
Chapter 168 : The Setup 3

"Ha...All I need to do should be to get past those guys and wreak havoc within the settlement." A player stared at the settlement from a distance while thinking up a plan to proceed with.

Looking at his leather based armour, one would easily surmise him as one of the lightweight classes [1]. With the absence of a bow or a staff, it could be concluded that he was an [Assassin], and indeed, he was. This was Tawaki, Emperor's Might's too ranking [Assassin] for this raid.

"No matter how good my abilities are, going in through the front gate while using [Fade] is still suicidal. The kobolds in front are most likely not for show. Making a scene at the front gate also wouldn't be enough...Hai~ Such a difficult task." Tawaki sighed.

"But the more difficult it is, the better." Tawaki licked his lips.