
Infinite Mana In The Oasis

Meet Eren Idril, just your average Joe trying to navigate a world that's gone full sci-fi bonkers. We're talking flying cars, holographic pets, the whole shebang. But here's the kicker: amidst all the flashy gadgets and mind-bending tech, there's something even more mind-blowing going on—mana. Now, this ain't your run-of-the-mill magic trick. Nope, mana's the real deal, and only the elite, the cream of the crop, the Rankers, get to play with it. They're basically like the cool kids in high school, but with superpowers and a really fancy title. But here's where things get spicy. While everyone's busy flexing their mana muscles and living it up in this brave new world, there's trouble brewing on the horizon. Like, end-of-humanity kind of trouble. Turns out, Earth ain't the safe haven it used to be, and now folks are scrambling to find a new place to call home. Enter Eren Idril, the ultimate underdog in a world full of heroes and villains. He's not your typical protagonist, more like the guy you'd find chilling in the background, minding his own business. But when he stumbles upon a power that everyone else thinks is busted, well, let's just say things are about to get interesting. - Grayback

Grayback · Fantaisie
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284 Chs


Assimilation with foreign memories.

Vik's mind felt like it was on the verge of implosion as the memories crashed into him. Once again, he found himself lost in a deep sleep.

Sleep was his only refuge in the face of these overwhelming memories, fragmented and disjointed, forming a different life that made little sense to him.

Vik was living a different life in his sleep as he digested these memories. This was the life of Eren Elijah Idril, the original inhabitant of the body Vik now resided in. Uncertain of when this montage of memories would cease, he could only passively observe.

Witnessing this phenomenon, Vik concluded that something magical had occurred. He had been transmigrated into the body of the accident's spectator, devoid of a soul.

Was it the result of the Lazarus pods or an extraordinary stroke of luck? Countless questions flooded Vik's mind as he continued to relive fragments of memories. Eventually, he realized the futility of excessive thinking, knowing firsthand the detrimental effects of overthinking.

"Those experiences were real, as was everything that happened to me," Vik whispered to himself as Eren's life unfolded before his eyes like a movie. While he couldn't recall all the details of that strange place, he was certain it wasn't a figment of his imagination.

"This guy… Eren… he died because of me, and now I inhabit his body and memories," Vik acknowledged with a sigh. He felt guilty for another life that was lost because of his actions. But he had to move on. It wasn't that he lacked empathy for Eren, the original owner of this body; rather, he hadn't chosen this fate. At this point, both of them were powerless to change their circumstances.

Intently studying Eren's memories within his own, Vik spoke as though addressing Eren directly, despite his absence.

"At this stage, an apology would make no difference. I don't care who you were in life, but to me, you are my savior, and I'm grateful for it. In return for the life you've given me, I'll cherish it fully. Instead of dwelling on regrets, I'll strive to live for both of us."

Thoughts swirled in Vik's mind as another mundane scene played out before him. He closed his eyes, surrendering to the memories and allowing them to carry him wherever they pleased.


Opening his eyes, Vik found himself in the familiar surroundings of Eren's bedroom. Having organized a multitude of Eren's memories in his mind, he now recognized almost everything and its origins.

Despite the drawn curtains obscuring the room, Vik didn't need light to navigate his surroundings.

Some memories had seamlessly synchronized with Vik, while others remained hazy, requiring focused concentration to recall.

Underneath a cozy blanket, with the room's temperature set to a pleasant level, Vik remained partly submerged in sleep. He grappled with comprehending the new memories left behind by Eren, temporarily oblivious to the presence of another person beneath the blanket, their heads resting near his chest, hidden from view.

One set of memories that captivated Vik was about Rankers, and he chose to delve into them first.

Gazing at his hands, fragments of Eren's memories flooded back to him. Closing his eyes, he honed his focus, attempting to perceive the world around him.

"I... I can feel it. This is reality. I'm on the cusp of becoming a Metahuman. Incredible," Vik exclaimed, wide-eyed, as he sensed the mana enveloping him, guided by Eren's memories. The more he absorbed these memories, the more astonished he became.

"Metahumans are just the beginning. There are higher ranks," Vik marveled. Eren's memories informed him that Metahumans constituted the first rank, the beginners, with the true journey beginning when one achieved Awakened Rank 2. Beyond Rank 2, there were even higher ranks to aspire to.

Vik concentrated, focusing on his hand, and channeled the mana he sensed in the vicinity, causing lightning sparks to materialize with a distinct crackling sound.

"So, even without a rank, I can do this?" Vik wondered aloud, fascinated by the spectacle. Although the previous Eren had been labeled a loser for failing to become a Metahuman at his age, for Vik, Eren was an extraordinary individual.

Aware that his current display of elemental affinity was merely a party trick, rather than a practical attack, Vik ceased channeling the surrounding mana. It was a manifestation of his affinity, not a spell or ability.

To become a true Metahuman, Vik realized he needed to undergo mana core formation. Only those with a mana core were recognized as Metahumans, marking the beginning of their ranking journey.

"First things first, I need to focus on my job. It's my fastest path to becoming a Metahuman," Vik determined, his face contorted with controlled rage.

"Heh! Once, I was helpless. But now, there's hope. Maybe... just maybe... I'll be able to confront that person properly with these newfound powers," Vik pondered, clenching both hands tightly, momentarily unaware of the soft and mushy object in his other hand.