
Ink Stained

Over the summer I gained a bit of muscle and stamina from daily runs which had me feeling pretty accomplished. But being unable to paint was bothering more than I thought it would. Sure I could draw in my notebooks but it was the same as watching lines of ink form into a beautiful animal. I was working on saving up the allowance Inko gave me each week but had yet to be able to ask her to bring me to an art store between my lessons and her work as a lawyer.

Today I had finished my run at the river Bakugo fell in as a kid and was watching some sparrows fly while sitting on a flat rock entranced by them.

'I wish I could paint' I thought as my fingers traced out lines imagining the strokes of ink.

My finger felt a bit wet suddenly. Thinking it was just some water from the river I continued studying the sparrow that caught my eyes, my fingers still tracing the rocks as if drawing. Imagining how it would look drawn, it's short wings made of ink flapping off the page.

A chirping sound right next to me broke my concentration looking towards the sound my mind blanked. Standing on the rock next my hand was what looked like a 3d ink painted black and white sparrow. Something straight out of Okami.

'What the fuck??' I thought as it hopped onto my knees. As I reached out to touch it I noticed that my index and pointer fingers were ink stained.

'There was no ink anywhere near where I sat. How could they be stained?'

Looking from my ink stained fingers back to the sparrow which seemed to look at me as if awaiting orders I had an idea.

'This might be a quirk. Deku didn't have one but maybe this isn't the same universe. If it is a quirk is it like something like Sai from Naruto where I draw something and it comes to life? Maybe try telling the sparrow to do something and see.'

"Bring me a leaf from across the river" I ordered it with anticipation.

With a quick chirp it jumped off my knee and across the river to the large maple tree, plucked a leaf and flew back to me.

'Okay, holy shit, I have a quirk!!'

Taking the leaf from it I ordered it to sit on my shoulder for a bit while I tried to think.

'Do I have a quirk because of my memories? Or did Izuku get misdiagnosed? EIther way if this is anything like Sai's ink jutsu it'll be super useful for hero work.'

Looking at the smooth dry rock I was sitting on I decided to try it again. Drawing his two ink stained fingers across the stone I saw it left a stroke of ink. Smiling, I tried to draw a mouse. My grin grew even bigger as I watched it form a cute mouse standing on its hind legs nose in the air. Once finished I realized the problem.

'How do I make it come alive?'

Frowning a bit, I tried to think about how the sparrow appeared.

'I was looking at a real sparrow while thinking about a drawn version of it moving. I hope it doesn't need me to seal a real animal and it's just imagining the ink drawing moving that's needed'

Staring at the drawing in concentration I imagined it crawling out of the drawing like I had seen in the anime. Before my eyes it popped out head first, a living animated black and white mouse. Laughing in shock I held out my hand towards it and it crawled up my arm to my face.

'This changes everything! I can be like Sai. This is awesome!! But first how do I dismiss them? I don't wanna show my quirk until I figure it out a bit more.'

As soon as thought crossed my mind the sparrow and mouse both moved back to where they had first appeared and seemed to merge into the rock becoming a painting once more.

'Hmm so the drawings aren't destroyed? Can they be reused or become drawings on other surfaces?'

I called the sparrow back out, looking for somewhere else for it to become a drawing I thought of my skin.

'If I could store them on my skin it could be a cool tattoo and way protection and instant way defense and attack'

It was a strange feeling as the sparrow merged into my arm and became what looked like a tattoo. Smiling at the painted sparrow on my arm I thought of all the possibilities of this quirk.

'Good thing there still 3 weeks before school starts, I wouldn't have a lot of time to experiment with my quirk if it was sooner.'