
Chapter 13 : William enters into Action (NE)

William's body fell to the ground.

The soldiers stopped shooting but William's body slowly rose up.

He stretched and with a slight jolt all the bullets he had previously received slowly fell to the ground.

William looked at the soldiers coldly and said

"You really, but really anger me."

"Fire" shouted one of the soldiers

Four tentacles with a blade at the end appeared on William's back, then he released his "Ren" with a great murderous intent, all the soldiers kneel in fear.


His tentacles cut all the soldiers in moments leaving Colonel Striker alone as a survivor.

He resumed his " Ren", then hit Colonel Striker who was trembling with fear.

The Colonel Stryker fainted.

He looked in the direction of Scott, Jean Grey, Diablo

"Wake up everyone, I'll pick you up in a few hours. Jean you come with me" before taking Stryker unconscious and got into the helicopter followed by Jean he looked at the frightened pilot and said

"we take off"

the helicopter slowly rose from the ground and then a few tens of minutes later they arrived at a military base.

He woke up Colonel Stryker terrified before telling him

"Take me to weapon X"

Colonel Stryker did not dare to ask how he knew about the existence of the X weapon and entered the base with William followed by John.

William easily and quickly eliminated all the soldiers he met.

"Is this your mutant ability?" Jean asked William as she watched him kill every soldier he met.

"No," he replied as he walked into a room.

With an extremely thick with roar inside.

"Well, your work ends here," he said before cutting Colonel Stryker's head off.

Jean felt a slight daring not to see this scene, but it quickly calmed down.

"Open this door," asked William

She focused on the door and the metal bar blocking the door was easily removed.

The door suddenly opened, for a moment more or less a man with spiky hair, metal claws coming out of his hands dressed in a black boxer with some electronic equipment came out through the door with a roar.

It was Logan otherwise known as Wolverine.

"Jean steps back" says William with four tentacles coming out of his body and turning his right arm into a sharp blade.

Jean hid behind a corner of walls looking at William and Logan.

"Haaaaa" shouted Logan throwing himself at William

William covered his body uniformly with his "Nen" and then concentrated his aura on the blades coming out of his body.

"Shhhh" Wolverine's claws stabbed him

William's face was still indifferent, he looked down at Wolverine and whispered

"Law of Talion"

Then stabbing him with his arm, pushing him back.

His four tentacles pierced Logan's body over and over again, nailing him to the ground.

But Logan cut off the tentacles with his claws and the wounds he suffered healed instantaly.

Logan jumped back to William and cut his body with fury like an angry beast.

The Nen covering William's body was like a rubber blanket, Wolverine's claws only inflicted minor injuries on him.

Two other tentacles appeared behind William and stabbed Wolverine about ten times, but this time it was reinforced by William's "Nen" thanks to "Gyo".

10 hits 20 hits 30 hits 30 hits

The tentacles stabbed Wolverine's body about 50 times before stopping.

But Wolverine cutting them up again and hitting William again and again their fight for another 8 minutes.

Before they both go backwards.

William looked at Logan for a moment before telling him

"Your name is Logan, you were born in the 1800s and you've been living for quite some time that's all I can tell you now you can die knowing at least your name"

"Law of Talion, execution of the sentence" murmured William

Then William's aura turned a blackish color, her hair became dark

And a counter in the shape of a skull of death appeared on his hand.

The skull of death opened its mouth with the number 67 written on the counter.

"I have suffered 67 attacks multiplied by the total power of the 67 attacks"

A black sword him materialized up Logan head and descended on him releasing an extremely a choc waves.

This shock wave was the Sum of all the kinetic energy produced by Logan's attacks multiplied by the number of attacks, atotal of 67.

It was a real outpouring of strength.

Bang Bang

The black sword struck Wolverine, tearing each piece of his flesh leaving only his skeleton in adamantium before disappearing.

William slowly approached Logan's body trying to swallow it but it was suddenly stopped by Jean Grey's voice.

"Wait, Mr. William."

William stopped and asked

"What ?"

"Mr. William when you revealed his name to him, earlyer,I felt a feeling of sadness from him he's not like the soldiers of earlier, he was forced to come here"

William wanted to ignore him and devour Logan's body when suddenly a terrible premonition of death attacked him.

He felt that the world itself was against him, if he ever tried to devour Logan's body he would die.

Maybe a meteorite would fall on him or Jean Grey seeing him devour Logan's body would lose control of his powers and kill him.

He stopped for a moment seeing Logan's body previously destroyed, slowly healing.

William turning his back and even with his aversion to insults he couldn't help but whisper

"Fucking aura of the protagonist !"

In didn't know what was happening but if he had to describe it simply it would be the aura of the protagonist.

If he ever killed Logan, the X-men world would make sure to kill him.

"Well it's time, let's find first for the military jet"

He remembered the plane borrowed by the X-MENs from the army in the film, his visit to the base was not only for Wolverine but also to find jet.

He had changed the plot by preventing the soldiers and Stryker from capturing Xavier's team.

William was walking around the base with his "EN" deployed.

He looked for the military jet a moment before he found it.

"Mr. William, you're not as bad as I thought you were." Jean said with a smile.

William ignored it and headed towards the direction of the military jet.

He got rid of all the guards in his path.

When he arrived he found a pilot whom he devoured and they acquired all the pilot's piloting skills and experience before getting rid of the other soldiers.

"Jean takes enough combat suits for everyone," says William pointing to the closet near the aircraft.


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