
Infinite Travels: Destroyer of Plotlines

A guy died and is given 3 wishes, what he does with them is for him to know and you to find out. Right? ----WARNING---- First time writing, english is not my first language so dont expect perfect things. Just experimenting to see how things go I will take all the help you guys provide on comments, thanks.

HerrSpawn · Autres
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6 Chs


A few days passed since that night conversation Alex had with the professor, he was allowed to stay at his home while Oak ruminated on the information he had. Alex strolled through the town getting to know people and playing with his new pokemon and training a bit the moves Bulbasaur knew, he also saw Ash and Delia, also saw and talked to Gary a few times. After a week had gone and Oak had calmed down after that much information they both sat down to talk again.

Oak:"I have been thinking what you told me, and i cant believe everything also my gut tells me there is more that you havent said but Alakazam detected no lies of what you spoke. So now Alakazam and I will listen to you of what this information you said you had that could save lives and then make my full decision."

Alex:" Thats fair i dont have a problem. Okay lets start, there is this series on television that follows this boy with his Pikachu adventures around the world of pokemon that saves the world a few more times that i'd like to count raging from people or legendary pokemon or both while trying to become a champion" and when he said Pikachu Oak eyes buldged because he knew where this was coming, Alex continues " I know you know who im talking about given that you had your time travel mumbo jumbo with Celebi"

Oak was slacked jaw he couldnt for the life of him begin to comprehend even though he knew how Alex knew all this information it was still a shocker for him but he kept silent and continue to listen to what he has to say.

Alex "The information i have to offer is who are the mastermind 'Evil Villains' as i would like to say that cause much of this problems for example, who is the mastermind behind Team Rocket? Also did you know they are creating a scientific pokemon by experimenting on a baby they stole from a pregnant Mew and are experimenting on it? The problem is that it is too powerful and will break the chains they have binding him and he will kill everyone in the process of his escape, mind you they deserve it, but it will gain natural hatred toward humans and problem will arise later on. Then they are also trying to capture the 3 legendary birds, you should know what that could cause. Aside from that we also have on Hoenn 2 stupid teams like Rocket, Team Magma and Team Aqua, again idiots trying to wake up Groundon and Kyogre and waking up those 2 will sink islands and create mayhem that you cannot imagine which will in turn make Rayquaza appear to battle this two. So what do you say now professor?"

Oak was sweating buckets after everything he heard so far he for sure cannot gamble now on that information: " I want the proof you said you could get me, and how urgent are we talking about this events?"

Alex: "For now thigs are far from happening its 2 years till Ash begins his journey from what i gathered so you have 2 and a half or more years of a window. And give me a few days and ill get you all the proof you want, i have no reason to lie to you i believe your Alakazam knows this also if you believe i could fool him we could ask another stronger psychic pokemon that heard everything we said, isnt that right, Mew?" and as he said this, he looks to his left where there is a little pink Pokemon floating that no one discovered till now

The professor was shocked and even his pokemon a proper powerhouse among psychic ones didnt figure out Mew was there listening their conversation

Mew: "You are an interesting human, i now know why Arceus told me to pay attention to you."

Oak: "ARCEUS?!!"

Mew: "Oh yeah we felt the entrance of a strong presence on the world, that lead us to believe Giratina was coming on this dimension even Dialga and Palkia where ready to enter the fray if things went wrong but we where all surprised that after thousands of years another person could come to this world."

Alex: "You praise me too much but im surprised someone came before me and i didnt know thats something new for me."

Mew took a deep look at Alex got confortable at the top of his head and went to sleep not before telling him that he was gonna be watched and that if he did something wrong he was gonna get expelled from the world. Oak was having it this week with everything that is happening, first visitors from another world, then much of his life was been televised in other world for the amusement of people along with all the problem that comes now with legendary apocalyptic pokemon, Arceus for Arceus sake and now a Mew in front of him sleeping comfortably at the top of his visitor head.

Oak: "Given everything thats happening right know im more inclined to believe things but i would still like to see your proof of things."

Alex asked for a day to get the proof and with creation magic started making a laptop with Pokemon chapters related to everything he said so far to show the professor.

Next day after all the scientist that work with Oak left he showed him the laptop and taught him how to use it so he could watch the chapters and left him to his devices.

Alex: "After watching everything here if you still want more i could hack into their bases, there should be a few cameras so you could see for yourself."

And then Alex went to the backyard to train with his Bulbasaur that made friends with future Ash's Pikachu. And boy was that Pikachu problematic, it was a bad influence on his bundle of joy of Bulbasaur

Alex: "Bulbasaur we are gonna do some training again while we wait for the professor to check the things ive given him. So lets start with this balls i got here, you are gonna be juggling them while walking a little with vine whip so you get used to using it more, after that we both are gonna go for a run to up your stamina, and then i will be throwing you stuff so that you aim your razor leaf."

Bulbasaur was ecstatic of finally been able to train properly and nodded furiously and as Alex began throwing the tennis balls he made one by one he started trying to get them with his vine whip but after the forth he couldnt hold on to more and one fell on his head. He look at Alex from the corner of his eyes with embracement but was surprised that his trainer didnt get mad or anything he just got encouraged.

Alex: "Dont worry buddy, now we now that for now you can hold up to 3 balls. First you should get used to them and we will be adding more as you go. Practice like that for 10 to 20 minutes and then we will go for a run so we can up our stamina."

While Alex and Bulbasaur where training Pikachu was a little bit far but still could hear them and was surprised that the trainer didnt get mad when his pokemon couldnt do what he wanted first but just started helping him instead, much different than what his trainer was before he got abandoned given that he didnt want to evolve into a Raichu and wanted to be a Pikachu

He subconsciously started to walk closer little by little to those to that where training an saw them started to get ready for a run. Alex took notice of him pretty soon

Alex:"Whats up Pikachu? Want to go on a run with us?"

Pikachu:"Pika pi" he nodded, but still stayed a little away from Alex

And then they started jog first for about 20 minutes to get adrenaline pumping, after that Alex told them to run as fast as they can for 10 more minutes and to control their breathing as that would help them get accustomed when they fight later on.

When they finished their run they where all sitting drenched in sweat, Alex made 2 bowls of water appear out of thin air for the little guys and a bottle of water for him.

Alex:"Huff huff lets.. rest for 5 minutes and then we stretch guys so that your muscles dont strain after that long run."

B:" Bul ba.."

P: "Piika pi"

After everything that was done he said : "Okay now that thats done, Bulbasaur im gonna be throwing these balls at you and you should aim your razor leaf and hit them when you can so we can practice your aim. Im gonna start slow and pick the pace after a while, you ready? Its the last training for today after that we are gonna have a full meal with our new friend and training companion Pikachu here."

The little rat was stunned at being called friend by Alex and that he was giving him something to eat, so he just sat there absent minded watching as they finish their training again.