
Merely an Inheritance! III

The means of Apex Aeonic Lifeforms were unfathomable to lower Lifeforms.

The actions of Orion sought to display such a statement fully as the milky white light twisted space and time while commandingly pulling it forward- bending it to its will as within the next few nanoseconds, one portal after another began to form.

His expression didn't seem the least bit fazed as he spoke out after 9 milky white portals formed.

"Each one will lead you above a Sacrarium Domain where you can begin your displacements. I will attack my will with them and sense any changes that occur around each one. When you're done, simply enter through the same portal again as I will have it set to directly link to a different Sacrarium."


An ecstatic method bloomed as Orion seemed to react to Noah's methods, where the moment multiple clones were unveiled- so was this new move by Orion!