
Chapter 424 : Inside The Gate

*Step * *Step*

With each step that was taken, the dark tunnel was lit up by the light that came from the magic torch in Sato's hand.

'Luckily I have still have this in hand.' 

Magic torches were special torches that didn't produce light through the traditional method of setting a flammable on fire. Rather, it did so by absorbing mana from the environment and using it to produce light thanks to the help of a rune engraved on it.

'Still haven't seen the end. I wonder how deep this staircase goes.'

Sato had been descending down the staircase for over 15 minutes and had covered a distance of not more than 600 metres. Part of the reason for his slow speed was because Sato had to proceed with caution since the corridor seemed like a perfect spot for traps and ambushes.


Glancing in front, Sato noticed that the stairs had come to an end. The spot ahead of him collapsed to form a flat ground, showing that the stairs had come to an end.