
265 A Little Bargain

When Wolfe returned back downstairs, everyone in the room was giving him strange looks, which he attributed to the missing old woman, who was currently enjoying the best sleep of her life.


But that was not the case.


The young witch that he had just awakened had discovered that the [Levitation] inscription that he had given her could be used on herself, and she was now on the roof with an entire tray of cookies.


"I don't suppose that you could go get her down from there before she gets hurt?" One of the men asked with an embarrassed glance at the step ladder they had attempted to use to reach the roof, which was now beside her on the shingles.


"With great power comes great responsibility. But the spell is still active. She won't fall off the roof. If anything, if she stepped off, she would gently float down until she willed herself back up again." Wolfe replied.