
Iniquitous Bliss

Evelyn and Elliot undergo rough patches of life that stirs misunderstandings between the young lovers inflicting to separate paths. Contrapositive careers of each people acts as oil to the flame. The blooming love and want between romantic youngsters in their early twenties slowly starts to crumple into shards in their own state. Arthur enters their life with very little to no insinuation unwittingly destroying the house of cards placed together. Willpower, Self respect, fiery love, final desire and patience were place to check to pass with varied consequences and hurdles thrown their way. Is winning of their fiery love written in fate!

minnie_2113 · Urbain
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15 Chs

Fly Away

New air lingers around her as she steps out taking steady steps towards their car. It's been so long since she travelled out of Manchester. It's been first time stepping her foot into USA, leaving her family was not a hard thing but things back home were too much to bare with. Her heart was thumping loudly and ragging breathes were leaving her mouth as the van pulls up in front of their luxurious suite

"Take rest for a while, we will leave at 6" Mia leaves the hall after the dancers leave to their respective rooms

It's 2 in the afternoon, cold breeze hitting the window panes and little bright sky were keeping her calm and composed. Evelyn sighs closing her eyes resting on the pillow after ordering coke and burger to keep her going till night. Their memories of travelling, eating and laughing together reels in her mind as she closes her eyes a bit more peacefully when things take a turn and memories getting replaced with their arguments, Elliot's screaming and more events which never happened or did they?

A loud knock interrupts the flashbacks leaving her gasping for air. Entire throat feels constricted after swallowing the first bite, appetite far gone. A unexpected sob leaves her mouth as tears roll down her cheeks making her walk away to the balcony. It was the trip they planned to be together, he promised he would be there with her on her dream performance. Everything just took a complete turn in span of 2 months as Evelyn stares into the sky emotionlessly

"Why don't you take a break Evelyn?"

"I am fine Noah, we will finish it"

"You look tired. We still have 2 days to do" Noah approaches her massaging her shoulders gently

"It's okay, just a bit tired"

"You were stressed Evelyn. Want to hangout for a while?"

"I am sorry but I just want to rest Lily, Thank you"

"Completely fine, Take rest, kay?" Lily drops her off at the room padding away


"Wanna have something?"

"I ate on my way, how are you feeling?"

"Better, I need to show you something Elliot"

Evelyn sprints away into her room pulling out the duffel bag carefully with tensed arms as she reaches the latter sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone

Elliot looks up eyebrows frowning immediately at the sight of the bag in his love's arms. He knows what's inside and how he completely forgot about that bag until yesterday's talk with Rowan. Guilt floods up inside his heart yet again eyeing the eyes of Evelyn with a layer of water. He shifts uncomfortably leaning a bit forward taking a hold of the bag

"Do you by chance know what's inside?"


"Do you remember Elliot?"

"I am sorry Evelyn, I was carried aw-" His words get cut off when Evelyn lets out cracked words

"Stop Elliot, please! I couldn't bring myself to open the bag after Jack handed it over. Just a simple question, was it intentional?"


He finally lets out not holding back anymore things from the latter

"Did you wish for it to end?"

"No Evelyn! It was intentional and I accept it. I was long gone to think sanely, I left with minimum of my belongings informing Jack to send the remaining things to my parent's. I still love you Evelyn, I know those are the memories we treasured but I wanted to start new at that moment, maybe Jack forgot to send the bag back home. Thing that matters is I still love you"

"I just wanted you Elliot. I am not blaming you entirely but you could have sent me a text, at least after few days. Didn't you feel the need to respond to any one of my texts? Worst thing was your parent's didn't know where you were living. I can't take anymore Elliot, I need you but not in these circumstances" she sighs covering her face trying to stop the tears

"I know I messed up Evelyn, leaving that bag was intentional but not contacting you was unavoidable. I couldn't get myself to listen your voice after everything, I distanced myself"

"You wouldn't come back if it wasn't Harry's bachelor party right?"


"Yes or No Elliot?"


"I am leaving tomorrow Elliot, I won't be back till 5th. You just have a day to clarify whatever shit went down these past 2 months or I can't hold on anymore"

She said it, the words which were dying to come out finally rolled off her tongue. Even if he loves him too much to let him go and desire inside her too keep him just to herself is raising every second, she still needs to know what caused their relationship to fall

"It was Arthur. He stole my drafts for the reason I am still unaware off. My 3 years drafts along with my drive were stolen Evelyn! they vanished a day before my review, I stood there with a poker face in front of the panel. They just dismissed me without a glance not even trying to listen my explanation. My junior's novel got contracted in my place. It could have been acceptable if I at least held my drive but that was gone too"

"Did you think I won't understand you Elliot?"

"I knew you would but I lost everything. My reputation, my pride and my 3 years struggle just slipped from my hands like water and every negative thought clouded my mind including shifting issue. I just vented out everything when I saw you, I couldn't hold back my emotions but I expressed in a different way by pushing you away"

His eyes held unshed tears and unspoken pain. Longing was crystal clear and his cracked voice got her. She rushed beside him wrapping her arms over his torso pulling him into a side hug tracing soothing circles on his arm. Evelyn kissed his forehead gently affirming him that she is with him with periodic kisses across his eyes and cheeks

"You should have voiced it out, love"

"I can't bare anymore time without you Evelyn. I love you so damn much"

He connects their lips with a overflowing desire hugging her tightly. She responds closing her eyes and scooting more closer to the latter allowing him show his emotions. The air thickens and their desire just increases with the ticking clock. Elliot pulls away resting his head on her shoulder placing soft kisses along her neck making the latter's breathe hitch. His lips travel towards her earlobe nibbling on it for a few seconds before attaching their lips again

She kisses his jawline ever so slowly blowing little puffs of air near his ear creating goosebumps on his body at her sensual touches. She kisses his ear tugging his hair a bit making herself enough place to admire her love. Elliot turns them over so the latter is leaning back on the couch with him hovering her from side, he nibbles on her skin near the ear going south and kissing eagerly on her collarbone completely lost in trance

"Will you help me pack, love?" She shakily lets out the words making him stop and stare into her eyes

"Sure mistress" He pecks her lips one last time before leaving to her bedroom

"I will miss you Evelyn"

"This was our planned trip Elliot. I wish you could come with me"

"You will rock, Mi Cielo"
