
the girls want too start a Jewelry Business

<p>Emily and Lauren and Jasmine- Johnie!!!!<br/><br/>Johnie- yes? <br/><br/>Emily - we was wondering if you'd buy a Jewelry Business?<br/><br/>Johnie- what for girls?<br/><br/>Emily - it's just... we have the most experience in the Jewelry Business<br/><br/>Johnie- well I will buy Kay jewelers.... but I will have professional workers too make jewelry and Diamonds and Security<br/><br/>Emily - thank you johnie<br/><br/>Johnie- your welcome Girls<br/><br/>Johnie- let's go too Kay Jewelers girls<br/><br/>johnie and Emily and Lauren and Jasmine all get into Johnie's Rolls Royce Phantom... and drive too Kay Jewelers.... Johnie and Emily and Lauren and Jasmine all enter Kay Jewelers...<br/><br/>Jim- welcome to Kay Jewelers<br/><br/>Johnie- thanks.... bud <br/><br/>Johnie walks too the receptionist<br/><br/>Johnie- uhh Madison?<br/><br/>Madison- oh hey Johnie...how are you?<br/><br/>Johnie- pretty good and you?<br/><br/>Madison- not too bad..... I never took you for a person too wear Gucci.. Johnie<br/><br/>Johnie- well... I've changed really...<br/><br/>Johnie- is the owner in?<br/><br/>Madison- yes.... I'll go get him<br/><br/>Madison goes back and gets the owner Scott..<br/><br/>Scott- hello sir... I'm the owner of Kay Jewelers<br/><br/>Johnie- I asked for you because I was wondering if you would like to sell this business? just name your Price<br/><br/>Scott- I think I will.... $34 million dollars and it's yours<br/><br/>Johnie- ok I'll take it..<br/><br/>Scott does up the paperwork and johnie signs them<br/><br/>Scott- you paying with cash or card or fingerprint?<br/><br/>Johnie- fingerprint<br/><br/>Scott- place your finger here and then it is all yours...<br/><br/>johnie places his thumb on the fingerprint scanner..<br/><br/>(ding..... Payment of $34 million dollars was received)<br/><br/>Johnie - you just received it?<br/><br/>Scott - yes <br/><br/>Johnie - thanks Scott... I will let Madison stay working here since the girls know each other...<br/><br/>Johnie- Girls I'll get a cab too Luxurious Auto Shop.... here Emily.... here's the Keys too my Rolls Royce Phantom.... I'll give it too you so you girls can drive back too the house...<br/><br/>Johnie- Madison if you want after work... feel free too visit my house.... and if willing.... you can move in as well.... that way you can always hang out with your Best friends... and not worry about Money.... and don't worry about how you'll make money..<br/><br/>Johnie- you'll make $2 million dollars just like the other girls.....<br/><br/>Johnie(hey system create me the elixir of Immortality.... and the Ring too command any Animal or Monster or Human without restrictions..)<br/><br/>System (of course master...Ding... Elixir of Immortality was created.....ding..... the ring too command any Animal or Monster or Human without restrictions was Successfully created.... the ring is in your spatial ring and the elixir of Immortality is as well)<br/><br/>Johnie focuses and brings out the elixir of Immortality and the Ring too command any Animal or Monster or Human without restrictions.... Johnie puts on the ring and then opens the elixir of Immortality and drinks it all....<br/><br/>Johnie(hey system can you create me 20 Elixir of Immortality)<br/><br/>System (yes Master....Ding....20 Elixir of Immortality was Successfully created.....and stored in masters Spatial Ring)<br/><br/>after work the girls make it back home.... and see Johnie now looks like a God..<br/><br/>Emily- uhh Johnie? what happened to you?<br/><br/>Johnie - relax Emily..... when the time is right I'll tell you all.... but I am not sick so don't worry...<br/><br/>Emily - ok Johnie I trust you<br/><br/>Emily - is that your new car outside?<br/><br/>Johnie - ahh yes.... I bought the Laferrari and another Rolls Royce Phantom as well..<br/><br/>Madison - the girls said you have a snack bar?<br/><br/>Johnie - yes my staff make the snacks <br/><br/>Lauren - your staff is robots!!!<br/><br/>Johnie- yes!!! they'll do anything I want.... hey Echo get me gold covered vanilla ice cream.<br/><br/>Echo- yes sir....here you go sir...<br/><br/>Johnie - try this Madison<br/><br/>Madison gets a bite of Johnie's Gold covered vanilla ice cream and she instantly fell in love...<br/><br/>Johnie - echo make me a large Gold covered vanilla ice cream...<br/><br/>Johnie- here Madison you can have this bowl and spoon... I seen you like it....<br/><br/>Johnie- so what do you think Madison... would you like to move in with us?<br/><br/>Madison - yes Johnie I would love to!!!<br/><br/>after a day of moving Madison's stuff into Johnie's Mansion they all finished up and then ordered Chinese food and set down.... a little later...ding....ding<br/><br/>Johnie - you must be the guy too deliver Chinese food...<br/><br/>Delivery guy- yes sir... Your total is $42.87<br/><br/>Johnie gets out $800.00 and gives it too the delivery guy<br/><br/>Johnie- keep the change <br/><br/>Delivery guy- this is too much sir... I can't accept it...<br/><br/>Johnie - I insist ... no take backs.. my food Is still very hot....<br/><br/>Delivery guy- thank you sir...<br/><br/>Johnie- no problem <br/><br/>Johnie closes his front door and walks into the dinner table<br/><br/>Johnie - come eat girls... the food is here<br/><br/>Madison - hmmm Chinese food<br/><br/>Johnie - Echo order the number one Caviar in the world.. I want enough too feed 500 people<br/><br/>Echo- yes sir....ding 1000 pounds of the world's best caviar has been ordered..<br/><br/>Echo- the amount paid was $234 million dollars..<br/><br/>Johnie- when will it be here? echo<br/><br/>Echo- in 2 days sir <br/><br/>Johnie- ok good<br/><br/>Emily - why that much Caviar?<br/><br/>Johnie - because after you taste it.... you'll see why it tastes good and it's very expensive...<br/><br/>Jasmine - there's an ATM Machine here?<br/><br/>Johnie - ahh yes....but this one let's you take out $100 million dollars at a time..... it's been modified to hold $230 billion dollars..<br/><br/>Johnie- anytime you guys wanna use it feel free.... I even have one in the living room... and one towards the door...just in case....<br/><br/>Jasmine - wow....<br/><br/>Johnie - yea..... oh Jasmine you asked about the Limousine Company?<br/><br/>Jasmine - yes... I was wondering who owned it?<br/><br/>Johnie - ahh.... I do <br/><br/>Jasmine - I was wondering if you'd let me manage the Limousine Company? since most of my management came from being a main boss for a Limousine Company..<br/><br/>Johnie - yea I can do that<br/><br/>Johnie - let me get 4 money bags girls ....just a second<br/><br/>johnie goes and gets 5 Money bags..... and goes too his ATM Machine and sets the bags down..<br/><br/>Johnie- these bags can hold $230 billion dollars a piece girls<br/><br/>Johnie takes out $190 billion dollars and puts $190 billion dollars in all 5 Money Bags..<br/><br/>Johnie - girls grab a bag of money..... the 5 bag I'm giving too my Dad too help him out a lot...<br/><br/>The girls each grab a bag of Money and Johnie Does as well.... they go too the garage and get into Johnie's Limousine...<br/><br/>Emily - where are we going with this money? Johnie<br/><br/>Johnie - we're going to deposit $190 billion dollars in each of your accounts... and set it where your accounts will refill every week..<br/><br/>Emily - really?<br/><br/>Johnie - yes Emily<br/><br/>Johnie -my bank account has $999 Quadrillion dollars in it..... everyone knows I'm the Richest man in the whole world.....<br/><br/>Johnie- Driver go too Lake Side Bank <br/><br/>Driver- yes sir <br/><br/>Emily - wow °0° speaking of which after the bank I gotta stop by GameStop..... I'm gonna buy every game system and keep one of each and then I'll do research and see what little kid needs a game system the most....<br/><br/>Johnie(system create me a phone that allows me too hack into anything with just a press of a button .... and the phone is extremely advanced and it doesn't run out of power...make the phone an extremely advanced iPhone 14 Pro Max Phone)<br/><br/>System (yes sir...ding.....a Extremely advanced iPhone 14 Pro Max Phone that doesn't run out of power and allows you to hack into anything with just a press of a button was Successfully created....check your right pocket sir)<br/><br/>Johnie reaches into his right pocket and pulls out his extremely advanced iPhone 14 Pro Max Phone...<br/><br/>Emily - wow Johnie.... where did you get this phone? <br/><br/>Johnie - I've had it.....I think I will try too get the new the Corvette and Lamborghini and Pagoni dealerships <br/><br/>Emily - how is that? Johnie<br/><br/>Johnie- watch this Emily...(Johnie targets the Corvette dealership and immediately hacks into there files and makes himself the new owner of the entire Corvette Industry and transfers $400 billion dollars too the previous owner )<br/><br/>Emily - wow you are the new owner of the Corvette Industry just like that?<br/><br/>Johnie- yes .... don't worry he received $400 billion dollars for his business....<br/><br/>Johnie does the same thing too the Pagani and Lamborghini industry and transfers $400 billion dollars too both owners and Johnie takes complete control of Corvette and Lamborghini and Pagoni Industries...<br/><br/>Yona- hello?<br/><br/>Johnie answers his phone<br/><br/>Johnie- hello?<br/><br/>Yona- is this Johnie?<br/><br/>Johnie - yes<br/><br/>Yona- good... I am the manager of Corvette Industry I was told by the previous owner that you bought him out completely?<br/><br/>Johnie - yes I have the paperwork on my phone<br/><br/>Yona- is there anything you want to change boss...<br/><br/>Johnie - no.... just have them make me a 2023 Corvette with everything maxed out and make it indestructible with bulletproof tires and windows... and the Corvette color I want black<br/><br/>Yona- yes boss... I'll have them start right away <br/><br/>Johnie - after that you run everything like you normally do Yona<br/><br/>Yona- yes boss<br/><br/>Emily - Johnie? I'm hungry<br/><br/>Jasmine - me too<br/><br/>Madison - me too<br/><br/>Lilly- me too<br/><br/>Johnie - alright girls...does any of you girls like seafood?<br/><br/>Emily - yes we all do<br/><br/>Johnie - good I'm stopping at Lake side Pavilion<br/><br/>Johnie ( hey system create me a card too get anything I want for free)<br/><br/>System (Ding.....the card to get anything for free was Successfully created... it's in your right pocket) <br/><br/>Johnie and jasmine and Lauren and Madison and Lilly all head towards Lake side Hotel<br/><br/>Emily- your really gonna buy Lake side Hotel? Johnie!!?!?!<br/><br/>Johnie- yes Emily I am<br/><br/>Johnie- so you all will get income coming in I'm gonna make you all co owners<br/><br/>Emily - really?<br/><br/>Johnie- yes <br/><br/>Johnie and the girls arrive at Lake Side Hotel in his Rolls Royce Phantom.... they get out of Johnie's car and walk in..</p>