'It’s not over, I can do this!’ Alex Jackson is an ordinary man enjoying life when the world is thrust into the chaos of the apocalypse where every encounter is a struggle to survive. As the light flickers from his eyes, he realizes that hope is lost—when a mysterious voice presents a choice. Allowed to continuously resurrect to a save point in the past, he must do only one thing in exchange. Save Elaine! ------- I do not own the cover art. Will take it down upon request.
Snug up against the side of the building, attempting to catch my breath, I probably look more dead than the average creature around here.
"Damn it, I wish I worked out before all of this…" The lack of physical stamina will be a detriment moving forward. It will be beneficial to keep an eye out for a solution now.
The decreased volume perk was still in effect, allowing me to vent my frustrations without having to keep everything to myself.
I'll admit, letting it out felt good.
The distance covered in my run probably didn't seem like much to the average person, but running two city blocks under the threat of death was terrifying! Fortunately, there wasn't a glimpse of anything that indicated I was at risk, so I could take a moment to recompose myself.
'I've never been here, but it looks similar to my apartment… This shouldn't be too hard.' As my breath returned, my mind began to work in overdrive. I was still at risk outside.
The population had grown substantially in recent years, and a lot of young workers were looking to relocate to the city. To combat the situation and provide affordable housing, companies ditched the designs of their buildings and almost printed copies of each other down the street.
That would be my only advantage.
Second thoughts begin to cloud my judgment as I contemplate whether it is really enough information.
'That means there's a lock on the front door, and I need a key… or to be buzzed in.'
If the front door still existed.
One of the large monsters like the one in my apartment building would be all that it takes for the glass panel doors to be destroyed. Even if it isn't that, people may have broken through in the chaos that ensued.
Choosing to avoid venturing deeper into risky territory and the potential path of my foe, I finally decided to simply break a window and enter an apartment.
They are tinted from the outside, so the risk is high, but at least the volume will be muffled.
"This will work as well as any," I decide as I approach the nearest corner apartment window and raise my bat above my shoulder.
Ignoring the fact that I was too lazy to look for an alternative, this seemed like the best way to enter the apartment without drawing too much attention to myself—something that could get me killed.
A single smash of the bat was all it took to destroy the window as it released a muffled bang!
The volume was decreased, but that didn't mean that it was non-existent.
Glass near silently tinkled to the ground as I used my bat to clean up the edges of the opening and peered into my new adventure.
My legs began to shake as I watched at least a dozen corpses rise from the ground and turn toward me.
'There's no way I can fight them all!' My brain went into overdrive.
Why would so many threats even be here? How could someone be this unlucky… There's no way that a single person could win surrounded by all of these monsters, which gives me only one choice.
I drop my bat to the ground and run before they can even reach the window.
I don't know how many will fit through the window. I'm not as familiar with them as I am with the one that hangs out outside my apartment. It's possible that I've just summoned an army upon myself!
Turning the corner, my eyes light up as everything makes sense.
"That's how they did it!" A rope ladder pulled up to their fire escape's retractable ladder would allow them to come and go without the bottom floors interfering.
I trip over a trash can and roll on the ground as I'm staring at my only lifeline. There are no injuries, but it immediately snaps my attention to the situation at hand. The thundering of the beasts within the building banging on the apartment enters my ears for the first time.
"This is bad…" I could nearly mute my actions, but it had no effect on the monsters.
"…if They attract others…"
I bounce back up to my feet without brushing myself off and continue on my run. There's little hope for survival, but I have to avoid the worst-case scenario!
It took some effort, but I eventually made it all the way around the building.
I don't want to venture too far away from the route I need to take from my main goal, so the side streets aren't much of an option. Who knows what dwells on them.
At least I know the threats that exist by the fire.
Glancing to the left, I see a few of the lumbering creatures heading in my direction.
The image to the right is almost a mirrored copy.
'Damn it… There's only one option." I snap my fingers as I finish the line and the words return to a normal volume, nearly startling me.
"Help! Shoot me, please! I know you're up there!!" Shouting toward the upper levels of the apartment as I distance myself from my opponents is all I can do. Hopefully, they will find it in themselves to provide me mercy.
A few moments pass, and only the sound of feet dragging on the pavement enters my ears.
They are getting closer.
"You can't do this! I don't want to turn into one of them, please, SHOOT ME!" I plead one more time with the mysterious shooter in the sky.
I'm unsure why they wouldn't do it in this situation. Perhaps they are afraid of drawing attention to themselves and have chosen to lay low. Either way, it's a bad deal for me.
If I turn, I'll have to wait until I die before I resurrect again.
The heat of the flames at my back is becoming unbearable as the hair on my head begins to singe, the smell filling my lungs.
'I can't believe this…'
Having no other option, I turn toward the burning twisted mass of metal that used to be a couple of cars and run forward with all my strength.
My clothing instantly catches ablaze, adding to the pain of every step. The smoke fills my eyes and lungs, burning them and making it impossible to navigate. I only know I'm headed in the right direction by the strength of the heat.
Suddenly, my body begins to feel slight relief as I lose the strength to move forward. I slump over, and my head seems to collide with the ground, but I feel nothing.
Before closing my eyes, I notice my shoes melted at some point, and I'm looking at my own charred feet.
'At least I won't turn… God, I hope I don't turn…'
It was possible that the following army would attack me through the horrendous blaze. My only hope is that my life is extinguished before that happens.
None of this would have been necessary if the shooter had just done their job…