
877 Called

There was no need to call a meeting. As soon as they returned to the surface with the stack of papers, everyone knew that it was time to make the announcement, and the ones who were intending to join began to gather around the trio.

Wolfe stepped up on the dance stage that was used for all their festivals and began the announcement.

"Welcome everyone. As promised, we have the names of those selected for this month's time slots to head into the trial grounds.

First, I would like to say that putting in multiple applications does not help your chances. The process we go through sorts out all duplicate entries and places them aside, and then separates the ones that have missing or illegible information for us to manually check.

For the sake of the ones doing the checking, please do your best to fill in all the required information, but we won't hold poor handwriting against you as long as we can determine your names and Ranks.