
India: I became the First PM of India

India made many bad decisions in the early years of Independence. Getting soft on Pakistan, going to UN for Kashmir, adopting Licence Raj, Indo-China war, rejecting UN seat, etc. So what if, instead of Nehru-led Congress, a party under Siddharth Dutt, a reincarnator, came in power? How would the course of history change? Read to find out. To support me, UPI me at: fanficworld0707@ibl

FanficWorld07 · Histoire
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Independence Day Prelude

(14th August 1950)

The preparations of the Independence day were complete.

During the three years of Independence, India has developed significantly. While during the British Raj the GDP growth rate was meagre 1% or less, with inflation between 3-20% especially due to war, the GDP has grown at 5% for the first year, 6% for the second year, and 9% for the third year.

Mahindra, Tata and Hindustan Motors have emerged as great automobile companies, since they have no restrictions like they had in the alternate timeline.

Especially, SUVs, Trucks, Bikes and Busses for the military.

The textile industry has been revived, Bengal and Mumbai driving it to become bigger and bigger year by year.

Moreover, from the Jew refugees, two twin brothers, Aaron and Sharon Netanyahu developed a fighter jet based on the German experience they had as jetmakers before Hitler rose to power and they moved to France, where they continued their work, and fled to Israel when Germany captured France, and ultimately ended up in India, where they could finally complete their project in peace.

They plan to request the PM to transfer the technology to Israel as well, since they can't help but feel guilty for fleeing from Israel and helping their brothers and sisters.

While the fighter jet may be 10 years behind in technology, it is India's first indigenous fighter jet. Aaron built the plane, and Sharon built the engine.

The couldn't help but have tears in their eyes as their jet was put in display for the Independence day parade.

Their fighter jet, AaSha. What a coincidence that there combined names mean hope.

Aside from the fighter jet, there weren't many indigenous weapons. They only involved two rifles, IR-49 and IR-50. And they were quite inferior to the imported ones.

Aside from weapons, dancers and singers from all parts of the country, who have been preparing for a year since the last Independence day celebration, have arrived, along with the 9th grade students of Kendriya Vidyalays of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata.

The security is all time high, and the chief guest of the event is arriving today.