
Black and White II

It was all in the form of a single dazzling singularity.

The Exarchs of the Imperium took down the Sentinel of Lumen, and the reward for it was instantly sent to Noah as by the time ybe blanket of Prompts regarding it began to fade, he looked at what had appeared within his Existence.

It looked similar to a piece of parchment- a part that belonged to a whole as the parchment shone with a white gold hue that only magnified the undefinable ecritures etched throughout it!

Noah looked at this parchment closely as the answer he was seeking…may be in any of the gates that could form when Map Fragments like these were put together.

 More of them were needed.

Luckily, the Sentinels rushed towards the Imperium Legions and the Omniversal Pillagers as soon enough, a few more would perish and more Map Fragments would be obtained!

But in the midst of all of this…