

I dreamed about the years I spent preparing for the moment that had just passed. I remembered why I took on such an unbelievable task. Growing up I was always picked on and bullied for my size. I was called the sneezing toothpick. It wasn't my fault that I was allergic to; well almost everything. I was allergic to so many things that there was practically nothing I could eat. So I spent years studying alone away from the people who made my life miserable. I designed the greatest serum ever to exist, I gave myself shots to try and make myself immune to pain though it never worked. I began to sting myself with the most painful stings on the planet to steel my mind and make myself ready for the injection. I went on for years until I manage to sting myself 30 times in a minute and a half with a bullet ant in my hand. I knew I was ready after that. I was about to start the injection when my assistant Gen walked in, she tried to talk me out of it but I was ready to end my sad existence whether I survived or not. She ran out and called the police when she couldn't convince me to stop. I knew that the only chance I had was to take it right then and there. I wouldn't ever make it out of the building with it otherwise. In the time it took for the police to get there I had already made it halfway through the process. There wasn't any way to stop it and even if there was it would probably do more harm than good. The pain was like nothing I had ever experienced. It even had me questioning my own ideology, wondering if it was worth it in the end. The only way I will ever know is when I wake up and test myself, pushing myself past the natural realm of the human body. All of a sudden I hear a loud snap and open my eyes... It's like time has slowed to nearly a stop allowing me to analyze every detail of my surroundings. I notice first that it is dark. I can feel that the wind is blowing hard against me although it can't do anything to so much as make me budge. I can see lightning in the distant sky illuminating the trees around me. As I gaze at the tree there's something different about it from when I first lay under it. I didn't notice it at first but it was missing a large limb and it was falling right toward my face. I instinctively reached to block the tree and waited. Though what happened surprised even me. When I opened my eyes the limb was crushed into a million tiny splinters falling from my hand. All that was left were the sweet flowers that drifted away in the wind. I lifted myself to my feet trying to be careful not to knock any trees over. I looked around for a minute to get an idea of where I was, but I have never been here before. I realized that I was in the famous Orchid Valley, known for its beautiful abundance of flowers and trees. The Valley was made into a national park a couple of years ago and was in nearly every paper and magazine around. I walked through the park amid the storm hidden by the darkness of the night. I was so excited to test my limits and experiment with my new body, but first I needed to find a safe place to do so where I would be away from the prying eyes of the world. I began to work my way to a cave in the valley that was off-limits because a kid got lost inside and was never recovered. Just walking to the cave I noticed a difference in myself, where I normally would have been sneezing too much to even see where I was going before I was walking calmly. I could breathe easily and smell the sweet scents of all the different flowers that I walked by. I could taste the moisture in the air as I continued, the rain hadn't begun to fall on the area I was in but you could tell it wouldn't take too long to start. I ran the rest of the way to the cave to make sure that I stayed dry and I then began to dig around with my hands to try and make it suit my needs. It was only at this point that I realized that I was naked. I began to frantically push as much of the dirt into a pile that I put at the entrance of the cave to keep people out.