
Chapter 149 : Taking Down The General And The Deputy

"Tell me, how did you sense me?" The lady smiled at Sato. She was quite young, averaging around the same age as Sato but the way she spoke to him was as if she was talking to a little kid.

"I was originally thinking she was interested in you but nah. This babe has some serious issues. Plus there's no way you can luck out on such a chick." Fudo suddenly said. He was utterly disregarding her words as he took the opportunity to jab at Sato with his words.

"Did I permit you to speak?" The girl glanced at Fudo as a gloomy aura suffused from her body, dropping the surrounding temperature to a minus.

"Tch. What a tough chick. Your problem might be worse than I thought." Fudo twitched his lips as he ignored the girl's aura that was targeted at him. Despite his lackadaisiacal attitude, Fudo was a bit shocked or you might even say, scared, of the girl.