes.

Hex seeing this then put a little bit more power to her and she opened her eyes and saw a Man with a mask but his smell and was heavenly,her heart began to throb so hard that she unconsciously tried to remove that mask,

Sairaorg said " Mother you're awake?"

Misla said " Yes i am but this man "then she just removed that mask unconsciously with her hand and saw the exquisite face her face flushed and heart beat accelerated.

Misla hurriedly said " Sairaorg my dear kill me now "

Sairaorg hurriedly said " why mother?"

Misla while warping hand's around Hex's neck Said " Kill me fast, I've been bewitched and can't control my self"

Sairaorg looking at his gentle mother a sad look appeared in his eyes but at this moment she again fell asleep.

Sairaorg was scared and looked at Hex who's hand were now in Misla's head and asked " what have you done?"

Hex replied" she has a tremendous will power ,i just destroyed her conscious for sometime she'll wake up soon I'll take my leave"

Sairaorg had a grateful expression and said " Alright "

Hex then used magic and disappeared from there.

It's been only 3 Hours since he left his house.

After successfully retuning home he saw 4 people in his back garden under the umbrella table.2 person were sitting talking with each other and two stood behind one sitting person.

Hex who was wet from head to toe after precisely controling needle like power to destroy Misla's mumble jumbled emotions decided to take a look then go to bathroom.

Hex went to the gate of his back garden and saw a beautiful lady of 14 year's old just like him and behind her stood a butler like man and a formal suited women.

Seekvaira who was taking with Quera suddenly her nose picked up a heavenly scent and she said " Aunty Quera you said Hex is not in home but i smell him , it's his scent"

Butler looking man said " My lady it's maybe some kind of bewitching smell even my heart is beating fast"

Seekvaira laughed and said " No no it's my Hex's body odor , he's doing some exercise i guess"

Hex who was peeking from the gate came in half body still in inside the gate and said " i came back from Sairaorg's place.I'll take a bath and come back, Quera Mama,Misla Sama is fine now"

then he ran away.

Lady in suit behind Seekvaira said " My king i almost lost control of my self" while breathing raggedly.

Seekvaira said " you are only High Tier Mid class Devil so that's why you can bear him for 2-3 seconds before falling ahahaha that's my fiance alright.you two go back I'll be safe here and you guys can't handle him yet "

Both nodded their head and disappeared.

Seekvaira said to Quera" Aunty Quera I'll go to his room to surprise him" then got up to go in Hex's room.

Quera just rolled her eyes,How couldn't she know what this little girl thinking? but she was his fiance and Quera was Hex's mother yes but she's still a maid nonetheless.She could stop her here now but why would she do that?

Quera said " Young ones nowadays!go "

Seekvaira has a embarrassed face and she walked towards Hex bedroom.

Hex after talking with Seekvaira came into his bedroom then went to bathroom.While removing his T-shirt and shorts and underwear to take bath he thought' Seekvaira sure has become very beautiful, Although she's not like Albedo who's breast are tremendous, Seekvaira is not bad still has time to grow '

While he was under the shower ready to move inside bathtub to relax a little,he heard a knock on bathroom's door he slightly opened and peeked out to see Seekvaira who was 170 centimetres tall and has glasses on her pink eye and she has D cup breast.

Hex's face blushed as he thinks he's in love with her then he teased her saying " My lady In bathroom no clothes are allowed"

Seekvaira hearing this looked at his eyes then smiled mischievously then took off her top that was a tight fit almost like a battle inner armour and She was wearing white Bra then she took off her pants.

Seeing this Hex's Face blushed red he just retreated because his Dick is reacting.

as he retreated Seekvaira entered the bathroom with her Breast open which was not small at all when seeing directly and her breast Hex tried to maintain calm he blocked his dick with two hand's.

Seekvaira who has a red tomato like face and was butt naked said " what?are you embarrassed?"

Hex's said " why wouldn't i be embarrassed?"

Hex then looked at her properly,Her boobs were uptight and she has pink nipples and her neither area was clean so he can see that part clearly as it had a slit between them.

Seekvaira came closer to Hex and hugged him Hex seeing this hugged her back but as he was tall his 25 centimetres dick which was erected long time but was suppressed by his hand came lose and poked on Seekvaira's Belly.

Hex then wanted to Let go of her and suppress the dick but Seekvaira who was in his arm said " Don't let go please,i am a little embarrassed"

Hex said " if you say that what am i supposed to say?" then he took her while hugging to the shower where Seekvaira also got wet all over her body like Hex .

Seekvaira asked " This this the first time you're doing something like this?"

Hex nodded his head and said " Yes who else would dare to intrude my bathroom? only you my fiance did "

Seekvaira asked again " i thought you would be experienced with your Peerage members"

Hex said angrily " ah i am 14 year's old ,only you who's my fiance and also 14 year's old can dare to do this , I've never done this kind of things before but i kissed Albedo several times that's all"

Seekvaira laughed happily and said" you're my darling indeed ahahah" then her head which was in Hex Chest looked upward.

Hex sensing this looked down saw her eyes then his head came down and they kissed lips then tongue Hex's Hand which was on her back was trying to go downwards but hesitating a little.

Seekvaira who was passionately kissing him under the shower removed her lips with a hard time breathing a saliva was connecting them, Seekvaira after removing her lips said " i am all yours what's with this hesitation" saying this she kissed him again more passionately from before.She touched his packed muscles and his butt.

sensing this he also groped her ass tightly.Sometime he pinch a little sometime just groped her tightly.

then hex said " bedroom or bathtub?"

Seekvaira said " Bathtub then bedroom"

Hex nodded picked her up and kissed her while taking her to bathtub.Hex's bathtub was big it can easily take in two people or more.

They sat on a corner Seekvaira sitting on Hex's lap kissing him her boobs were pressing against his bare chest.

Hex seeing her boobs groped them ,it was not as soft as he imagined but after pressing some time something inside melted and it became very soft as he previously imagined. Seekvaira while panting said " this is the first time someone has touched my body so it's a little you know"

Hex said while kissing her talking in kissing " i mwah know mwah this this the first time mwah someone is mwah touching me this this mwah too"

Seekvaira who was on Hex's belly because they were kissing intimately tried to move back a little and shuddered because that thing was standing up tight and is now between her ass cheeks.

' it's big' she thought.

feeling her shuddered Hex said " let's stop for now? let's do it after marriage"

Seekvaira nodded her head got up a little until Hex can see his dick clearly then sat down with full force.


Hex who was ready to move out felt indescribable sensation in his dick, something was clenching it tightly too tightly and his dick wanted to melt with this tightness.He unable to control this sensation he closed his eyes and came inside her.

Seekvaira who has a little tears in her eye said " Agares women doesn't know 'what do it later is ' hehe"

Hex opened his eye to see Seekvaira was sitting on his dick his dick couldn't be seen.as it was inside her and blood was allover his lower belly and coming out from Seekvaira's slit in between her legs.

Hex asked said " Are you okay? "

Seekvaira nodded her head and said " help me get up my legs feel sore"

Hex nodded his head and used his arm to hold her two armpits and picked her up as she was going up he can see his dick coming out still standing but with his dick came out red and white liquid.

Then he turned her and let her be on his stomach while her back was on his belly.

Then He could see her breast standing up tight from back then he slowly massaged her breast and asked " are you too hurt? why did you do that? we are meant to be together either now or later"

Seekvaira who was on His stomach feeling Hex on her back and his hand massaged her boobs she felt tingling sensation and said " i told you Agares women doesn't know what is later "

Hex dick which was on Seekvaira's slit holding her as it was water all over the tub and and only this uptight dick was holding her from going more under the water reacted a little.

Hex said " what you have done ,you can't be Agares again"

Seekvaira asked " What do you mean ?"

Hex putting his dick in between slit the found little hole and pushed hard.

Seekvaira surprised with this wanted to do something but calmed down and moaned.

Hex said " you're no longer Agares you're a Bael from now on Misses Bael that it but for now it's between us after marriage whole world would know new Misses Bael"

Seekvaira who was getting up down a little said " ah that's what you mean? pound me harder "

Hex began to to it a little fast while she's still laying on his stomach moaning.

Hex was about to cum but Seekvaira quivered and released a lot of liquid from her neither region while still Hex's dick inside then kay limp on him.

Hex pulled out his dick as she was so weak to even say something so it will be a bad idea to move around her.

Then He Princess carried her to the shower and washed him and Seekvaira who's eye's were upward in pleasure.

Seekvaira feeling water on her came into her senses little by little.

Seekvaira asked " Hex you love me right?"

Hex nodded his head while washing her Armpit said " Yes i think i fall for you when we were eleven"

Seekvaira nodded her head and said " our first kiss was on your bedroom at that time I also fell in love woth you not because your beauty or our being fiance"

Hex after washing her clean sat her down to wash himself.

Seekvaira seeing his Dick still standing upright blushed and thought of something and realized said " ah you didn't finish?"

Hex smiled and said " you were almost in unconscious state so i didn't continue"

Seekvaira held his dick while sitting said " let me use my mouth I've seen this in a naughty manga" then without even hearing Hex's reply she took his dick om her mouth after licking it like a lollipop she said " it's sweet like your saliva Hex "

Hex who was in pleasure said " please don't talk and continue "

Seekvaira licked his dick like baby would lick lollipop then after sometime she felt her mouth filled with tastiest thing she ever eat then she drank that whole thing.

Hex who was standing there dumfounded. Before he could say he's coming he came but what he's dumbfounded about Seekvaira his future wife did something mind boggling she just drank that whole load.

Seekvaira after drinking pulled her arm up as if to wanted to be in his arm.Hex just took her in his embrace as she was a little weak in her legs it seems.

Seekvaira on his embrace wanted to kiss him.

Hex hurriedly said " no no no you gross lady wash you mouth"

I've decided to write a original novel so You can check it out it only has one heroine though and she's a milf : Silver Knight who fell in love with Queen Mother

tiko_tikocreators' thoughts