
5. Mutant Investigation and Palace Floating in the sky

Such strange event also alarmed professor x in mutant academy and first suspect is mutant conspiracy. He has also seen the video and everything starts from death of this strange Chinese mutant. After watching video he also suspected it to be Omega level mutant.

Stryker was even more sure that it ws mutant case after learning everything from Betty ross and promised to find her father if not body sooner. Which left indelible shadow on her having nightmares.

Hulk also after running away caed down and returned to normal form of dr.banner and was taken into shield as chief researcher for this project black sphere. His main task is to find out a solution or clues how to crack this sphere.

After research everyone found out that it can entered but not exited and even missile attacks are nothing to it.

X-men Academy

After discovering seriousness of this matter Professor X also called all X-men for meeting and finally decided to use brain wave strengthening machine for investigating.

Soon he began to probe near area of black sphere but to his surprise even within spiritual realm black sphere occupied same area as in reality. This also further determined him to explore this black sphere. But as soon as his brain waves came into contact with black sphere it was swallowed as if black hole swallowing everything. So he increased intensity of his efforts until reaching his limit but soon he discovered another problem.

Black sphere which was originally 10 sq.km suddenly increased to 80 sw.km and then to 200 sq.km upon his highest blow and the same happened in reality to which entire queens was covered inside while still expanding outwards.

At this time pamplets were distributed once again all around domain. While everyone was speculating and old citizens were guiding new ones a palace appeared out of thin air floating in the sky. Palace made with silver and gold plated bricks and gates huge enough to seen by naked eyes from satellite covering almost 10 sq.km.

Inside was luxurious bathrooms, bedrooms and swimming pool, halls, kitchen and everything a top end hotel or villa has. Along. With main hall being the largest with style of ancient king. Although only lin feng lives here temporarily but with time more and more people will join.

Seeing such palace floating people inside domain were shocked and speculating. Just then the Pamplets in their hands began glowing and new information emerged on it. Starting that everyone has entered strange rule domain although still on earth but within domain nothing can harm them except strange rules which must be followed.The palace above is palace of lord of domain and everyone must pray to lord everyoneday.

Just this information caused uproar among citizens and some started to protest but to no avail everyone they were ignored.