
Chapter Three

"Ethan's school"

Lauren:(walking through the hall with Ethan)......

Ethan:... (Walking with her)..... You didn't have to walk me all the here...

Lauren:I know but I want to meet Benji....


"Ethan's class"

Lauren:(walks in with Ethan and closes the door).....

Class:(looking at her, talking among themselves).....

Lauren:.. You can sit Ethan....

Ethan :(goes to his sit)....

Lauren:(loudly)..... Who is Benji?.......

Class:(look at him, others point)....

Benji :..... (A little scared but keeping it cool).....

Ethan :(worried).....

Lauren :(walks up to Benji....

Class:(goes quiet)...... (All watching)....

Lauren:(slaps him).....


Benji:... (Frozen).....

Lauren:....... That was nothing compared to what I will do to you if you hurt Ethan again okay douche bag?......


Lauren :..... Cute.

Teacher:(walks in)..... Excuse me miss....

Lauren:(turns)..... Oh hey.... Sorry for coming unannounced.....

Teacher:.. How may I help you?....

Lauren:... Benji here broke my brother's glasses and also punched him in the face.... But his buying him new glasses right Benji....

Benji:(nods in fear).....

Teacher:..... I had no idea....

Lauren:... Bet you didn't..... (Walking to the door)..... Bye class....

Class :(all respond in excitement)..... BYYYEEE!...

Lauren:(walks out)....

Teacher:...... (Confused).....

Benji:(looking down).....


Teacher:.... (Watches Lauren leave).....

"Lake Fest High School "

(Principals office)...

Principal:... Are you sure about this?.....

Lauren:.... Yes....

Principal :... I don't understand.... Why would you want to transfer out of a class that you do exceptionally well in?...

Lauren:........ I just want to.....

Principal:.... I need a valid reason.....

Lauren:...... I just want to transfer out .... School's getting hard.... I need to sacrifice.....

Principal:... Does your father know about this?....

Lauren:... You can tell him....

Principal:.... So his fine with this?....

Lauren:..... Yes.........


Lauren:..... I get that I'm good but its the only subject I can drop........ It won't even be needed for my career choice....

Principal:..... (Sighs)..... Fine....

Lauren:.... Thank you....

Principal:... Is it a bully or Mrs Samson?....


Principal:....I can give you all the time to think about this....

Lauren:.....no I'm sure.....

Principal:....... Okay then....... I'll have it done

Lauren:.... Thank you....

Principal:....... You can leave for class.....

Lauren:... Yeah.... (Walks out of the office)....


Harmony:.... I don't understand why you have to do that......... There so many jobs available for people our age..... Sex is far from them.....

Lauren :... No one wants to hire me..... Not with the shit everyone knows my dad does....

Harmony:... Which is?.....

Lauren:...... Bruh he uses me as an alibi........ His robbed at least four restaurants I worked at...

Harmony:..... Sis you'll get sick...... Find another way.....

Lauren:...... My dad and josh are total fuck ups.... If I sit and wait, we'll be evicted again and this time we'll be in the streets...

Harmony:.... Did he ask you to do it again?

Lauren:..... He sent me a text and pictures of the three guys....


Lauren:.... Not everyone is as fortunate as you are Harmony...

Harmony:.... We both know what goes down at my house....

Lauren:... At least you don't have a broke ass father....

Harmony:... I'm not going to argue with you...... our situations cannot be compared.... I won't let you make my life seem better off when it's not...


The other girls:(get to the table)....

Ginger:.... Do you like Sprint here...

Junie:.... Like really.... I've never sat here first....

Sayori:... And you're always talking but the story always seems to end when you see us....

Lauren :.... You guys are just slow and the talking thing is a coincidence....

Sayori :... Are you sure?...... I feel like you two filter with us.....

Harmony:.... Filter how?.....

Junie:..... How can we put it.... Its like you tell us the simple basics but leave enough out for the two of you....

Lauren :... There's nothing to hide.....

Junie:..... Okay then let's do a group sharing.......

Harmony:... About?.....

Junie:.... Home problems and shit....... Let's all just get to know what's up with each other, possibly help...

Sayori:.........okay...I'll start..... My older sister is never home, she's always out with men..... Whoring around like she doesn't have a six year old son at home...... Stephanie is this mean nine year old.... Not only to me but our dad and our dad is so sick its all just scary and overwhelming......... I already lost my mum...... I don't want a do over....

Girls:(all gave her comfort by touching her hand, tapping her back etc)......

Junie:.... We gone pray for you girl.....

Sayori:... Thanks....

Junie:(sighs)..... My crack head sister came back yesterday.....

Harmony:.... Damn.... How long was she gone for this time?......

Junie:... Two weeks.....

Girls:(all share their disbelief)....

Junie:.... My mum and dad literally kissed her ass back by walking up to her with they sorry faces and the pity questions......


Junie:....I had enough of the show and left........... Like how fair is it that if I am late for dinner..... Curfew shit..... I am grounded for years..... But if my sisters goes all MIA for two weeks its cool....

Lauren:..... Maybe they don't want you to end up like Ja'Maria...

Junie:.... Maybe but its annoying.........

Ginger:....okay..... I uhm.... I have no pressing issues......... My parents are never home and I'm an only child so .....

Lauren:..... I'm not bad..... I'm okay actually.......

Junie:... Cap.....

Lauren:... Oh wait.... Ethan was bullied at his school by some Benji kid


Lauren:... Benji punched him in his face and also broke his glasses.....

Harmony :did he report it ?....

Lauren:... No...... But I handled it

Girls:(all give her a look)....

Lauren :... Relax I just slapped him.....

Sayori:... Yeah Benji must have been so relieved....

Girls:(all laugh)....

Lauren:..... It was just a little warning......

Junie:.... OK, Harmony....

Harmony:...... (Sighs)..... When I say I'm good I mean it.....

Junie:.... okay...... (other Conversations continue among the girls).....

#Lauren's narration

Harmony is the only person who knows about my endeavours..... Not even my brothers know about the room behind the painting..... This scam is something I have grown to endure and tolerate for the betterment of my family....

"Later that day "

(Ermias' classy house)

Ermias:(walks into the house texting)......... (Heading up the stairs, notices a bunch of mail on the ornament shelf)........ (Checking the mail addresses)....

Nyah:(storms in)....

Ermias:(gets a little scared).....

Nyah:..... Why are you all worked up?.... (Laughs)....

Nyah (ermias' sister)

-9 years old


-long brown hair


Ermias :... You freaked me out coming in here like there's a chase outside

Nyah:.... Whatever. Does mum know you're ditching school?....

Ermias:... She won't

Nyah:.... Oh really?... Cause Imma tell her....

Ermias:... Since when are you on that snitch shit?...

Nyah:... Since I need a favor....

Ermias:... You're black mailing me?.....

Nyah:.... Brooklyn's trailer is today but each kid needs like an older escort to witness whatever.......so take me..

Ermias:... What the hell is Brooklyn's trailer?.....

Nyah:.... (Sighs)...... Brooklyn is this popular kid at school and his so rich he has a trailer for his birthdays........... He gives us a sneak peek of the actual day

Ermias:.... What if I wasn't here right now?... Who would have taken you?.....

Nyah:..... I'd have cried my eyes out till you said yes but now I don't have to..... So you'll take me right?.....

Ermias :......now?

Nyah:.... No, I'll tell you just be ready.... (Going)....

Ermias:.... (Continues looking at the mail, shocked).....

Doveia:.. (Walks in with grocery bags)....... (Pauses).....



-30 years old




Doveia :.... You ditch class now?....

Ermias:.... (Shows her two envelopes)..... You work three jobs now?....

Doveia :...... The checks are here already?..... (Puts the groceries down and reaches out for the mail).....

Ermias:.. Since when do you work at these places?....

Doveia :.. Since keeping this lifestyle without your father got hard...

Ermias:..... I could have gotten a job...

Doveia:.... I don't want you doing that honey I'm good trust me (opens the mail walking away).......


"Walk home"....

Harmony:... Do you think that shit affects you in any way?....

Lauren:.. No..... Can we not talk about this?...

Harmony:.... I'm concerned....

Lauren:... I get that but I don't like talking about it....

Harmony:..... (Sighs)....... Do you moan?.....

Lauren:........ (Rolls her eyes)..... What do you think?....

Harmony:...... No.... Yes..... Maybe, I don't know....

Lauren:.... Its a sexual act, I can't help it, when I'm still and dry it actually hurts like shit....... It hurts less when I try to enjoy it....

Harmony:.... Isn't it like rape?.....

Lauren:... Some men are not as rough and anyway, (lies)....I usually just use my hands or mouth....

Harmony:(makes a face)......

Lauren :...... Its disgusting but there's nothing I can do okay....

Harmony:..... Say no..... Your dad will never step up if you keep giving him easy money......

Lauren:.... He never did before either

Harmony:... Aren't you scared of like STDs...

Lauren:...... Not as much as getting kicked out of the house forever.... Seeing my brothers drop out of school to join gangs, killing people for money..... I just can't let that happen


Lauren:... Now drop the conversation.....

Harmony:... Fine.

Lauren:(walking silently with a hint of tears in her eyes).....

Harmony:.... Also walking silently........


Sayori:(walking up the stairs to the door to her house)................ (Opens the door widely).....

Olivia :(totally naked with some guy, having sex on the couch).....

Sayori:... What the fuck?.....

Olivia :(panicking with the guy trying to hide themselves)... GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!.......

Sayori:... I LIVE HERE!......

Olivia:.... Justin I'm so sorry

Justin:(embarrassed, dressing up).....


Olivia:.... CAN YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!....... (Covering herself with her hoodie).....


Justin:(all dressed up).... Your father is home....

Olivia :... Dying in his bed babe, he would never have come here....

Sayori :.... (Pissed off)...

Justin:... This is just too much (grabbing his things to leave).......

Olivia :baby......

Justin:(storms out of the apartment).....

Sayori:(closes the door)....




Sayori:...... (Storms off)....

Olivia:..... FUCK YOU!......

Sayori:(walks into her fathers room).....

Bohai:(lying on his bed, lifelessly).....

Sayori:(tears up at the door)....

Bohai :(coughs)..... Sayori.....

Sayori :(in Chinese)..... Yes father....

Bohai:...... (In Chinese)...... Don't cry for me, never do....

Sayori:(wipes her tears).....

Bohai:... You are my goddess..... My greatest gift, never forget that....

Sayori :......

"Brooklyn's grand Mansion, surrounded by Porsche cars and all sorts of luxuries"

(Several tables set up with things expected to be at the birthday party).....

Brooklyn:(dressed to kill).....

Kids:(all over the place, excited with their escorts).....

Lauren :(walking with Ethan)...... This kid got some life huh?.....

Ethan:... Yeah, he never shows off though..... That's why I like him....

Lauren :... If you had all this would you show it off?...

Ethan:.. Of course..(they both laugh).....

Lauren:... Well that's why God us the broke ass life...

Ethan: true......... I'm going to my friends.....

Lauren :.... Okay, don't get lost .........

Ethan:..... (Runs off to his friends)......

Lauren:(stands, looking at the tables one by one from where she is)......

Ermias :.... (Walks up to her and stands as well)..... Hey....

Lauren :...(looks up at him).... Hi.....

Ermias:.... Who did you bring here...

Lauren :.. My little brother... (Shy)....

Ermias:..... what's with the shyness?.....

Lauren:.... I'm not shy.....

Ermias:.. Bet...... Now I see what Tyler's all about?...

Lauren:(confused).... What do you mean?...

Ermias:....His always on that fuck around with my sister and we'll have a case shit.....

Lauren :... What?......

Ermias:..... His playing the whole protective brother game and now I get it....

Lauren:... (Clears her throat)..... I'm not looking for a relationship or anything like that but why the hell would he go around threatening people not to be with me....

Ermias:.... You got the pretty face going, on the dimples, that shawty vibe...... He just don't want someone to hurt you....

Lauren:... (Trying not to blush, hiding behind being Upset)...... His annoying I swear......

Ermias:(takes his hand out).... I'm Ermias....

Lauren:.... (Shakes his hand)...... I know you........ Like I don't stalk you or anything creepy.... The whole school knows you..... You're popular or whatever that's why I know you..... Like I knew you because everyone does...

Ermias :...chill.... (Chuckles)...... I chill around cool niggas but I'm a loser....

Lauren:...... Yeah sure.... I'm Lauren, you probably only know me as Tyler's sister because I'm not popular or have any fans....

Ermias:..(breaks the hand shake).... Yo everybody know everybody at Lake Fest....... People just be pretending the don't because they think its cool....

Lauren:.....who did you bring here?.....

Ermias: my sister......(points at his sister).....

Lauren :.. That's your sister?...

Ermias:.... Yeah........ She's white, I know...... My mother has a story to tell.…..

Lauren :(chuckles revealing her dimples)......

Ermias:.... Damn... Okay...

Lauren:...... (confused)....

Ermias:... It was nice to officially meet you, see you around...... (Goes)...

Lauren:... (watches Ermias leave).....