
Chapter 21 The Irregular Aaron

Thursday October 31st

As Cyril had just come back up Aaron's team had just arrived. "So we came for nothing? What a waste of time." Aaron said as he looked at Cyril annoyedly. "Oi don't be annoyed at me I called you just in case, you know? Apart from that everything is already going my way and we need to rest so might as well take over from now." Cyril said as he handed Aaron a note got his team and walked off.

"Man that f*cking b*tch! He gives me his shift!?" Aaron said annoyedly again.

Aaron and his team kept watch and trained while waiting for their shift to end. Aaron had long black hair and bangs that covered most of his forehead. He stood at 1.7 meters tall and he was 15 years old.

Once they were about to head home as their shift was about to end Aaron got alerted about a quest. '400 points. Hmm I'll take it.' he thought as he called up Adamaris and clicked the teleport option.

Soon Aaron's team was in the city of Meor in the country of Litya at the Colosseum. Just outside there was a group of 4 ninja with bugs flying around them. They started to attack civilians but before they could even begin they were all hit by a flash of light and were chucked 5 meters back.

"HMPH! TRASH!" Aaron said as he walked towards them. The ninja weren't even sure what was going on when they were attacked by what seemed to be vines and 2 shots of water. Within Aaron's team their were 4 pokemon trainers 2 of which had a bulbasaur while the other 2 had a squirtle. The other 5 were blitzers (basically I didn't want to call the year 11 swordsmen, swordsmen and since it was stated their type comes from an rpg I basically just made up an rpg class and assigned that as a type).

"ONWARD!" Aaron shouted as they all rushed towards the ninja. Due to the blitzers fast speed they traversed 100 meters in 5 seconds. Aaron lagged behind purposefully 'That b*tch said to play low key so as to not scare the weaklings. He also said to give this note to the other leaders.' Aaron thought while he stopped to watch the battle.

The pokemon trainers soon caught up. As although they didn't have any physical benfits they still had their trained stats.

The blitzers kept stabbing towards the ninja but their bugs defended and corroded their swords little by little and sometimes even nearly landed a hit but the pokemon trainer's support always came at the right time.

While this was going on Aaron was gathering all the Shinsoo in the area (tower of god's energy basically) and creating a gigantic red bang.

The fight kept going on and on but the blitzers and the pokemon were tiring out while the bugs seemed to have had infinite stamina.

So Aaron shouted "Move aside!" As they did so everyone started to notice Aaron big red Bang so the ninja sent their bugs towards it to block it but to no avail.

Aaron launched the bang while grabbing one of the blitzer's swords as he moved past them propellin himself with shinsoo. Once the bang hit the ninja still survived although they were thrown 10s of meters back.

He soon caught up though and like an angel of death stabbed them all quickly. The irregular class was not to be looked down upon obviously. As they had fast growth in practically everything, they were beyond the rules in the tower of god so they were a powerful existence even outside of it.

As they were teleported back another helicopter soon arrived but only caught a glimpse of them. 'Okay so I got 250 points. Not bad not bad.' Aaron thought as they headed back to base.

A chapter of the shorter variety but I though it would be nice to show off some of the other characters as with Cyril I've really pushed them down too far that it's become sad. As you can probably tell the next few chapters will be somewhat similar. Anyway till next time, hope you enjoyed the chapter, happy reading and bye!

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts