
Chapter 401 : Departure

"Baa! Bogus!" A slightly plump figure yelled as he tugged at his hair.

"You all cheated!"

"Hehe. Cheated? No, we were just smart. You're the one who wasn't smart enough to think like us." Yato grinned as he looked at Fudo's disturbed expression.

"A 3-star ranked material. I could sell this for twice the price I got it you know." Yato juggled a small sized rock.

Unlike what most of them had expected, Sato had kicked off the internal auction with the unveiling of the 3-star ranked materials. The players like Yato, Lu Zhen and Seiichi, who already knew that trying to bid for the bigger items was pointless, were among the few that left with the 3-star ranked materials.

Two of the five 3-star materials went to Lu Zhen while of the remaining 3, Yato and Seiichi both got one each. As for the remaining one, Sato had purchased it alongside the only 4-star material available all at a record price.