
Chapter 1 Transmigration

"Gahhhh!" he moaned as he woke up. He looked around suprisidely. "Where the f*ck am I?" he mumbled to him self while inspecting the area around him. He was in assumabely his pajamas in a plain blue room with a standard bed and the window open.

"WAIT! I've got it I must have transmigrated. HAHAHA! I am now the protagonist finally." He shouted towards the sky but suddenly he realised "BUT I DIDN'T GET ANY WISHES! Shit. Now if you get transmigrated you always get wishes shoot. Or wait maybe this is the old way of transmigration but where's my cheat? What ever for now let's see if I get any memories from the previous owner of this body since it like a 50% chance right?" he mumbled to him self while scratching the back of his head.

Soon enough he had a stinging headache and he fainted on his bed.

About an hour later he was woken up by someone screaming "CYRIL GET READY FOR SCHOOL YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE!"

'Oh sh*t she's going to be mad but at least the memories of this body have integrated with my own. I seem to be Cyril Reed from the town of Cerasus of the country Oldland of the Planus continent. This world seems to be basically the same as my own with there being an equivalent of practically every country. This planet is also called Earth there are 7 continents known as Planus, Atlantis, Kryo, Hidari also known as Zuo or Kiri, Firaca, North Cameria and South Cameria with the same countries in them just named differently like Oldland which is the equivalent of England but it's connected to the mainland of Planus.' he thought as he got ready for school.

As he rushed downstairs his mother handed him his breakfast as she said "Have fun on your first day after summer." "Okay I will bye!" he said as he got on the bus that he just nearly missed.

As he was going to school he thought 'Damnit so I am now in year 9 and am 13. I am a slightly above average student with slightly above average looks and physical capability. Overall you could say I am average although slightly above. Not only that I am in a standard family have many friends and one close friend and no enemies. That's not bad at all but the worst thing is.... THERE'S NOTHING SPECIAL HERE don't tell me I was transmigrated into some slice of life world? no No NO it can't be hopefully something will happen or there's some secret cultivators or something?'

Finally after wallowing in his sorrows he arrivied at his school it was called Cerasus Secondary. While standing infront of school everyone could see a seemingly depressed golden haired golden eyed boy throwing away the napkins of his breakfast as he walked through the gates of the school.

The school wasn't too big nor too small it was average sized. The school had a wall of about 3 metres high and a gate which was similiarly sized while the school it self was surrounded by fields. Behind the school there was a sports area such as a race track, a basketball court, some work out equipment and a football pitch. The it self was just a big building with 5 floors one for each year 2 labs for all years and 2 cooking areas for all the years.

There were 4 classes per year and break was held in the the area outside of the school but within the walls. Apart from that school was from 8am to 3pm.

Cyril learnt all this from the memories of his body's previous owner.

While walking into school and placing his bag down on the ground he was patted on the back. It was his best friend Jack a sportive boy who talked wayyyyy to much. He had short brown hair and green eyes and was about the same height as Cyril which was about 1.6m slightly above average for their age.

"Yo!" Jack said as he put his bag down next to Cyril. "Hi what's up?" Cyril replied "Nothing much just got back from visiting Firaca it was quite fun seeing the lions. Did you know that the darker the lions mane the stronger it is and that...." Jack said as he went on for ages till they had assembly.

After they had lessons and Cyril aced all of them due to him being 16 years old in his previous life and knowing what they did like the back of his hand as he had just done his O level. Although he may have done poorly.

After classes everyone was heading towards the bus when suddenly everything went dark and they all felt faint. 'FINALLY IT'S HAPPENING!' Cyril though as he drifted off into unconciousness.

Well I hope you liked the chapter sorry if it was too infoey but I tried to make the word count be a bit higher so you all don't finish it in 2 seconds. Although the synopsis portrayed it like he was there for a month or a week and then it happened I wanted to speed things up you know so you don't all murder me about the massive prologue. Well see you all next time!

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts