
Infinite Stratos: The Fugitive Second Male Pilot

I, Aruto Igarashi, reincarnated to another world and thought it was similar to my old world. However, I was terribly wrong..! What Mecha-suit are real!? Sign me up! AH? I can't ride it!? IS? more like badIS. SHIT? I'm really the second male pilot!? *RUNAWAYS* You won't catch me alive!!!

Haluo · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

Chapter 7: Life is difficult

Chapter 7: Life is difficult

Yo yo yo, guys, it's ya boi Aruto Igarashi. It's been only a few minutes since the last time we met. As for how I'm doing?


After all, I'm stuck with someone else' Yandere. That's a situation that I never experienced in my two lifetimes.

I guess you could say I'm pretty lucky to be able to experience such things. Though now I know never to wish for my own Yandere. It is nice to fantasize about having a Yandere girlfriend, but having one is…

Well, you guys feel me, ya?

Anyhow, now I'm stuck with this ticking timebomb, and I dread when this girl finds out I'm not her dear Takayuki-kun.

Will she kill me on the spot with her knife for fooling her? Honestly, I don't know…

As I was mindlessly dragged around by my cute? Yandere to somewhere more private but not far enough from the cops staring at me with their hawklike vision from afar.

"Takayuki-kun?" asked the girl as she finally stopped somewhere where she felt comfortable enough to converse.

"Ah? Yes, honey?" I asked with a stiff face.

She beamed at me with stars in her eyes, oblivious to my heavy feelings.

"So, Takayuki-kun, I've been thinking about us a lot," she said, her tone shifting into an eerily calm sweetness.

"Oh, really?" I replied, trying to match her tone but failing miserably.

"Yes! You see, I've been imagining our future together after you left me three years ago without any message," she continued, eyes sparkling with a mixture of adoration and fear.

My mind raced, searching for a way out of this mess. I couldn't afford to be trapped by someone else's Yandere. How did I even end up in this bizarre situation again?

"But, Takayuki-kun, there's something different about you today," she said, narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

(Oh god… Does she know? And I still don't even know your name!!!)

I gulped, beads of sweat forming on my forehead. "Different? Oh, you must be mistaken, honey. It's just been a long day at work, you know?"

She tilted her head, scrutinizing me. "No, it's more than that. I can feel it. You don't feel the same. Did something happen?"

I racked my brain for an excuse, a diversion – anything to keep her from finding the truth. At the same time, I could feel the invisible clock ticking down as the police continued to observe from a distance.

(Fuck it, when did I become so timid? We fucking ballin')

I took a deep breath, deciding to mix my response with a half-truth might be the safest way to lie in this delicate situation.

"Honey, there's something I need to tell you," I began cautiously, my eyes meeting hers. "I've been acting a bit strange because some bad guys are chasing after me. Dangerous people who might harm you if they find out about us."


"Can you tell me?"

"…Who are after me?"

"Yes! I want to know who dares to harm my Takayuki-kun!"

"Ah, this…" I started to sweat in response.

"What's wrong, Takayuki-kun…?" she asked, her gaze intense with concern and possessiveness.

"Ah…Well, some gangsters?" I managed to squeeze out after some difficulties.

Her eyes widened with a mix of surprise and concern. "Gangster!? Takayuki-kun, why are they after you?"

I rubbed the back of my neck, feigning a troubled expression. "It's a long story, and I didn't want to involve you in this mess. That's why I was acting a bit off today. I didn't want those people to think we're close."

Her expression shifted to a mix of anger and determination. "Takayuki-kun, we need to go to the police! They can help us."

She said as she started to drag me toward those cops with determination.

(That's even more unacceptable! She is dragging me directly to the wolves' den!)

"W-wait!" I interjected hastily.

"What's wrong with you, Takayuki-kun? They are the only ones who can help you if you don't want me to take care of them!" replied the girl.

Did I hear it wrong? Did she really say take care of them…? I must be too high…

I hesitated, weighing my options. "No, honey, it's not that simple. These people are dangerous, and going to the police might put me in even more danger. They have connections to the police, some of whom are the police themselves!"

As I spoke about the danger surrounding me, a subtle shift occurred in her expression. The sweet smile she wore moments ago transformed into a more intense and focused gaze. It was as if a switch had been flipped, revealing the underlying Yandere within her.

(Yep… I activated the Yandere, so I have to control it somehow!)

"Takayuki-kun, if someone is threatening you, we can't let them get away with it, even if it's the police..!" she said, her voice taking on a determined edge. She slightly pulled behind her as I took this chance to confirm something, and lo and behold, she pulled out a knife from behind her back.

(Fuck!!! She really had a knife behind her, after all!)

I could see a glint of possessiveness in her eyes, and her grip on my hands tightened. Her demeanour had shifted from sweet and caring to protective and sickly possessive in an instant.

(As expected of my Yandere Girlfriend! So protective and caring!)

"I won't let anyone harm you," she continued, her tone becoming more resolute. "We need to take matters into our own hands. If they're a threat, I'll eliminate them for you, Takayuki-kun."

She protecc, she attacc, but more importantly, she loves me! (Well, not really) Maybe a Yandere isn't so bad after all…

I gulped, feeling a chill run down my spine. While I appreciated her concern, the sudden intensity of her Yandere side caught me off guard. It was a delicate balance, trying to navigate this dangerous beast without triggering any drastic actions from her.

"Honey, I know you care about me, and I'm grateful for that. But violence isn't the solution. We need to be careful and strategic, finding a way to clear my name without putting ourselves in more danger," I said, attempting to calm her thirst for blood.

"I love you, after all! I don't want to see you hurt because of me!" I declared with intense emotion, catching her off guard. My passionate proclamation extinguished her Yandere side instantly, and she reverted to her cute and normal demeanour.

(I'm such a good actor… I definitely belong in a movie.)

I mentally patted myself on the back as I observed the girl wrestling with various emotions. She visibly struggled with her conflicting feelings, torn between her love for me and the desire to protect me. The Yandere within her simmered beneath the surface, ready to explode at any time.

"I-I understand, Takayuki-kun. I will listen to you." The girl responded shyly as she hugged me and rested her head on my chest.

I didn't forget to reciprocate the hug since I was determined to play the role of the caring and misunderstood boyfriend until the end of this mess.

I also decisively decided to ignore the cheers behind me as my thought was already filled with this girl and the cops behind my ass. I didn't have enough room to care about other things.

Just when I believed my concerns with this girl were over, Fate still had another twist in store for me.

"Honey, I've missed you so much. Let me see your face," she whispered, her fingers reaching for the edges of my mask.

I felt a surge of panic. This was a line I couldn't let her cross. I gently pulled away, resisting her attempts to unveil my identity.

"I appreciate your feelings, but I'm not ready to reveal myself just yet," I said, my voice firm but cautious.

Her gaze intensified, a mix of disappointment and frustration dancing in her eyes. The Yandere within her was ready to explode at any time if I didn't defuse it.

"I just want everything to be perfect between us. I want to know everything about you," she murmured, her tone shifting between sweetness and a hint of possessiveness.

"I promise there will be a time for that. Right now, we need to focus on the threats around us. Once everything settles, I'll reveal myself to you completely," I reassured, trying to soothe the storm within her.

However, it proved insufficient for her, especially considering the original Takayuki had ghosted her for nearly three agonizing years. How could a Yandere like her possibly contain the torrent of emotions welling inside her when the object of her affections stood before her? The yearning for her lover's warmth and tenderness weighed heavily on her.

"I apologize, Takayuki-kun, but I simply cannot resist the urge to kiss you," the girl declared, her voice carrying audibly to my ears. Unfortunately, it took me a few moments to fully grasp the significance of her words, catching me off guard with insufficient time to react.

A surge of excitement overcame her, and abruptly, she ripped the mask off my face. In that fleeting moment, her eyes shut, and she pressed her lips forcefully against mine in an intense and unforeseen kiss.

Caught off guard, I could sense the enthusiasm of her emotions—a volatile blend of passion and possessiveness. It was a kiss that carried the weight of unspoken promises and yearning.


As her lips lingered against mine, I gently pushed her away, creating some distance. The kiss had left her momentarily dazed, and as her gaze refocused, confusion clouded her expression.

When she became more sober, her eyes revealed a lot of doubt and fear. She stared at me as if attempting to reconcile the person before her with the cherished image of her beloved Takayuki.

"Takayuki-kun?" she uttered, her voice tinged with uncertainty.


Swiftly, I pulled my mask back up and instinctively glanced behind me, checking if the police officers had witnessed my unmasked face. To my dismay, that previous uncle cop sported a shit-eating grin, holding his radio up for me to see.


Acknowledging the severity of the situation, I shifted my attention to the girl. I had previously shared a kiss together and was surprised. I was expecting her to kill me with the knife in her possession, and yet...

The same girl who was madly in love with Takayuki was now on the ground, tears streaming down her face. The menacing aura of the yandere had dissipated. She was no longer the same scary yandere from before. At that moment, she appeared as nothing more than a shattered soul, incapable of withstanding the harsh reality that now pinned her to the ground, hovering on the edge of a breakdown.

She was a broken girl, entangled in the complexities of love and haunted by the pursuit of affection from her elusive lover. The beautiful moment we shared, the moment she found me at the market, became false.

I couldn't just leave her in such a distressed state, could I? I also felt awful for playing with her heart. Glancing back to see the determined group of cops closing in on me through the crowd, I sighed inwardly.

I know I would regret it, but I can't leave this girl alone… Curse my good heart!

She was just a girl madly in love, but it seemed she had lost her way in the maze of her emotions. Perhaps, in a different time, she might have been an ordinary girl. But when Takayuki disappeared from her life, she spiralled into depression and became obsessed.

Kneeling on one leg, I sought to capture her attention. "I'm sorry, but I'm not your Takayuki. I'm Aruto Igarashi, and I genuinely didn't intend to play with your feelings. I truly apologize and hope you won't hate, but I would understand if you do."

"That's a lie! Takayuki-kun!? You are Takayuki-kun, right!" With tears streaming down her face, she seemed caught in disbelief and a fragile hope that clung to the remnants of her shattered fantasy. The previous love between us suddenly became a nightmare for her.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened between you and your Takayuki, but I genuinely wish you find peace with yourself."

As the police closed in, time seemed to stretch, each moment elongated as if mocking the urgency of the situation. Despite the dwindling seconds, I felt an earnest desire to help the girl, recognizing in her a reflection of someone significant from my past life—someone I had failed to save.

"I understand this is difficult to accept, but I'm not him," I emphasized, attempting to communicate sincerity through the earnest gaze of my eyes. "Your pain is genuine, and I'm truly sorry for whatever transpired between you two. But I can't be the one you're looking for."

Her expression shifted from disbelief to a mix of sadness and hurt. "You're lying! You promised me you'd never leave me!"

As the police closed in, the broken promise hung heavy between them.

"I never made that promise," I responded, my voice steady but laced with regret. "I am truly sorry for your pain, but I can't be the one you've been waiting for."

Her eyes once filled with adoration and love, now reflected a turbulent mix of hurt and confusion. The gravity of her emotions was palpable.

The approaching footsteps of the police reminded me of the imminent consequences of this situation. "I must go, but please, you don't have to hide your feelings. Talk to someone who can listen to your heart."

"Also," I shouted, catching her attention as she looked at me.

"Remember to smile even when the times are hard. You were lovely when you smiled." I spoke sincerely. It wasn't just an attempt to comfort her—it genuinely reflected my feelings about her captivating smile, even in her yandere mode.

Surprise flickered across her face as her heart quickened in response to my smile. The genuine warmth left an indelible impression, and she seemed caught off guard by the unexpected fluttering of emotions within her. In that unexpected moment, she called out, capturing my attention as I turned to look at her.

She hesitated for a moment, her eyes meeting mine with a mixture of vulnerability and newfound courage. "I-I'm Sayu Ogiwara! Nice to meet you, Aruto-kun," she replied, offering her beautiful smile one last time. Leaving her behind, I navigated through the crowd, the bittersweet encounter lingering in the air. Glancing back, I saw the police reaching her, offering comfort as they assessed the situation.

Honestly, I won't deny it; my heart raced a little, witnessing her beautiful smile. I couldn't help but wonder if my life would be this way if the IS had never been created.

I could only dream like a fool... If only... Regret echoed within me—I couldn't even say goodbye to Grandma Tanaka. I pondered whether our paths would cross again. Well, I suppose I'll leave it to Fate.

[A/N: Yeah, I didn't expect this ending between them when I wrote this chapter. It honestly just happened. I do wonder if they'll meet again in the future...]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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