
Chapter 10 Victory Is Already Mine!

It was just a regular day for most but for students all around the world it was a turning point in there lifes. In one school in particular there was on peson who had been waiting for this moment for days. His name was Cyril.

Friday Morning

Cyril exited the bus and met up with Drake and Jack (man I should have named jack josh too bad I guess) before they went into the school as soon as they entered 02 started an announcement

"Today is a special day although your first day had majorly decided your fate, today you have the chance to twist your fate and be born a new! A competition will be held AN ALL OUT BRAWL! Last one or last group standing wins.

1st Place Prize - Suna Suna no mi

2nd Place Prize - Hana Hana no mi

3rd Place Prize - Bomu Bomu no mi

If a group wins which prize they get is determined on their number of eliminations. If you are eliminated though no matter how many eliminations you have you will not be eligible for a prize.






Then all the students were teleported into an open plains and 02's voice appeared again "Don't worry about dieing you can't die here if you die you are simply eliminated you can also surrender or be eliminated with sufficient injuries."

As soon as this was heard everyone started panicking. Even if they didn't really die no one wanted to die. So Cyril and his group used this as a chance although Jack and Drake were a bit hesitant they started attacking.

Drake shot lead bullets and seriously injured 5 swordsmen enough for elimination while Jack cut up 5 snipers so badly that they were eliminated for serious injuries but that was only the beginning.

"System Status Update!" (this only shows changes in the status since last checked) Cyril said as he ran towards the confused crowd of both swordsmen and snipers.


Haki: 45

Perception: 20 (10 +10)

Busoshoku Haki: 10 (new stat, max of stage 1)

Busoshoku Koka: 1 (new stat, max of stage 1(this counts as 5 on the main Haki stat))

Kenbunshoku Haki Prediction: 10 (new stat, max of stage 1)

Kenbunshoku Haki Aura Detection: 10 (new stat, max of stage 1)


"This will be easy then." Cyril said as he covered his arms in Busoshoku Haki and punched two people on the stomach causing them to be eliminated. Almost instantly he eliminated 5 more people by just knocking them slightly on their necks.

Everyone apart from Jack and Drake were shocked in fear and couldn't move. 'Just my chance.' Cyril thought while he defeated another 13 people.

Everything was collapsing the factions were scared and in fear. They were totally annihalated as George and Stephanie started eliminating their own people.

After a while the kill count became:

Cyril - 40

Jack - 15

Drake - 15

George - 5

Stephanie - 5

There were only 5 left now Cyril's party and the two so called "faction leaders". Although they were arrogant they weren't dumb though so instead of trying to fight Cyril to went after George and Stephanie but it was too late all they heard before being eliminated was Cyril's voice.

"I left the others with only serious injuries because I didn't have much enmity with them besides them picking your sides but you two are vile creatures. SO DIE NOW TO MY ULTIMATE MOVE! BUSOSHOKU KOKA!"


Cyril's right index finger turned black as he impaled George and Stephanie's heart with his finger. They couldn't even scream as they disappeared.

After that move Cyril was spent he was laying on the floor tired. After a bit Drake and Jack came along.

Drake: "Man why are you acting like you're in an anime or something you weeb!"

Jack: "That was so cool dude you were all like Bushoku Koka and then it was like a laser beam went

off and then they disappeared. Epic move man!"

Cyril: "It was nothing much you can do it too in due time."

On the inside though Cyril was sighing with relief 'Although these guys are only 13 and I guess I am too 2 of them have been shown to be very ruthless so I didn't know if I could trust Drake but he didn't pull anything funny so I guess he's okay. It's not like I gave him anything anyway.' Cyril thought while waiting for 02.

Soon his voice rang out

"WINNERS CYRIL 1ST PLACE AND JACK AND DRAKE TIED 2ND! You can either pick which prize you want but if they happen to be the same you can either discuss and pick again or fight it out."

"Wait 02 is there a way to take out the weakness of these fruit!" Cyril blurted out.

"OH! How do you know about that hmm? Well I don't need to know that anyway so that's beside the point you can take out the weakness of these Devil Fruit by either reaching a high enough level of power or by a powerful being taking out said weakness. You can still ingest the fruit though these methods work wether even if you eat or don't eat it."

"Okay then Drake take the Bomu Bomu and Jack take the Hana Hana they both suit you." Cyril said as he grabbed the Suna Suna that fell out of the void and ate it in one gulp.

Although Drake was a bit annoyed that he got the third place prize he ate it anyway and Jack did the same. They both regretted it immediately though.

"Why does this taste like SH*T!" Drake asked while Jack chimed in "Ya man it would probably be more tasty to eat Penguin SH*T!" but Cyril told them both "These fruits hold a lot of power. I now can't be hit by normal people and can control sand while Jack can grow extra limbs anywhere really and Drake can create explosions and is immune to explosions."

After this statement they immediately shutted up but Jack felt cheated so he asked "What do you mean grow extra limbs?" but just after he said that he understood as the information on his devil fruit came flooding in.

"Ahh I get it now. I can now use like 6 swords if I grow extra arms on my body or even more. Too bad that doesn't look cool but that would still be really strong." Jack said while Drake said "Ya and I can apply explosion to my ammo right? To do more damage this actually worked out perfectly, but when are you gonna teach us those body training techniques." he asked while looking at Cyril inquisitively.

"Oh meat at the gate of the forest at 5 I'll teach you then."

Then everyone headed home as it was already 3. Some happy most sad and some shaken mentally but nothing too too much.

Well that was a bit anti-climactic at least for me. I hope for you guys it was a good fun chapter though. Now as well there will be people that Cyril might not be as strong as or can barely beat it will keep you on your toes a bit hopefully. Now we have 2nd training arc as well so sorry if the pace is too fast but I feel like it's moderate. Anyway happy reading, till next time bye.

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts