
Inkbound: The Calligrapher's Curse

In a world where the written word holds power, a young calligrapher accidentally binds his soul to a mythical ink demon. To free himself, he must decode the legendary 'Scroll of a Thousand Fates.'

WideHardoWrite · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: The Journey to Liuyue

After months of preparing, Feng Yu took his first step on the road leading out of Qilin city. His destination? The ancient city of Liuyue, a historical haven rumored to house a vast library of antiquated texts and legendary scriptures. If there was any hope of finding a lead about the 'Scroll of a Thousand Fates,' it rested there.

His journey began on the gently winding path that led through verdant rice fields, the farmers observing him with curious eyes. Their lives were etched into the landscape, as resilient and enduring as the crop they cultivated. Feng Yu paused to capture this scene in a few swift, elegant brushstrokes, imbuing the characters with a subtle echo of the farmers' life force.

He faced his first trial when he crossed paths with a notorious bandit group known as the 'Silent Serpents.' Using the character for 'wind,' Feng Yu stirred up a mini tempest, obscuring their vision and creating an opportunity for escape. He marveled at the unexpected utility of his calligraphy, a moment that reinforced the weight of his pact with Xue Mo.

The further he journeyed from Qilin, the more unpredictable his path became. Unforeseen natural disasters posed formidable challenges. Once, a sudden downpour led to a flood that threatened to wash away a small village in its path. Feng Yu, harnessing the power of his calligraphy, wrote 'earth,' summoning a small embankment that redirected the floodwater, saving the village. The villagers hailed him as a hero, their gratitude warming his heart on his lonely journey.

He found solace in the quiet nights under the open sky, the celestial bodies his only company. During these times, Xue Mo shared ancient tales, giving him a deeper understanding of the world beyond his studio walls.

In a small town of skilled artisans, he met an elderly weaver, whose nimble fingers danced on the loom, crafting stunning tapestries that told stories of love, loss, and valor. Intrigued, Feng Yu captured the essence of her craft in his calligraphy, the characters seeming to weave their own intricate tapestry on the parchment.

When he reached a sprawling forest, wild beasts became a frequent danger. In one instance, he found himself cornered by a ferocious pack of silver-fanged wolves. Utilizing the character for 'fire,' he created a circle of flames around him, keeping the beasts at bay until they finally retreated.

Despite the countless trials he faced, there were moments of breathtaking beauty. He encountered a vast meadow, ablaze with vibrant wildflowers, the air heady with their sweet perfume. He wrote the characters for 'peace' and 'harmony,' the ink pulsating in resonance with the serene landscape.

Slowly but surely, Feng Yu began to grow into his new role, understanding his power and the depth of his pact with Xue Mo. Each challenge brought forth a new aspect of his strength, and each beauty he encountered enriched his soul.

The silhouette of Liuyue city emerged on the horizon after several weeks. As he took in the grandeur of its ancient architecture, he realized how much he had evolved. The young man who had left the comfort of his studio in Qilin was now a seasoned traveler, an evolving calligrapher, and most importantly, a relentless seeker of the 'Scroll of a Thousand Fates.' His journey had truly just begun.