
Infinite Regressions In The Tower

Humans all over the world got transported into a strange tower, where they would awaken abilities akin to those of fairytales. And at the same a creature announced that if they did not clear the 50th floor, humans would be wiped out of existence. Kim Taeho was like everyone else, but he had awakened a unique ability. An ability that would make him stronger than anyone else: No matter what I do, no matter how many times I try, I still can't beat this floor because of this skill: - Perfect Clear [X] - If a perfect clear is not achieved, return to the point when you first entered the floor.

wokkajun · Fantaisie
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64 Chs

The Key (4)

Does it have something to do with the swordsmanship skill? As soon as I got the skill, countless pieces of knowledge about how to wield the sword were infused into my mind.

It taught me how to swing, where to stand, and where to put force to get the most power.

Essentially, what I did was just copy the knowledge that I got, which was very effective.

I thought I understood what I was doing, so why was he so confused?

"What is wrong with swinging correctly? Does it matter that I have to comprehend what I am doing?" I asked as I tilted my head.

"It matters a lot; at some point you are going to reach a bottleneck. With the way you are going, you can never become a transcendent. But I still don't know how you are swinging correctly, yet at the same time you don't". He asked as his eyebrows furrowed.

Do I tell him about my skills? Well, does it even matter now? I have to regress anyway. So I might as well tell him about the skills that we get.

"Every person that got transported here got a special skill that gave them powers. Some people here can throw fire out of their hands or ice; others can strengthen their own bodies.

At the same time, some people become proficient with a specific weapon. I am one of those cases". I explained.

I looked at him, and he had a shocked face.

"But, how can that be?". He murmured, as his voice was filled with uncertainty.

I didn't even reveal my skill yet, and he was already this shocked.

"What did you say again that happened to you?".

I explained again how we transported; this time I mentioned the angel and the tower.

"Impossible". Again, I heard a soft whisper come out.

He floated up in the air as he tried to get a better view. But it seemed like he had a limited range, as he couldn't fly further away.

He slowly came back again, and this time he had this crazed look.

"You are not from our planet, am I correct?". He asked in a questioning tone.


I could already guess that this was not Earth, but for this to be a completely different planet shocked me a little.

I thought this would be inside the tower and not on another planet.

All those people who thought there wasn't life in space are now disproven.

The biggest proof is the person in front of me and the monsters around us.

He put a hand on his temple, indicating that he was thinking.

This guy looked like he did not care about us, but as soon as he heard about the tower, he changed.

"I know all of this is shocking for you, but can't you just teach me that technique?".

I asked, but the only answer I got was silence from the floating figure as he looked at the ground.

"You know that it's inevitable, right? At some point, you will teach me—maybe not now or in a few regressions. But at some point, I will know everything about you". I said it in a confident tone.

I closed my eyes to think about the future.

He already told me about this Noom clan, so I could definitely build on that. Slowly and surely, I can lie my way through.

Maybe he still won't teach me the technique that way. But I could ask him to teach me again, and he could teach me how to wield the sword.

As I made the plan in my head, I opened my eyes.

I was shocked by the handsome person suddenly being right in front of my eyes. At the same time, he had this crazed look.

He tried to grab my shoulders, but they just faded through me.

"What did you say? Regressions? Tell me more about this". He raised his voice like a crazy person.

"Yeah, it's my other special ability; every time I die, I go back in time, so I can repeat everything again".

It's not like he can remember my skills when I regress anyway. Even if he did, what could he even do to me?

He could kill me, but at some point he is going to get tired as he would have to remember every regression. In the worst case, we will both be stuck here for an eternity.

But I doubt that he will remember anyway.

"Tell me more. Do you keep your strength? Do you age?". He said with an overwhelmed voice.

Now that he asked about that I looked at my status window.

Name: Taeho Kim] [Level: 13]

[Age: 21]


Endurance: 61.6 (44)

Agility: 61.6 (44) 

Strength: 61.6 (44)

Magic: 0 +

Mana: 25 +

[Stat points: 12]

I was still 21 years old.

'Wait a minute'.

I teleported on March 21st, but my birthday was on July 24th. I had definitely been on this floor for more than 6 months, which means that we have passed my birthday.

But I was still 21 years old.

'Oh my god'.

I don't age when I regress, but I keep my strength.

I never really thought about it because the days that kept repeating looked the same. It was like time was passing, but at the same time, it wasn't.

That's why I didn't realize that I had technically already passed my birthday.

But my age was still the same, meaning that I don't age when I regress.

"Why are you silent? Answer me!".

"Relax. I was just checking my status window to see if I did age".

"Status window?" He asked, confused.

"Yeah, it's just something that you can use to see how strong you are. But to answer your question, Yes, I keep my strength, and I don't age when I regress". I answered.

His shocked face was replaced with a solemn one. He floated to the edge of the summit and looked at the world below.

'F*ck, he does that a lot'.

Why does he keep doing that? 

"There was a prophecy that I have heard about ever since I was a child".

What is he talking about?

"One day, a person will appear. One that looks young but at the same time is so old.

A person who seemingly knows everything that is going to happen. I always thought it was transcendent, as when they break through, their old bodies return to new".

I could already guess what he was going to say.

One that looks young but at the same time is old. That was definitely me.

The prophecy was about me, and it's probably how I am going to save everyone, or something like that.

'What a pain'. I didn't ask for this ability, and now I had to save a clan I didn't know about.

'Screw that'.

As the figure turned around, he locked eyes with me.

But there was no feeling of hope in those eyes. Instead, it was filled with sadness and despair.

"In that prophecy, when that person appears, It can only mean one thing." He was silent for a few seconds before he continued again.

"The world has already ended".