
Infinite Travels: Destroyer of Plotlines

A guy died and is given 3 wishes, what he does with them is for him to know and you to find out. Right? ----WARNING---- First time writing, english is not my first language so dont expect perfect things. Just experimenting to see how things go I will take all the help you guys provide on comments, thanks.

HerrSpawn · Autres
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6 Chs

Descending in all glory upon the peasants

After a sumptuos meal between Alex, Bulbasaur and the other pokemon around he made a field protected by magic and marked every pokemon of the group so that only they can enter it and everyone else will just ignore the place like it doesnt exists. He got the idea from the Fidelius or the Notice-Me-Not charm from Harry Potter novels he read. While it was getting dark he made another batch of food to eat a little for himself and the rest for the pokemon to say goodbye for the night.

Alex:"Okay buddy go say goodbye to your friends, we will be leaving this place in a moment to start our adventure". And while Bulbasaur was doing that he himself started thinking what skill he was missing to begin his plans in what he wanted to do, 'hmm i got magic, GoA, i should add some hacking skills if i want that plan of mine to work for now so lets go for Cyber Mind like Sage from Marvel Comics i think that would work like a charm'.

After his first pokemon said goodbye to his friends he came back and stood next to Alex waiting for him seeing that he was deep in tought.

Alex:"Okay buddy now that night has fallen lets go we need to make a grand entrance tonight for our plans to work, what do you think?"

Bulbasaur nodden in appreciation to his future trainer not understanding entirely but waiting for whats to come with anticipation. Alex looking at the face Bulbasaur was making smirked and summon Vimana from his Gate

Alex: "What do you think buddy like our throne for travelling? Come lets get going we are going to give someone a great surprise, maybe their eyes would drop"

As Alex jump to the arc and sat down on the throne with Bulbasaur following after him the started flying up so that the clouds of the night could cover them and trying not to be seen by normal people while going to their first destination slowly while enjoying the view they got from up there.

(PoV change)

In a house at Pallet Town we have a person sleeping peacefully at his bed after a day at work that is until one of his pokemon came a woke him up.

Pf. Oak:"Whats the problem Alakazam?"

Alakazam using his psychic powers talks to the proffesor: "Someone is coming here, well they are almost here and are landing in the backyard, it appears they are coming to you Professor"

Oak: "What? At this ungodly hour? Ugh come lets see who is this uninvited guest"

As the professor gets out of bed still in his pj's and goes out to see who was coming, he was thinking at who could it be that got into his house with none the wiser that was not detected by his pokemon until the last minute while flying on a pokemon is left with his mouth hanging wide till it almost reaches the floor at what he sees, a young boy hes never seen with red hair and green eyes with a decent fit caressing a Bulbasaur at his lap while hovering on the floor in sitting on what he assumes is a throne on top of a weir contraption he has never seen. He regains his composure fast enough properly like a former champion and starts to examine the boy that is now getting up and walking down that thing.

As Alex gets off of Vimana it dissapears in yellow particles leaving the Professor again with mouth agape.

Alex: "Professor Oak its a pleasure to meet you, big fan of yours. Names Alex Mercer and i came with a proposition for you, also sorry for the hours of me dropping in." Says Alex with a harmless smile adorning his lips

Oak still a little shook about whats happening in front of him still answers while a little absent minded: "Sure boy whathever you say, but what was that thing and how did that dissapear out of thin air. I've seen my fair share of extraordinary things in my life but nothing of the sort."

Alex:"Oh that was Vimana, my travelling Ark haha, sorry that i cant say more about it but its a bit of a trade secret"

Given that his Alakazam didnt say anything while the two where talking and that psychic pokemons have the ability to detect malicious toughts of people and pokemon the professor didnt have negative toughts about chatting with this mysterious youngster that appeared out of nowhere.

Oak: "Okay boy come inside lets see what proposition you have that could make you come in the middle of the night in that, what did you call it? Ark?"

Alex: "Vimana Professor, its a flying ark powered by solar generators. And thank you for the invite".

Oak: "Solar you say? Thats something new, never in my mind would i've tought about that its revolutionary". As they entered the house the professor guided Alex to a table with chairs and went to get something to drink for both of them as Alakazam kept watch of him in case he intends to do something while still thinking about the revolutionary idea of using solar power to power machines. Given that this world is much centered around pokemon its idea is one that not many people would ever have tought. As the professor came back with two mugs with coffee and ask Alex if he would like milk with his or cookies he says

Oak: "Okay boy, so what was your proposition? If it is about that solar panel invention i think we could go somewhere. But it appears not given that you didnt talk about it much".

Alex:"No, its not about that. I wanted to get a trainers license in exchange for information. Vital information that could possibly save a lot of lives, human and pokemon alike."

Oak chokes on his coffe at what Alex said:"Cough cough, boy what are you talking about? What kind of information on that scale could you possibly have? And to get a trainers license you need to go to camps, training schools and even do a written exam you should know that."

Alex nods while saying: "I do know but lets put that aside, you should be aware that psychic pokemon can detect lies right? So lets have a conversation about what i know and given that your Alakazam is right there he should be able to tell if what im saying is true of false, and even if you still dont believe what im saying i can get you enough proof. After that you can decide about what we do from there. Are you able to accept that?." Alex smirks

(Prof Oak PoV)

'While hearing what this boy in front of me was saying and seeing that smirk that gave me a bad feeling i dont really know what to think. Even thou he is saying that has information that can save people and pokemon lives he doesnt want to give them for free to save them but intead is negotiating them over the top of my head. While this is not a good thing in my mind at least he is trying to tell me what it is, yes i could get him a license but at what costs, i dont know much about him cant say what type of person he is on just our first enconunter given that he is very much mysterious. But when he said about that he knows that Psychic pokemon are able to detect lies and the goodwill or bad of a person and given that my pokemon didnt say anything to me so far, i think this might go in a good direction and i could get some information out of this boy'

(Alex PoV)

'While the professor sat there musing about what i told him just now i drink my coffee in peace and tranquility while scratching the sleeping Bulbasaur on a chair next to me thinking that so far everything is going well. I hope i dont screw this up'

Oak: "Fine boy we will hear you out to see if your information is as valuable as you say it is"

Alex: "Okay professor i dont have a problem but im about to monologue so listen first and then you could ask any question you may have while checking with Alakazam what ever i said, and after that if you still dont believe me i could get you some proofs about some of the information im going to divulge"

Oak: "Thats fine with me."

Alex" Okay, lets see, where do i begin? Do you believe in paralel worlds? In the multiverse? I know that in this world science about that type of thing is not very advanced and history about the creation of the world or the universe is not that famous, yes there are stories and investigations here and there. But how did it all started? Do you know what the singularity is? From where i came from one of the theorys is that first there was nothing, a void, then the big bang came, the "big bang" describes how the universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature creating celestial bodies or what we now name as planets, the sun and the moon. Then there is the theory of God a being that was there always a creation out of nothingness that made everything we know as of today, billions of different worlds and universes. But what if i tell you that both of them could be correct and incorrect at the same time? Well i come from a place you could call Origin world, its a planet in a different universe than this one where every other plane of excistence converge, while this sounds exciting and gives awe at the same time, it couldnt be further from the truth. My world is as normal as they come, there are no pokemon, no top of the line technology like what i've shown you with Vimana, no Aura, no Psychic powers. People are just people living there everyday lives going to work at morning and coming back at night. My earth is muuch smaller than this one but we have 7 continents divided into almost 200 countries with a population of 7 close to 8 billion people. What we do have in different whit this world for example is science advances like rockets to explore the moon and an "in depth" analysis of our history as a civilitation and that for every world out there we get stories of them in the form of movies, cartoons, comics a thing called manga, and games with the history of each said world the past, present and some of their future. And i believe that is where i should let you process everything i've just said professor given that your eyes are almost falling out of your head and your mouth is reaching the floor."