
Human Trials

My veins are pulsating, burning as if molten lava were coursing throughout my entire body. They vibrate with each beat of my heart, making my hands shake as I look down at them wanting to see what will come of my invention.

I worked on it for years, decades even. It was ready for human trials but they refused to let me do it. All I have ever wanted is to make a cure for all the weaknesses of the human body. Something that would make our bones stronger, muscle fibers denser, nerves react faster and give us immunity to any disease or deterioration of the body over the years. What I created was so much more. When rats were injected they grew to nearly 3 times their original size and more than quadruple their original weight. Their muscles were as dense as steel giving them incredible strength and their bones were strong enough to sharpen a knife on after the subject had been dissected. The dissection revealed that any and all cancer, as well as deformities, had been healed, and even missing limbs had grown back. Those that were not dissected were closely observed. They began to form a language of their own, one so completely complex that even the computer couldn't decipher it. They began using tools to build and even constructed complex machines such as cars that ran off of the gasses made of chemicals they stole from the lab's locker. Everything was fine even better than fine, except for the success rate. For each enhanced individual rat, an average of 6,400 others didn't survive the initial pain that starts the process. I tried giving them pain killers and anesthetics as well as everything else I could think of, I even tried to kill off their nerves so they wouldn't feel it, but nothing worked. As soon as the injection went in it would go straight to work. It would burn out any drugs in their system, heal damaged nerves, and it would begin to torture them to the point of death once it had reestablished the subjects' ability to feel pain. this is the stage I'm in now. My heart feels as though it is going to pound out of my chest, my veins are bulging like balloons ready to pop, my insides feel like molten lava and my eyes are about ready to pop out of my skull. The only thought in my mind is, "will the results be worth the pain?" I grit my teeth and I squeeze them tighter and tighter as I feel them becoming stronger. My muscles begin to bulge as I grow almost too big for my room. I fall to my side so that my head doesn't crash through the 10-foot-high ceiling. I can feel the tiles under my body getting smaller, or rather I can feel the difference in the size I am and what I used to be. I eventually grow through the walls of my room as I continue to grow larger and denser I can feel the tile floor begin to crack beneath me and then as suddenly as the pain had begun it was gone. I slowly got to my knees crushing the tile with even just the slightest of movements. I started crawling out of the rubble of the building I was in. The walls fell apart within my grasp acting as though they were simply a chunk of soft bread breaking into a million tiny crumbs. I made it out of the building still too exhausted from the pain of the transformation to notice the police shouting at me preparing to attack at any point in time. The next thing I know I hear a loud bang as something smashes into my head knocking me off balance. I looked around in a daze as I realized I had just been shot in the face, I regained my balance and began to run as fast as I could to escape such a problematic predicament. Before I knew what was going on I had run about 4 miles all the while not even realizing it. It was as if I no longer had a limit to how far I could go. I ran for a couple of hours before I decided I was more than far enough away from the cops to rest. I lay down next to what appeared to be a very small tree, though I knew that those trees could easily grow up to 15 feet tall. The white flowers of the magnolia I lay under filled the air with a sweet smell that was almost overwhelming to me. I began to fall asleep as I lost myself in the beauty of nature and the extocy of the scent of the magnolia flowing through the breeze.