
Inkstone's Fear The Walking Dead - Season 1

When reports of a virus are spreading around, Rick Grimes' own sister, Madison Clark and her family are put to the test when they have to try and survive in a world overrun by the dead.

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Episode 2 - Spreading

Previously: Madison received a call from the hospital that her son had been injured. Nick persuaded Travis to find Gloria. A video had been circulating of a man being shot and not dying. Travis encountered Gloria, and he had no idea what was wrong with her.


Madison Clark

Travis Manawa

Nicholas Clark

Alicia Clark

Elizabeth Ortiz

Christoper Manawa

Daniel Salazar

Madison walks into the school and Artie stands beside a locker with a chunk of papers. Madison walks over towards him but Artie then coughs. Madison stares at him until Artie goes "hey Madison, thought you'd be off sick today" Madison smiles "nope, I'm fine" Artie nods at her and goes "got almost half the students off today" Madison looks in shock "crap" Artie nods "yeah, they've shut almost a half of the schools in the country, doubt we'll be far behind them, anyway, see you later" Artie walks off and Madison stands at the locker until a metal detector alarm goes off. Madison looks over at Tobias who stands there and sighs as Madison goes "Tobias?" Tobias walks over and she goes "empty your pockets please" Tobias sighs and he pulls a pocket knife out. Madison looks in shock and she puts it in her pocket and looks around "come with me!".

Tobias walks with Madison into her office and he sits down, Madison looks at him and gets the knife out "why do you have it?" Tobias sighs "five states have already reported it and we're the sixth" Madison sits down and goes "what are you talking about?" Tobias goes "a sickness that's spreading, that turns people into monsters" Madison sighs "are you serious? Stop playing video games and watching horror films, and stop watching that video on Youtube! It's fake! People trying to get famous off views or whatever, get outta here" Tobias looks at her and he walks out.

Alicia sits with Matt on the school field and Matt sits there drawing on a piece of paper and goes "my parents still aren't home yet" Alicia looks at him "weren't they due home yesterday?" Matt nods "yeah, they aren't back" Alicia looks at him "have you called them?" Matt smiles "what do you think?" Alicia looks at him "perhaps their phones died, or they're stuck in traffic?" Matt looks to the ground "how's Nick?" Alicia kisses him on the lips and Matt then smiles at her. Alicia smiles at him "let's not talk about my idiot brother, alright?" Matt smiles at her "alright then".

Nick lies in hospital and sees a nurse bring a man into the same room as him and the man is tied down and growling and trying to bite the nurse. Other doctor's hold the man down. Nick stares in shock and he then pulls the wires from his arm out. A nurse looks over at Nick "LAY DOWN!" Nick goes "that's what happened to Gloria!" the nurse looks at him and goes "LAY DOWN, everything will be fine" Nick looks at her "you don't know that!". Nick looks at the man growling.

In Ward A, Elizabeth walks into a room where she sees a man with a bite mark on his shoulder. The man opens his mouth and starts to cough and Elizabeth goes "how are you feeling?" the man coughs again "like crap". Elizabeth gives the man a milligram of morphine and goes "just to help with the pain, take a seat, okay?" the man smiles "thanks" Elizabeth smiles "someone will come and check on you soon, we're just full at the minute". Elizabeth walks out of the room.

Elizabeth walks down a corridor and all of a sudden, a doctor then screams "GET OFF!".

Elizabeth runs over and sees a man biting onto one of the doctor's and she shouts "OFFICERS!" a cop runs over and restrains the man who bit the doctor. Elizabeth runs over to the doctor and she grabs a towel to stop the blood from pouring and stares in shock "hold it on there, okay?".

Alicia starts walking to lesson until Madison runs over "Alicia!" Alicia looks at her "mom?" Madison goes "Nick left the hospital, Artie's sending the students all home at lunch. Whatever Nick's talking about...maybe it's connected, I had a kid bring a knife to school today" Alicia looks at her "what do we do?" Madison goes "I can't get a hold of Travis, he didn't come home last night" Alice looks at her and nods "he'll be okay" Madison looks at her until the power goes off in the school and Madison looks at Alicia. Alicia goes "mom?" Madison goes "come on!".

Travis runs down a street where hundreds of people are who are surrounding a crime scene of where someone was murdered. People are shouting at the police. Travis then sees Chris among the people "CHRIS" Chris turns around in shock "dad?" Chris runs over to Travis "what are you doing here?" Travis goes to speak until a gunshot goes off and Travis looks over at the cop who then shoots a man who tries to grab him and bite him. People start to scream and Travis looks at Chris "COME ON" Chris runs with Travis but people start shouting and attacking the cops.

More gunshots are heard being shot and people start running away, whilst some people fight.

Travis and Chris run together down a street where people are throwing bricks at cars and smashing windows, stealing things. Travis looks at Chris "we have to get somewhere safe, people are rioting, it never ends well, we need to wait for the cops to come and stop them" Chris goes "where do we go, dad?" Travis looks down the street and he goes "I'm thinking".

Travis then sees a barbers place and a man is trying to shut the door, but Travis and Chris run over to them. Travis looks at the older man "can we come in? Please? Everyone's about to kill each other out here" the man looks at him "I'm sorry, we don't take in strays-" an older woman then goes "Daniel? You can let them inside". Travis and Chris both look at Daniel nervously.

Daniel then looks back at them and he nods "come in". Travis and Chris run into the barbers.

Daniel then shuts the door. Chris and Travis walk into the back barbers where an older woman sits at a counter. Daniel walks in and goes "Griselda, you okay?" Griselda nods "I'm okay, what is going on outside?" Travis goes "um, the cops shot a gun, people are losing it out there!". Travis looks at Chris "where's your mother?" Chris goes "at the hospital, she said it's been really busy".

Griselda looks at Daniel "where's Ofelia?" Daniel goes to respond until Ofelia walks in and she looks at Travis and Chris "who are they?" Daniel looks at her "they're staying the night".

Madison and Alicia walk into their home, the bungalow, Madison then sees Nick lying on the couch. Madison drops her bag and she runs over "Nick?" Nick opens his eyes and hugs Madison.

Alicia goes "I'm sorry, but what the hell is going on?" Madison stares at her until her phone then rings and Madison's eyes light up with happiness. Madison then answers the phone "Travis?".

Travis stands on the phone inside the barbers "Madi? I'm with Chris at a barber, we're hiding out...there's a riot outside, I'll be home when I can! Just stay away from strangers, something is happening outside, a virus is spreading, or something is...and it's turning people into monsters".

Madison stands in the kitchen "I will Travis...when will you be back? I love yo-" the phone starts beeping. Madison looks down at her phone which says 'No Signal' and she throws her phone at the couch. Madison sits down beside Nick and she has tears in her eyes "what is happening?".

Travis looks at his phone and he sighs. Chris looks at Travis and he then sighs.

Madison looks at Alicia who is holding Nick's hand. Alicia goes "mom, you have to tell me what's happening" Madison goes "I don't really know what is happening!". Alicia stares at Madison until screams are heard coming from outside their home. Alicia goes "what is that?".

Travis sits in the barbers, on a stall. Chris stands beside a wall, leaning up against it "mum doesn't know where I am" Travis goes "well, she's at the hospital till late?" Chris nods at him. Travis sits there thinking and he nods "well when we're outta here, we'll go get her, the first chance we get, I promise" Chris nods at him. Daniel then walks over and he looks at him "you'll be out when people outside disappear, I don't need you or your boy putting my family in danger" Ofelia looks at him "father! Don't be rude". Travis stands up and he smiles at Ofelia "it's alright, we're very thankful that you let us in, we'll be gone as soon as possible" Ofelia looks at him and she goes "your welcome to stay for as long as you want too" Daniel looks at Ofelia.

Griselda walks through with cups of coffee and she goes "for you all, to stay nice and warm". Travis takes a cup of coffee and looks at Griselda "thank you" Griselda smiles at him "you're welcome". Chris takes a cup. Ofelia sits with Daniel and Griselda as people scream outside.

Madison looks out of the window at people running to their homes and locking doors and windows. Madison stands there watching in shock as Nick then slowly walks over to her "it's what happened to Gloria, everyone else is getting sick" Madison goes "they're all infected with a sickness, Tobias tried warning me" Alicia looks at her "the nerd who sits near me?" Madison looks at her and nods "yeah, he's the one who has a knife" Alicia looks at her "where's Travis?" Madison looks at her "he'll be here soon" Alicia looks at her and nods "okay". Nick looks at Madison. Madison goes "Licia, help me get him back to the couch" Alicia nods and her and Madison help Nick to the sofa and help him lay down. Madison smiles at Nick and goes "get some rest" Nick looks at her and smiles at her. Alicia sits near the window looking outside.

At the barbers Travis sits in a seat asleep, Chris continues to lean against the wall but he then moves away from it and he looks at the wall, where he sees creases in the wallpaper. Chris then puts his hand on the wall, Daniel stands up and looks at him. Chris then goes "the walls hot". Daniel instantly starts walking over to the wall as Travis opens his eyes "what?". Travis gets up and he puts his hand onto the wall. Daniel goes "the building next door is on fire, we have to leave!" Griselda looks in shock. Travis goes "alright, everyone pack up, we need to run for it".

Also Starring:

Ofelia Salazar

Griselda Salazar

Matt Sale

Tobias Calvin

Artie Raymond


Gloria Michael

Next Time - Changing - When Madison breaks into the school to find meds for Nick, she finds Tobias inside. Someone else is also waiting for her inside. Travis, Chris, Daniel, Griselda and Ofelia have to make it out of the barbers and through the riot outside. Alicia tries leaving to find Matt.