
Chapter 40 Planning

"Okay but how do you expect us to do that? First we have to lure all 3 out and then we have to somehow manage to beat them all." Cyril said as he looked at Gregory like he was an idiot.

"Don't look at me like that!" Gregory said before continueing "Besides we already have what will attract them!"

"And that's what exactly?" Cyril asked. "Shop points!" Gregory said. "What you're gonna give them to them for free?" Cyril asked again. "No! You don't understand clearly. For those who don't cause chaos, they get points for stopping people of higher threat levels. While those who do cause mayhem and chaos get points for doing so and for killing those who have stopped a lot of power people from the "chaos factions"." Gregory said while doing air quotes at the end.

"That makes sense. So your plan is to have a high density of people who stop them along with the top 10 so they will be attracted by the mass of points?" Ares said as he looked at Gregory. "Indeed!"

As soon as Ares heard that he face palmed. "They obviously won't come out no matter how many points they can earn if there are all the top 10 and tons of people to help. Before you say that they won't know, I think it's pretty obvious if something ends up having a point value of like 200k points that all the top 10 are there." Ares said in one breath.

"F*CK! We forgot about that!" Gregory said as he slapped his forehead. "I think it would be easier if we did this." Cyril said as Gregory asked "If we did what?" Hearing that Cyril continued by saying "Well clearly like there are conditions for a mission to be activated for us there must be one for them. So we divide the top 10 and have them be body guards. Naturally each of them will attack one of us and once they do 2 other people hop into a mission to attack them and someone else has 3 people as back up."

Once Gregory heard that, he said "YES! That would work! I've got to tell the other Defensive Unit Commanders."

After that Cerasus Secondary were taken back home by car. It took them 2 days to make it back and once they were there they all rested.

'Man this is getting more and more confusing.' Cyril thought as he drifted off into his dreams. As Cyril was sleeping though Oswald had gone out the window and started eating the trees and the soil in the surrounding area of Cyril's house.

Sorry for the shorter chapter. I just have a bit of a writer's block at the moment but know which direction I want to head in. Well thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts