
695 Socializing

After breakfast was finished, and the demons were intently discussing the merits of the various flavours that they had experienced with Cook, Wolfe headed up above ground to take in the festival and let everyone know that he was back.

Gossip spread quickly through any town, so they would probably have already heard, but it was still good to put in a personal appearance.

"Mister Wolfe, welcome home. We have been waiting to see you again. The girls have been complaining that the number of villages to drop supplies at keeps increasing, and we're running short on Pilots. I don't suppose there's something that you can do about that?" A cat - eared local man asked as Wolfe passed one of the vendor stalls.

"You're on the delivery team, then? I'm not sure how much we can do, there are only so many trained Pilots to go around, but I suppose that I can talk to Cassie and Ella to see if we can work on getting a few more transferred to the airport."