
Destroying Spider Golem

The second set of attacks launched by the sparkling-crimson axes was even more brutal than the first one. Eren disappeared from his position and appeared behind the spider golem before attacking its exposed upper abdomen that was shining with the exoskeleton.


New firebirds appeared in the surroundings and launched themselves at the golem spider's head. Some of the lightning hounds from the pack that was acting as the perimeter detail also attacked the spider golem.

Bzzt. Swoosh Boom.

Eren's multi-front attack rained down on spider golem and Halder by proxy at the same time. It became destabilized as a result. It lost three out of its 8 limbs and was almost about to topple. But then the earth-element mana converged and limbs were recovered over time as Eren kept fighting with the giant spider golem.