
Inkstone's Fear The Walking Dead - Season 1

When reports of a virus are spreading around, Rick Grimes' own sister, Madison Clark and her family are put to the test when they have to try and survive in a world overrun by the dead.

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Episode 1 - Pilot


Madison Clark

Travis Manawa

Nicholas Clark

Alicia Clark

Elizabeth Ortiz

Christoper Manawa

In an apartment building, a young man lies beside a young woman sleeping but as the clock on their wall ticks by, the woman takes a deep breath and then all of a sudden stops breathing.

As the sun rises the man wakes up and he looks at a card beside him which says 'To Nicholas, hope you're well but remember your father would want you to be strong, Love Gloria' Nick looks at the alarm clock "Gloria! You're supposed to be at your parents by now" Nick turns around and looks at her "Gloria?" Nick turns around and sees Gloria eating a cat and Nick goes "Gloria?" Gloria looks at him and growls. Nick stares at Gloria's eyes which are cloudy, and humanless.

Nick sprints out of the bedroom door as Gloria chases after him. Nick runs down a flight of stairs until running out into the middle of the road where he stands there catching his breath until a car then smacks into him. Nick rolls onto the road, where a man runs out of his car in shock.

In a suburban area, in a bungalow, a middle-aged woman hands a screwdriver to a man and the man goes "cheers Mad" Madison stands there smiling "come on Travis, I need to take Licia to school" Alicia walks in "yeah, if you hurried up" Alicia looks at her phone and sends a text to Matt 'Gonna be a tad late" Travis finishes mending the door and smiles "done" Madison smiles "show off" Travis smiles "alright Alicia, let's get going" Alicia looks at him and walks past him, Madison looks at Travis "she's still getting used to you being around, she misses her dad" Travis nods "who could blame her?" Madison smiles at him "let's go then" Travis nods "I'll get the keys"

Madison and Travis get into the car with Alicia who puts her headphones in and Madison looks and Alicia and then turns around to Travis "to the school" Travis nods "let's see what today's going to bring us then". Travis then turns the keys and drives the car off going to the school.

In a house, a woman named Elizabeth shouts "CHRIS! THE BUS IS COMING IN THREE MINUTES" Chris storms through "I HEARD" Elizabeth looks at him "then hurry up!" Elizabeth grabs her coat and goes "and no phoning home sick today! I have a shift at the hospital, and we're already low on staff so I can't come home" Chris rolls his eyes at her and he walks out of the house. Elizabeth stands there and sighs. Elizabeth looks in the mirror at herself wearing a nurse's outfit.

Chris catches the bus and as he sits down, he gets his phone out and looks on YouTube at a video of a man who is claiming to have been shot at and not dying. Chris then scrolls down at the comments which states 'Fake!' Chris looks at it and saves it to his watch later list.

Alicia walks into her school and a guy the same age as her walks over smiling "hey" Alicia smiles "hey, Matt" Alicia kisses Matt and he goes "ready to go to lesson?" Alicia smiles "course, we got Travis, but I'm with you?" Matt smiles "come on then" Alicia smiles at him and walks with Matt.

Alicia and Matt walk into the classroom, a young boy with pimples and quite a large body sits on a table in front of Alicia and he sits with his phone on the table watching the video of the man.

Alicia and Matt sit together and a boy goes "hey! Loser, stop watching porn" the boy turns around "I-" Travis walks in "Tobias! Phone away, Jamie! Quiet!" Tobias looks at him and puts the phone away. Travis stands in front of the class and he goes "History...who's ready to learn then?" Jamie looks at Matt and goes "hey man, did you see that video?" Matt goes "what video?".

Madison gets her keys out and unlocks a door to an office, she walks inside and sits at a desk.

As Madison pulls a file out, a man walks into the room "morning Madison" Madison looks up and smiles "morning Artie" Artie goes "anyone interesting today?" Madison shakes her head "not that I know of" Artie smiles "you know where I am if you need me" Madison nods "I do" Artie smiles and walks off. Madison sits at her desk smiling until her phone starts to ring and vibrate. Madison sighs and she picks it up and goes "hello?". Madison stares in shock "I'm coming!".

Madison runs into a hospital on her own and she runs up to the main desk "Nick Clark?".

Madison runs into Ward B and she walks up to a nurse "where's my son? Where's Nick?" the nurse goes "Nicholas Clark?" Madison nods "yeah" the nurse smiles "follow me" Madison nods and follows the nurse towards a room which has two police officers in front of it. Madison walks into the room and sees Nick hooked up to a machine and goes "what happened?" the nurse goes "he was hit by a car, witness says that he ran into the road, police checked his house and they found a splodge of blood on the bedsheets but it came back as an animals blood" Madison nods "he had a cat...and a girlfriend" the nurse looks at her "I'll run the girlfriend over with the police" Madison nods. Madison sits beside Nick and holds his hand "oh what did you do this time? Where's Gloria?" Nick lies there slowly breathing and Madison wipes a tear from her eye and goes "I'll make sure Licia comes down after school to see you" Madison sits there holding Nick's hand. Madison picks up her phone and she dials a number. Madison goes "hey Tracy, it's Madison, Madison Clark...I need you to give a message to Travis and Alicia for me, please".

Outside the school, Alicia walks over to Travis' car and goes "what happened?" Travis goes "something to do with Nick" Alicia sighs and she gets into the car with Travis. Travis starts the car and starts driving towards the hospital. Alicia looks at her phone and goes "is it, Gloria?" Travis goes "what do you mean?" Alicia goes "did she die?" Travis goes "I hope not, it'll break him".

Travis and Alicia walk into the hospital and Alicia sees Madison "mom?" Madison nods "they say he'll be okay, he's just asleep" Travis walks over to Madison and he hugs her. Madison smiles at Travis. Travis looks at Alicia "go with your mother and get a coffee, I'll sit with Nick" Madison hugs him "thank you" Travis nods "don't worry about it". Madison and Alicia walk off together. Travis then walks into the room and sits on a seat near Nick and looks at him "come on buddy" Nick's eyes then open and he sees Travis "Gl-" Travis goes "hey, slowly, I'll get the nurse-" Nick grabs Travis' arm "no...Glo-" Travis goes "I don't know where she is". Nick looks at him "no! She...killed...the cat". Travis stares at him in, but he hands Nick a cup of water "what do you mean?" Nick coughs after he takes a sip of the water and then goes "I woke up, she was eating it. I ran and she growled at me, she wasn't her anymore" Travis looks at him "are you-" Travis then whispers "are you both back on drugs again?" Nick looks at him "NO!" Nick sighs "listen to me-".

Madison runs in "Nick!" Alicia walks in and she smiles at Nick "oh look, he lives" Travis looks at Nick. Nick looks at Travis "please! Find her!". Madison looks at Nick and she hugs him.

Travis looks at Madison "I'll go to his apartment, get him some nice clothes to wear for when he leaves" Madison goes "are you sure?" Travis smiles at her "yeah, you stay here, I'll go" Madison nods at him "okay". Travis looks at Alicia "I'll be back" Alicia nods at him. Travis then walks out.

At the apartment building, Travis walks up a flight of stairs until he reaches a door, Travis puts his hands into his pocket and pulls a set of keys out. Travis then unlocks the door and he opens it. Travis steps inside and he says "Gloria?" Travis waits for a response but he then continues entering the apartment. Travis walks into the bedroom and he picks a shirt out of Nick's wardrobe. Travis turns around and he looks at a stain of blood on the floor. Travis sighs.

As Travis packs some clothes for Nick, a creak is heard coming from behind a door.

Alicia sits on a chair, resting her legs on Nick's bed and she then looks at Nick and goes "so? What happened?" Nick looks at her "you wouldn't believe me" Alicia goes "why was Travis in a hurry to leave?" Nick goes "I want him to find Gloria, I'm worried about her" Alicia stares at him "why did you run into the road?" Madison then walks back into the room and she goes "Licia!" Alicia goes "what? I know we're both wondering why!" Nick looks at the two of them "Gloria, she tried to attack me" Madison goes "she take something? What was it? LSD? Ecstasy?" Nick shakes his head "MOM! We're both clean" Madison stares at him "she wouldn't just try to attack you!".

Travis turns around and he hears creaking coming from behind a door. Travis goes "Gloria? That you?". Travis stands staring at the door. Travis looks down and sees a shadow moving behind it.

Alicia sits watching the video of the man being shot multiple times and not dying. Alicia smirks "that's crazy" Nick looks at her phone and he goes "show me!". Alicia shows him the phone.

Travis walks over to the door and he opens it slowly, the door creaks open until Gloria appears behind the door. Travis stares at her "Gloria? You alright?" Gloria growls at Travis and she tries to bite him. Travis steps back and he goes "what the hell has happened? Gloria? Have you taken anything?" Gloria tries to grab Travis. Travis sees fur stuck in between Gloria's teeth.

Nick looks at the video and he goes "this...this...this is what happened to Gloria!" Madison sighs "it's a fake video Nick, people make stupid videos like this all the time" Nick looks at her "you need to find Travis, he's in danger!" Madison stares at him. Alicia looks at Nick "what?".

Travis walks out of the apartment and he shuts the door. Travis stands out the apartment door and he then hears banging coming from inside. Travis pulls his phone out and he calls Madison.

Madison sits inside Nick's room and she then answers the phone "baby? What's up?".

Travis stands holding his phone "Nick's telling the truth, there's something wrong with Gloria".

Madison looks at Nick and she then goes "what do you mean wrong with her? High?".

Travis shakes his head "no, Madi...her eyes, they're different, they've completely changed".

Madison looks at Nick and she then looks at Alicia. Madison looks at Alicia's phone at the video.

Also Starring:

Matt Sale

Tobias Calvin

Artie Raymond


Gloria Michael


Next Time - Spreading - As students continue to go to school, Madison finds out that Tobias has a knife. Travis doesn't understand what has happened to Gloria. Reports of a sickness spreading are reported on the news. Panic begins to settle in, and no one knows what to do.