
1109 Belle

There were a few options that Wolfe managed to immediately eliminate from contention for the head maid position, before they had even entered Noxus Castle.

If the rest of the staff shared wine from the dinner leftovers to celebrate the fact that they would never see them again, it was not hard to guess what sort of person they were. In one case, the new Head Maid even led the staff in a prayer that the woman would not be sent back.

That one would have to be put somewhere without any power, if they didn't reject her outright. 

Sometimes being stripped of power humbled people who let it go to their heads. Sometimes it just made them a monster.

Wolfe made a note of the things that he had seen, including the maid being delayed by a crying child that would 'never forgive her for taking away their lemon danishes.'

Lemon danishes sounded pretty tasty.