

After the sun's daily death the only source of light in the forest was the fire that Ajax created. They didn't have to worry of someone finding them as they were far removed from any sort of human civilization.

Titania sitting in contemplation of what to do tomorrow. Should he stay in the forest and continue with the test? Or should he try to escape and go into civilization? If he stays he loses his freedom to make choices but if he escapes he loses safety and could be hunted down.

'But that choice can be made tomorrow,' he thought to himself as he soon faced another problem. How was he going to sleep?

Was he going to sleep on the dirt floor or on a bed of leaves? What if bugs crawled all over him during the night? This why he liked to comfort of a bed with nice clean sheets and a fluffy pillow. maybe striking out on his own isn't the best idea.

"What are you?" Ajax asked as he shuffled the dead leaves around with his feet, trying to create a clearing on the ground for him to lie down on. This makes him regret not taking any for of camping equipment but then again he would have to drag it around for the duration of the test.

Titania snapped out of his worries. Titania raised his eyebrow at Ajax, as it was a rather open ended question. He continued with his question, "Earlier I saw you fight like a pugilist against, a crappy one, but still like a pugilist. However, later I see you in this forest create a powder. How the fuck does that powder stuff kill a bear to the point it looked like it went through fifty rounds of chemo?"

When Titania heard this question he put his head in hands in frustration. "This man has seen me literally emerge from a cocoon of Infectious material at a research facility with all of the results available to him and still doesn't know anything." Titania let out a sigh and rolled his shoulders back to relax himself.

Titania thought for a while, he himself didn't know what he was, at least what his class was. Describing himself personally would throw him down a spiral he didn't want to go through. Eventually he came up with an answer that should please Ajax.

"Ajax, I can call you that right?" Titania said as he begins answering Ajax, " I am what they call-"

"YES!" Ajax shouted interrupting Titania's answer. He showed a wide smiling. "You can call me Ajax. I am tired of people referring to me and thinking of me as the Son of Rad. I am Ajax, the things I do are apart of me, not my father, not that I don't love him, I do. I am not the son of Rad but I am Ajax."

Titania, surprised from what he heard, lost his train of thought. Titania understood Ajax's situation. He grew up in the shadow of someone better than him, his father. Eventually Ajax grew tired of his identity being apart of his father and wanted independence. Titania and Ajax shared a similar situation.

Titania had to start from the beginning and gather his thoughts. "As I said, I am what they called an "Infected". I got my 'powers' from the Infection, most likely it is that powder that you've seen me generate. That stuff modified my body and made me what I am. My strength is not of my original body. You can think of me as something outside of the usually five special classes."

Ajax stared at Titania as he processed what he heard from him. After creating a clearing barren of dead leaves and large rocks he took off a layer of clothing, wrapped himself in it like a blanket, and sat down. He asks another question, "Is there anything... special that you can do? Like, I don't know... Shoot lasers out of your eyes or something?"

Titania rolled his eyes and let out a gentle laugh, "I wish." He answered. Now that he thought about it Titania never checked what his class can do. The only ability that he had was the spore production ability. Titania opened the system and saw his class talents.

[Class Talent: Rat King Abomination]

[Description: Fuse with other infected individuals and gain their abilities.]

[Note: The more the user fuses with infected individuals the more stress the genes of the host will face. Fusing with other infected individuals will affect appearance of the user. Fusing with others will not remove their consciousness.]

When Titania saw what he read his eyes shot out of his skull. He got an ability that would make anyone jealous and envious of him. All that he had to do was find other with abilities that he likes, infect them, and fuse them into his body. However, like all things there were draw backs.

The first problem was the gene problem. Sadly Titania couldn't infect everyone he saw and fuse with them. It would overload his body and cause him to die. Thankfully Titania already came up with two possible solutions and if both of them work together would create powerful ability.

The first and best solution would be to fuse with an Esper that had the ability to create duplicates to themselves. This would allow him to create separate clones that could specialize in certain areas, such as stealth or healing. The second solution was to fuse with an Esper that could shapeshift. In the games a science facility studied how a shapeshifting Esper could perform there abilities and founded that the genes of the Esper would change into to the exact replica of animal/person that shifted to. This would also help with the deformities that can happen if Titania chooses to fuse with many people.

The second problem that he would face is the conscious. If he fused with ten people then he would have to deal with ten consciousness, all with different thoughts and emotions. He could probably find a way to weaken the conscious of all of the people he chose to fuse with through an Esper ability or fusing with a psychic but to truly destroy them would be close to impossible for him to do.

Titania could solve the problem ahead of time and infect Ajax. Titania could give him a small amount of the spores and infect him, judging from his size, stature, and energy it look like he would survive. No, he couldn't it would lead to too many problems in the present and in the future.

"I specifically can fuse with other infected people and use their powers. I don't know how, it's just a feeling." Titania said as he iterated what the system gave him. He snapped out of his dreams and focused.

"Well that cool," Ajax said as he lied down on the cool forest floor. The damp dirt clung to the back of his neck. Ajax shuffled around in his spot trying to find a position that was comfortable to him. After a moment he finally found it. He let out a low grumbled, "Do you want to sleep together? I heard it is easier to keep your body warm during a cold night like this if you sleep with someone." he looked innocently at Titania. He lifted his makeshift blanket as though to invite him

Titania looked at the ground around him and saw that it was littered with dead leaves, rocks, and small crawling bugs. Ajax's spot seemed clean and comfortable, or at least by sleeping in the forest standards. Titania could uses Ajax's body as a pillow if he was smart about it and didn't get caught. "Sure," Titania answered. It was smart choice, it would help the both of them to stay warm. And besides if Ajax kills him in his sleep it would be painless, or at least that was what Titania has been told in the past.

Titania got up from his spot and walked over to Ajax. When Titania got on the floor Ajax through the blanket over him. As they laid down and keep close together for warmth, the perfume of burnt wood drifting them to sleep.

Slowly building tension. Please vote if you can or leave a comment to show that you have gottent this far in the novel.

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