
Inevitably Bound To Him

Don't fall in love! First rule when you're forced to marry a sinfully tempting CEO. If I had it my way, I will not get married at all, not within this circumstance. But then, that decision was taken from me and was forced to marry a built, gorgeous, powerful and dominating practical stranger. Except every time I look into those dark piercing eyes, and feel his pulse-quickening, toe curling touch , my will to refuse to belong to him crumbles… because I might already be his. Lina is a successful international actress and Henry Wu runs one of the world's most successful company. They have no similar interest as far as their jobs are concerned however… Fate has brought them together, but their happiness is up to them. Excerpt: Lina saw Henry's face turn cold. He hit the table just hard enough to startle her and said. "I'll let you off this time because you don't know me yet. But remember this in the future, future Mrs Wu. Me, marrying you, will not be a marriage on paper only. You are going to be my wife in every sense of the word." "That doesn't mean you own me." Lina replied Henry smiled wickedly, "But that's exactly what it is, baby, and I am yours." Disclaimer: Original image used is not my property and was found unnamed/unmarked before the edit. There is no copyright infringement intended, if it is yours or know the source, let me know and it will removed if required.

FettyFoo · Urbain
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56 Chs

Late comer

"No, that can't be him?" Lina mutters to herself. Still looking at the guy getting closer to where she's seated.

'Oh my, I think my headache is back. All that squinting didn't help.' Lina thinks to herself as she sat back on her chair. Trying to calm her heart pounding so loud. She had felt it before when she thought it was "him" that she saw but felt so disappointed when she realised it's not him.

"Can I sit here?" the guy asks, Lina opened her eyes to find that the figure walking close is now standing on the seat next to hers. And it really is him, Lina feels cold sweat dripping down her back, a little shocked.

She must have been staring at him for some time and he was about to sit when she found her voice to say, "No!"

He looked at her then, with his piercing gaze, a little shock obvious. But he proceeds to sit down anyway.

"Have we met before?" Lina asks. Not masking her irritation to show with her tone.

"Your pronunciation has improved so much since the last time". He tells her.

'I can't do this.' Lina realised, feeling a little shaken with the tun of events.

She looks towards John. Who is busy helping one of the waitress carry something, they look like boxes. John has always been a gentleman.

"I think you've mistaken me for someone else." Lina tells the annoying but still as handsome as she remembered him. Her heart feels like it moved next to her ear, she can hear the pounding, her blood rushing through her head. He looks bigger and better than she remembered.

"You told me to find you, and I'm here."

Lina can't accept his words, "Please, just go." She tells him firmly. She can't believe that he can say that to her after 2 years and he hasn't done anything.

Just then, John comes back with her soda and places it in the table in front of her.

"She just asked you to leave, so you can go now." John tells the guy now intently staring at Lina.

"Hey buddy, didn't you hear me?" John calls out again and this time her "pizza guy" stands up and glares at John. They're almost the same height. Though John is bulkier, he looks like a tank after all, this guy exudes an aura that he is not going to be an easy opponent.

Scared that this will escalate to a fight, she calms down John first.

"It is okay, its better I talk to him now. Don't worry, he's not going to do anything." Lina took the glass of soda John placed in front of her earlier and took a sip, not tasting anything because was focusing on her hands to stop it from shaking as she held the glass.

The double entendre of her words was not lost on the three of them.

John moves back and stands behind Lina's chair instead. The guy with the face she has never forgotten sat down again. He looks at John, standing so close to Lina but John just ignores him and crosses his arms unperturbed.

"Let's get this done, shall we?" Lina speaks up again as she set the glass down and asks, "What do you want? Who are you anyway?"

"I'm Henry Wu and I came for you." He tells her. Lina looks at him and sees that he still got mesmerising eyes. But she remembers the situation at hand.

"Ha! Tell me, we're you in an accident? Fell asleep for 2 years and just woke up today?

Don't you think you're too late?"

Before he can respond, another guy approached him. Lina's lips are drying up and feeling thirsty. It feels warmer all of a sudden, so she took 2 big gulps of the soda. Then she started to take smaller sips and that's when she tasted the soda. Tastes like regular cream soda but there's a weird after taste on it.

"Is there alcohol in this?" Lina asks John, who is looking at the new comer talking to the annoying hunk seated near her who she now knows goes by the name Henry.

John turned her attention back to her, sharper than normal. "No, there isn't, why? It's the same brand of soda we get when we are in Pirend. I saw the lady pour it from the can." John told her and picked up her glass to look at it then smelled it.

"It tasted just a little different, but should be fine then." Lina said but there is a feeling of light-headedness coming. Must be this guy again, messing with her feelings and head.

John's phone rang, and suddenly he looked more alert as he listens on the phone. And while he was listening to the other person on the phone, he held on to Lina's wrist and gestured for her to stand up but the newcomer stops John with a hand on his chest.

"Let's talk later Wang, I need to get Sam". John growls as he hangs up the phone, lightly pulling Lina closer to him. Urging her to move.

"You know each other?" Lina asks, and as she moved closer to John. She felt faint and swayed to the other side from John as she started walking but Henry caught her before John can catch her.

Suddenly it feels like all energy has been drained from her. Her legs almost feel like noodles. She's starting to feel warm, too warm and really dizzy.

"John, I don't feel well." Lina whispers hoping John can hear her even though its Henry holding her up, asking if she feel okay. John is talking fiercely to the new guy who's got his hands on John's arms, keeping his focus on what he's saying.

Then John moved in front of her now.

"Lina, I need you to go with Wang, okay?" He tells Lina as he gestured to the guy beside him who offered a small nod.

"I need to take care of Sam. Don't worry, he won't let anything bad happen to you. I'll be with you as soon as I can, okay?" He continued, waiting for Lina to acknowledge that he understands him.

Lina nods, hearing what John is saying but not really comprehending what's happening but she trusts John completely. So, if John tells her she can go with a stranger, she will go with him.

John runs towards the entrance back to the club. And Lina is left with Wang in front of her and Henry holding on to her. She's trying to reel in more energy to stand and walk but she's losing more coordination in her body.

"Lina, baby, can you walk or should I carry you?" Henry softly asks Lina as she leans on to him.

Lina can only nod her head. She felt strong arms wrap around her, behind her back and under her legs and just as quickly she's airborne and they are moving. Lina closed her eyes hoping it helps the dizziness and they move quickly.

Wang, the guy that John trusts, made sure to collect the leftover drink from John before he left. A guy in black suit took it from Wang and immediately left. Wang then walked ahead, in front of Henry and guided them towards the back exit that will lead them to the service elevator, where their car is already waiting for them below.

Before they reached the car, Lina can't hold it in anymore and said "I'm going to throw up!"

Henry gently helped Lina down on her feet, to stand near a wall and held her up while she throws up. He pulled her hair back away from her face as she retched pitifully. He took the bottle of water Wang hands him and helped Lina gargle a bit.

"I want all the details on what happened tonight," Henry tells Wang before getting into the car with Lina. Wang nods, closes the door for Henry and gets into another car.

Inside the car, Henry makes sure that Lina is comfortable, as comfortable as she can be inside a car. She's curled up on the car seat and her head on his lap. Peaceful at the moment.

Henry picks up the phone in the car and calls his butler.

"We'll be home in 20 minutes or less, make sure Doctor Jin is there by then." And hangs up.

"Where's John and Sam?" Lina asks softly. He looks down, gently stroking her head, moving the hair away that's covering her face. "Sam fell sick, baby, so John took him to the hospital. Don't worry, he will be fine."

"I think I'm also sick, I'm dizzy."

"Just hang on a little bit Lina, we'll be home soon and the doctor is there."

"It's hot! Why is it so hot?" she says louder, getting agitated.

Lina's face is flushed and she's warm to the touch. So Henry adjusts the AC to the coolest setting and made sure that it's blowing directly on her face. This calmed her down a bit.