

"Knight, huh", a fair brown haired man with a beard said, "Belongs to medieval ages doesn't it", he continued as he drew his arrow headed, rectangle hilted sword and swung it about. "Nonsense, in this new world we built, knights are everything. Cops are rather belong to those ages. Now, let's hear from the ruler of the world, <The Cosmic Knight>", the man concluded with a round of applause.

A man in a black robe walked on screen as the other left. He then opened the button of the robe and removed it, revealing his golden armor with flame pattern and a katana by his side. Then he removed his helmet: which exposed his eyes, revealing a handsome black haired man with a left eye scar.

"The name's Sir David Sam Vengence. Seventy-ninth Cosmic Knight of planet Earth", he said in deep voice. "Apparently I was tasked to protect the people of earth, but there over a billion people on Earth so, I charge other knights into battle as a helping hand and as a means of training to help them raise up the ranks of knighthood", he continued as he yawned. He then sighed and said, "It's a bit tiring but, at least a get to a lot of people safe", with a smile.

As it zoomed out, we realize it was a yearly talk with the busy cosmic knight and a child was behind the screen. "Don't worry, The cosmic knight will keep us safe. No matter what in the past", a woman said in a caring tone as she hugged her five-year-old son and nodded with a smile.

"You're right, you always are", he said as he looked at his blue fine-haired mother. "You wanna be the cosmic knight when you grow up right", a man said mockingly. The boy nodded and said, "Absolutely dad", referring to the black-haired man who spoke earlier.

"Okay, it's bed time" the two said in melody and begun to laugh as they went to put their child to sleep. As they walked towards their room: which was opposite their son's, "It's a relief that <The Worlders> decide to pardon are family after everything we did over the years, huh Kors", she said as she brushed her hair behind her ear.

"You know they is a very big possibility that are lying right", Kors said to his wife. "I know but it's not bad to be optimistic right". Kors blushed at his beautiful wife, placed his hand on her head and said, "It seems our son caught your galaxy eyes". This caused her to blush and look down. She then looked into his eyes and said, "But we have the same eyes", Kors then her forehead and said, "Yors, tomorrow's a big day so get some rest".

Yors nodded and said, "Okay, you're right. We need to get some rest, I mean they said tomorrow we get sown as knights. Anything can happen". Kors then kicked Yors' feet, caught her head and buried it in his chest. A fraction of a second later, a flaming arrow came from Kors' left and pierced the wall on his right.

"You even dodged that romantically huh. Isn't it ironic? I tried to ruin the moment but made it even better", a male voice was heard saying as he walked into the light: from the shadows, making slight sounds as his metal knight boots made contact with the ground. "Let me guess, you're one of the unranked knights huh", Kors said with a serious look in his galaxy eyes: which were stars continuously moving about, as he helped his wife back on her feet.

"Good guess, I'm not that shocked, well you are Silence after all, right?", a female voice said as she appeared from behind the knight in black armor: also wearing same. "The worlders are willing to do anything to rid the world of scum like you", she continued.

Kors and Yors then shot them a death stare causing them to flinch slightly. "I apologize for being so rude, I mean, you are still somehow classified human. The name's Miya Verse, third captain of <The Dark Knights>", she said.

"Well if there are introductions then, I'm Kim Fyld. The second captain of the dark knights. The worlders sent the best against you, you should be grateful", he said.

"The best?", Kors questioned as he begun to laugh madly. He suddenly stopped, put his right hand on his face exposing only his left eye. "You should know who I am". "We do, you're Kors Silence. The man who dragged the down the number of worlders from fifteen to ten by taking out the top five", Kim said. "And you, Yors Silence, tore down Aris, the most developed city in the world in a night", he continued.

"Huh I didn't want to go back to that lifestyle", Yors complained. "Yeah there was a small part of me which believed they would actually forgive us", Kors added.

"You bastards, you've killed so many knights but your want to be forgiven. The worlders knew you could never change", Fyld said. "Yors I'll take..", before Kors could finish, "I understand, we're both Silence. I'll take the Verse", Yors said. "Don't get cocky", Kim said as he swung his wakizashi at Kors' head but he just raised hand and blocked it.