
Inkstone's Fear The Walking Dead - Season 1

When reports of a virus are spreading around, Rick Grimes' own sister, Madison Clark and her family are put to the test when they have to try and survive in a world overrun by the dead.

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Fear The Walking Dead - Season 1 Trailer

Madison looks at him and gets the knife out "why do you have it?" Tobias sighs "five states have already reported it and we're the sixth".

Artie goes "hey Madison, thought you'd be off sick today" Madison smiles "nope, I'm fine" Artie nods at her and goes "got almost half the students off today" Madison looks in shock.

Madison sits down and goes "what are you talking about?" Tobias goes "a sickness that's spreading, that turns people into monsters".

Gloria growls at Travis and she tries to bite him.

Madison sighs "are you serious? Stop playing video games and watching horror films, and stop watching that video on Youtube! It's fake! People trying to get famous off views or whatever".

Chris sits down inside a bus, he then gets his phone out and looks on YouTube at a video of a man who is claiming to have been shot at and not dying. Chris then scrolls down at the comments which states 'Fake!'.

Travis goes to speak until a gunshot goes off and Travis looks over at the cop who then shoots a man who tries to grab him and bite him. People start to scream and Travis looks at Chris "COME ON!" Chris runs with Travis as people start shouting and attacking the cops.

Travis then sees a barbers place and a man is trying to shut the door, but Travis and Chris run over to them. Travis looks at the older man "can we come in? Please? Everyone's about to kill each other out here" the man looks at him "I'm sorry, we don't take in strays-" an older woman then goes "Daniel? You can let them inside". Travis and Chris both look at Daniel nervously.

Madison goes "Artie?" Artie stands there growling at her with his eyes plain white. Madison goes "Artie? Can you hear me?" Tobias goes "he can't hear you, he's dead!" Madison looks at Tobias as he then gets his knife out. Madison goes "put it down, Tobias!" Tobias looks at his knife.

Alicia then goes "mom, Travis! There's something going on outside!" Travis goes "what do you mean?".

Daniel looks closely, at the arena in the distance, which still had infected pouring out of the front door, joining the herd that Daniel has created. Daniel then puts his handgun into the air and pulls the trigger twice. The infected start to growl louder, following Daniel...

Coming Summer 2021