
Infinite Transmigration

Titania was a student in high school who thought he was doing good in school and was ready to relax all winter break. He got his report card and decided to open it. When he thought he got straight A's he saw that his grades were lower than the depths of hell. With this shocking news he went into a whirlwind of despair. In his moment of weakness he commits no life but he has caught the interest of something very powerful. In order to pass the time by watching something entertaining they transmigrate Titania into a world. More than once.

Theomancy · LGBT+
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33 Chs

Titania vs. General Rad

"There's no need to scare the kid Beliz!" Rad said as he let out a hearty laugh from his chest. He was dressed in louse pants and shirts in the same style that Titania was, he could tell who pick his wardrobe.

He walked over to Titania and extended his hand towards him. He let out a charming smile, "Please call me Rad." Titania smiled back at him and shook his hand. All of the cameras pointed at their hands making contact.

"Finally," Titania thought to himself, "A nice and respectable man."

Rad let go of his hand and walked back to the side of the room where he was before. He started stretching his arms and legs to loosen himself up and get ready. Titania started to do the same at his side of the room.

Did Titania know how to fight? Well... The answer is yes and no. He did martial arts for two years as kid because his parents thought he was getting too lazy, he stopped when he was twelve, which was a long time ago. Not only that, they only taught him how to do kicks, nothing with his hands.

Will he get his ass beat? 'Yes,' Titania thought to himself.

"What do you prefer to be called?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow to show his genuine curiosity, "Subject Zero or Titania?"

Titania didn't really cared what he was called, in fact he thought it was cool that he was called 'Subject Zero'. He felt welcomed and embraced by the researchers of the facility. Sure he is an experiment and would drop him if he stops producing results but still welcomed. Thus he didn't care what he was called.

"Whatever floats your boat, General Rad." Titania said flashing a smile at him, "Yes I know what you said earlier about calling you Rad but please, let's have some form of formalities."

"Ahh, an aristocrat." He mumbled under his breath.

"Alright Zero," He said as he put his hands up, started jumping a bit to get his heart rate up, "Bah, I find a nickname for you, I got a knack for stuff like that."

[New Mission!]

[Defend yourself from General Rad the Steadfast until the assessment is over! ]

[Duration: ???]

[Reward: 1 Free Random Talent (Compatibility not guaranteed)]

Titania looked at the new mission that he was given and was not surprised that he got something like this. This was expected, this type of mission happened usually when the player encounters a significant character or is challenged by someone how is significantly stronger than them.

This battle was going to happen either way, at least he is going to get rewarded for doing so.

'Eh, something is better than nothing' Titania thought when he looked at the reward from the mission , 'I'll take what I can get.'

Beliz and Ajax looked at each other while after watching this interaction. They both had their personal thoughts on it.

Beliz thought that the two were getting along well, which will help keeping the status quo as there won't be any competing personalities that might jeopardize the whole facility. Not only would it keep the status quo but it might help with the reports that Rad will have to fill out in the future, bring in a stable amount of funding and materials. And who knows? Beliz might get a promotion or a raise from it.

He would be okay or might even encourage Titania to develop a personal relationship with Rad. So long as he doesn't end up getting hurt, mentally, physically or emotionally.

Ajax on the other hand was worried from what he saw. He saw the way that his father smiled at Titania and the way he talked. Just from this small interaction alone he could they have formed a small bond already. A connection between them was made already and it would only grow stronger. He could see the both of them ruling the battle field with an iron fist. Fear filled his mind at the sheer possibility of the two together.

Well, what does he know? His intelligence is his lowest stat.

And why should he fear this possibility? This is a bright future for the Imperial Misty Serenity Republic! They would be able to contend with the other nations of this world, and fight. Fight for land, resources, pressure their enemies, and for their nation!

Fight for oil.

He turned to looked at Beliz for some form of comfort of his vision of his future but all he sees is Beliz's fixated on Titania's position, watching his every move, analyzing him from head to toe like his father, but, his reason looked different.

He gazes at Titania not with scientific eye for research or for finding hidden knowledge. But with human emotion.

Is that worry Ajax's sees in Beliz's eye? A human concern for the man that bends metal with his mind. No, not concern but worry.

Worry for his experiment? Worry for the person? Worry that he might fail? He sees worry but not the source.

Ajax's sees Beliz grip his Tablet hard in his hand, turning his knuckles white. The stylus on the verge of snapping in half from his finger pressuring it with his forefinger. His knee constantly jerking nervously at a rapid pace only growing quicker in movement.

He turns his attention back toward the fight brewing in front of them. They haven't done anything other than stretching but anyone could feel the tension rising in the room.

Beliz cleared his throat loud enough to get everyone's attention in the room. "We will begin the combat assessment when the both of you are ready. Note that I will stop the fight when we have gather enough data. And finally, no fatal or significant injuries will be allowed."

When Ajax heard that last sentence he raised his eyebrow at Beliz.

"Alright! Alright! I'm ready when you are boy!" Rad shouted from his side of the room pounding his heart in excitement and letting out another hearty laugh.

'Why do I hear boss music right now?' Titania thought to himself as he prepared himself to fight Rad.

"Are we lovers or something? Why are we just staring at each other? Make a move!" Rad roared at Titania with a proud smile on his face. He started punching the air to loosen his arms some more.

Why was he smiling? He's always smiling. Always at someone when he's talking, even when the matter was something serious. Smiling when he looks at someone too, creepy. Positive too. Always busting with joy and positivity. A man like him around is draining to Titania.

"Alright, Alright!" Titania shouted back and dashed towards him.

He felt very uncomfortable moving. With the system giving him an enhanced body, blessing him with strength, speed, a sturdy body and so much more. It made it difficult to get use to. The only time where improvement doesn't help him. It reminds him of all of those character in those novels that he use to read that know how to fight right off the bat. What a bunch of fakes.

He dashed towards Rad with all of the speed he could muster and hit him with a side kick with his right leg. Rad shifted his body to shrink the area of where Titania was about to hit and protected it with his arm. When his kick made contact with Rad's sleeve a small bit of dust came out of his shirt.

Seeing the dust come off of the shirt, "Hey, hey, hey! Thanks for the free cleaning!" he said as he started swiping his sleeve. "Come on, keep 'em coming, we gotta collect some more data. Don't worry I ain't going to hit yea yet." He waved his hand to taunt him to strike him some more.

Titania nodded his head as he put his leg back down. He then strike him with the same kick with his other leg. Rad responded the same way by taunting him with his hand and flashing his teeth at him.

He hit Rad with every kick he remembered. And he hit him with everything that he remembered he started to do them in combos. Like doing a side kick with his left then right and then doing a front snap kick. All in different orders, sometimes repeating the beginning sequence but not the final kick. Every now and then he was able to catch Rad by surprise but every time he was able to hit his body he tanked it as though it was nothing. It was like he was made out of steel.

Every time he would hit him he would let out a laugh and cheer him on. For some reason this drove Titania insane. What he mocking him? Does he know that no matter what he does he can't land a single successful hit? It fills him with foaming rage, making him strike faster and harder.

He knows that this was nothing but positive encouragement and he should be happy getting it. However, it feels wrong to hear something positive towards him. He felt like a machine trying to accept a wrinkled dollar. Wanting to accept it but rejecting it because it feels wrong. It drove him insane, is he actually encouraging him or just making fun of him.

After a while Rad shot a sideways glance at Beliz. Beliz then gave him a signal with his hand to tell him to stop. Rad nodded his head in response.

"Alright, now we are in part two of the assessment, damage endurance," Rad said as Titania was in mid strike. He then grabbed Titania's leg and lifted his body into the air and slammed him into the ground.

"Now we got a good gauge on how much damage you can take, given that what I did to you didn't kill you instantly. See we finished part two, right?" Rad said as he shot another glance at Beliz and raise his hands, palms up. Beliz just let out a deep sigh and took off his glasses to rub the bridge of his nose.

"Yes," He grumbled loudly.

"Alright we got the raw combat data, now we gotta see how you fair in a fight against someone. Part three. Last Part." Rad said as he extended his hand to Titania.

Titania layed on the floor writhing in pain. All of the air was knocked out of him, leaving him gasping for wisps of delicious air. Bolts of pain shot up his spine then through his body, leaving him unable to move for a slight moment.

Titania feebly took his hand and got up. They then went to their respective side of the room, Titania limping to his. When he to his side he stretched for a bit to regain the sensation his his body. Rad waited for Titania to finish.

Rad shot final glance at Beliz and then looked back at Titania.

"Now we're gonna fight one on one," Rad said lifting his fists in the air, jumping side to side pumping himself up, "If ya got any tricks this right here is now the time do it boy!"

Titania and Rad rushed at each other at break neck speed to get the first jab.

They both dashed each other in hopes of striking first. Rad naturally gets it. He punches Titania right side with his left fist. He stumbles back a bit as he was forced to let out a breath of air.

He clutched his right side, hugging the pain. While Rad was bringing in his fist back, Titania let out a quick kick aimed at Rad's jaw. He could only react for now because Rad got the first shot.

Titania knew from the start that he wouldn't win against Rad. Everything was stacked against him. Rad had more experience, he was stronger, faster, and can take a hit. Just overall better.

You would think that the person who knew almost every secret to this world would be able to win with a simple flick of the wrist. He knew a small bit of Rad's history or past. He had a small part in a side quest in the game that would grant the player a talent.

From what he knew, Rad was always in the military. He started out as a private, lowest in the rank of military, and according to documents written about him during this time, he lived for it. He loved being out in the front lines, always smiling in the face of danger, laughing whenever he fought. In the documents it is mentioned on numerous occasions that he laughs when fighting, many of which thought he was creepy or mentally ill. However it was noted that he only did so when Rad felt that he was in danger or was fighting someone he found interesting.

As for how he earned the title, "Rad the Steadfast". If Titania remembered correctly he earned it when he was a private. He got into a fight with someone much stronger than him at the time and naturally lost, but there was a moment when he was thrown on the floor and his opponent got on top of him pinning him to the floor and started punching his face. Rad responded with what the documents said, laughter.

There was a documentation of the event by one of Rad's fellow privates, "Rad was thrown onto the ground and pinned, arms and legs locked in place with no hope of escaping. Private Elias rolled both of his hands into fists and started punching Rad's face. Rad in response, laughed, he manically laughed at him as blood started flowing from his busted lips, as though fueling. The crowd that surrounded them forming a natural area stared at him, with a mix of emotions, of fear and bewilderment. This caused all of them them to go quiet, leaving the only sound of his laughter ringing through the room. His smile never leaving his face."

His smile and laughter was steadfast, not he himself.

Titania let out a quick kick at Rad as he pulled his fist back. If he got to strike him in the jaw then Rad would be stunned long enough for him to strike him again and get the drop on him, letting him control the situation. Or so he thinks.

Rad saw the kick coming from a mile away, it was something that he would do in his situation. To praise his creativity in his way, he slowed for a moment.

Long enough for Titania to hit him.

When Titania kicked Rad in his jaw he heard a loud creak happen. Rad stumbled back, clutching his jaw with his hand to protect it, Titania wanted to take advantage of what was happening. He unleashed a combo of kicks never resting. All of them landing on Rad's body.

Rad jumped back to create some distance from Titania to give him some time to recover. Titania dashed forward as he knew that he can't afford to give Rad a break.

Rad had a small amount of time before Titania got to him. Rad put both of his hands on jaw and slammed his head into them. He popped his jaw back into place with a loud snap. Before he could put his hands ups Titania was already in front of him.

As the fight persist, with each side having a moment where they held the advantage before switching. Ajax and Beliz watch.

Ajax looked at the fight with no emotion at all, the only sign that he was interested in the fight was that his eyes were following where ever the two were in the room. Beliz on the other hand looked worried, his eyes look tensely at the fight. Yet, he still firmly grasps his tablet and is typing to record.

Who was the researcher in the room?

"The General is going to win." Ajax said to Beliz looking away at the fight to talk to him. He could see his worry. Beliz just shot a quick look at him while typing before turning his attention to the fight before them.

"I know Ajax, I've seen recordings of how he fights. But what I don't understand is why isn't he fighting like that now?" Beliz asked Ajax without looking at him. Ajax took no offense that Beliz wasn't looking at him while he was talking, he knew that Beliz was a researcher at his very core.

Ajax looked at both Rad and Titania and saw their current state.

Titania was sweating bullets, his shirt sticking to his body. He was tired to the point where he couldn't stand straight anymore but instead look hunched over. His breath was ragged, gasping for any air available.

Rad on the other hand, look completely well. His stood tall and erect. There were some bruises on his face and arms, but no significant injuries. His breathing is calm and control.

"I think he is just trying to have fun with Titania," Ajax said softly as he stared at his father, "It's a way of having fun which he knows very intimately."

Beliz shot a quick glance at him to make sure that he was telling the truth, then he looked at the fight before them. From the state of being the both of them were in, he assumed it was the truth.

He look at his tablet to input more data and saw a message notification.

'Enough data has been collect. Stop the assessment.'

Beliz quickly shot his attention back to the fight and saw that they were going to hit each other at the same time.

He took in a small breathe and quickly shouted, "The combat assessment is over. The fight is now over."

Still the both of them didn't stop and were close to hitting each other.

Beliz making a quick decision manipulated the metal on the floor to create a wall between the two of them to prevent them from hitting each other.

However, the wall was created so fast that the two of them couldn't react in time. Resulting in them striking a metal wall with tremendous force.

"F*CK!" They both shouted as they both recoiled from the impact.