
Chapter Seven.

"6:30 pm".....

(Junie's house)

Lauren:(crying and laughing at the same time)... Why are you crying?..... (Grabs another tissue)....

Junie:... (Crying).... Bitch you know I cry about anything and everything.. (Wipes her tears off with a tissue)...... Why are you laughing?.....

Lauren:... Because.... (Gets serious)...... My life is shit...


Lauren:.... What do you think?...

Junie:... I think you should be given a medal...... Cause you are unbelievable and caring............ Youre doing so much for your brothers..... you're not even pressing for thank you's.......You're the kind of sister everybody deserves.....


Junie:... I'm not saying I support you getting emotionally and physically damaged......but the reason you were doing it was kinda worth it....

Lauren:... So I should keep getting fucked....

Junie:... No........ I said was..... past tense

Lauren:.... (Confused)....

Junie:..... You did it because you wanted to make sure your brothers were okay...... You wanted to make sure you had a roof over your heads and had food, school needs........ But girl when you get sick or worse pregnant.......... It will be worth nothing to make those dollars because you'll add to the problems already there...

Lauren:....... girl you're losing me

Junie:...Listen...... You've got two jobs, that's enough............you were doing your father favors yeah........ I can't say that was horrible and yell at you because it's already happened....... you get me....... that's why I'm pushing for the silver lining....... yes you fucked those niggas.... you got money... you helped your brothers..... great..... just don't do that anymore...... but don't feel guilty or beat yourself up for doing it..... it's done....

Lauren:... hm........ speaking of jobs.... I need to get to that.... (tries to get up)..

Junie :(holds her back).... If you keep making money for everybody they'll find no need to step up and work too....

Lauren:...... I know....

Junie:... Then stop fucking those old niggas....... promise me........ That shit will affect you if it doesn't already....

Lauren:.... It doesn't.....

Junie:.... Then it will...... so before it does, stop........ Leave some room for Ermias....

Lauren:.. The fuck... (They both laugh).....

Junie:... Girl I see you two..... And that cheek kiss, sexy....

Lauren:(shocked)... You saw that....

Junie:... Girl him bending all the way down to your short ass to kiss you was hot........ I don't even stare but you two caught me slipping....


Junie:.... You're not some sex doll....... Let someone give you pleasure and you get it from them too because they love you not because they're paying.....

Lauren:... I hear you....

Junie:..... Look, let Tyler make his own money for school..... You do your own and even if you object it I'll have my parents cover Ethan and Gio..

Lauren:.... (Smiles)I don't object..... Thank you......

Junie:... No thank you for trusting me..........

Lauren:... I love you....

Junie:... I know and I love you...

Lauren:(smiles)........... Since you love me

Junie:... Oh God... What?...

Lauren:(gets up)... Take me to clean tables at my job....

Junie:.. (Gets up)..... I love Chicago at night so okay....... Right after we pick up our tissues.....

Lauren:(looks at the many tissues on the ground).... We are a mess....

Junie:... Big time....

"Lauren's house"

(Lauren's room)...

Lauren:(walks into the room, on the phone)........ I have work from seven till like nine, I clean up then leave........ Yeah that's the second job...... My first job is at four in the morning till like five thirty because of school and then full days on the weekend.... (Puts her bag down)....... Why are you pressing on me going to the fest? ..... I told you I was going..... (Walks to her drawer)................. (Jokingly)...... I'm balling right now...... Yeah I can pay for my whole class with no sweat.... (Opens her drawer)................ (Shocked)........ What the fuck?... Can I call you back....... No I'm good, I'll call you back... (Ends the call and rushes out her room)............. (Reaches Josh's room door)....... (Bangs on it)......

The others:(alarmed, come out of their rooms)...

Tyler:... Well look who came back....

Giovanni:.. Where have you been?...

Lauren:(turns to face Tyler, angry)...... I know you got my money out my drawer so give it to me.....

Tyler:(acting confused)...... Which money?....

Josh:(walks out of his room)..... Why you banging on my door like some police shit? .......

Lauren:... Josh give me my money.....

Josh:..... What money are you talking about?.....

Lauren:(getting more upset)...... It could have only been you two....

Tyler:.... That's how low you regard us huh?...

Lauren:... Even lower....

Tyler:... Fuck you, we didn't take no money from you....

Ethan:... But I saw you....

Lauren:(looks at Ethan).... You did?...

Giovanni:... (Arms folded).....

Tyler:.... I didn't take no shit from that room... I don't even go in there.....

Lauren:(to Ethan)... Did you see Tyler enter my room?....

Ethan:.. Yeah and he come out with a hundred grand in his hand.

Tyler:... This little motherfucker........

Lauren:... Tyler give me my Money.....

Tyler:.... (telling Ethan)....I will burst open your fucking balls kid......


Ethan:..... (Hiding behind Gio)...

Tyler:.. Yeah you better hide before I fuck you up, lying on my shit like you crazy....

Josh:..... Look Lauren we all want our sleep...... You ain't shit coming in here like you own the place making noise for the nigga.......

Lauren:.... I just want my money...

Tyler:(starts laughing).....

Lauren:...... (Irritated)....

Giovanni:... Nothing here is funny bro, just give Lauren her money....



Josh:(starts laughing as well)...... Wow... (Clapping)... This kid thinks his grown..... This kid thinks his grown....

Lauren:(to Giovanni).... Stop talking its not worth it, take Ethan to sleep....

Giovanni:... I will stay till they give you back your money....

Tyler:(laughs even more).... Lord have I never seen such an idiot.....

Josh:... Guess others will wait till the sun rises tomorrow because we don't have Lauren's money ......


#Lauren's narration.

Shit is an understatement of how I felt at that very moment........ I allowed my body to be abused for worthless morons.....

Lauren :...

Giovanni:(now tapping Lauren)... Are you okay?..... Are you really letting these morons say these things to you....

Lauren:(snaps out of her momentary thoughts)...

Tyler:... Respect us.... That's the last time I'm saying this to you Gio......

Lauren:... And this is the last time I'll say this......

Josh:.. Hit us (starts laughing)....

Lauren:........ (Her eyes a little glassy)......... I will never do nothing for any of you......

Tyler:.... So? (Laughs with Josh)...... Whatchu even do for us?......

Lauren:.... Even if you were dying and I had the dollar to save your asses...... I will burn it....



Lauren:..... May the money you took from me last you a lifetime cause I'm done fucking myself up for you....


Tyler:........... Well we didn't take any, but thanks for the blessing....

Lauren:..... (Enters her room).....

Giovanni:(looks at josh and Tyler for a while)... Let's go Ethan...

Tyler:... Yeah you two go to bed before we burst open your balls..... (Starts laughing with Josh)....

Giovanni: .... you just learnt that dumbass phrase and the whole neighborhood knows it..... (walking away)....

Ethan:(goes on with Giovanni)....

Lauren:(walks to her bed, her phone starts ringing).......... (Ignores it)......

"The next day".....

Lauren:(leaves the class)..................................

Mrs Samson:(walks in)... Good morning class...

Students:(all respond)...

Lauren:(at the bench behind her class)......

Ermias:... (Walks up to her slowly)...... Hey....

Lauren:...... Hi.....

Ermias:... (Sits down next to her)....

Lauren:... Sorry I didn't call you......

Ermias:.... You fell asleep or something?.....

Lauren:.......... No. I barely slept actually....... (Sighs)......

Ermias:..... I saw you make that turn when you saw me coming down the hall.....

Lauren:........... I have nothing to say.... (smiles nervously)....

Ermias:... (Smiles)... Find the words?....... It was a clear message, what you avoiding me for?....

Lauren:..... I don't know...... I wasn't fine and I didn't want to drown you with my bullshit....

Ermias:... Do that..... I'd actually love if you drowned me with your bullshit....

Lauren:.... You're just saying that....

Ermias:..... I mean it....

Lauren:.... You're always trying to be hella corny

Ermias:... I actually suck at that shit so when I seem to be "corny"..... I mean it for real....

Lauren:....... (Looks at him)......

Ermias :.........

Lauren:.. I'm not going for the fest...

Ermias:... Why not?.....

Lauren:.... I don't want to?....

Ermias:.... Why?...... just yesterday you were excited for it....

Lauren:... All my friends are dating...... I don't want to look lonely....

Ermias:.... I'd have been with you but the guys and I vowed that our last we be just us...

Lauren:(sighs).... You should enjoy it....

Ermias:...just come.... I can be with you in the morning..... Drive you home....

Lauren:... Its okay, save yourself the trouble.....



(Walk to school)...

Junie:(complaining)...the school gives us a day to rest but no...... Lauren wants to go to school...

Lauren:..... Ermias got me a ticket and he said I should go get it....

Junie:.... Why didn't he give it to you yesterday?....

Lauren:.. Because I only told him about my dumb brothers today....

Junie:... Tyler and Josh are douche bags for stealing your money..

Lauren:.. I don't even want to think of them honestly.....

Junie:... You must really like Ermias huh?... Pouring your heart out and shit..... (Laughing)...

Lauren:... I had to, he wasn't convinced with the I just don't want to go excuse.....

Junie:... He'll definitely smash tonight ......... Is that why you're wearing biker shorts? To give him a glimpse of what he'll be dealing with....

Lauren:.. His not like that.... We've never even kissed before....... on the lips anyway......and no, I'm just wearing them.......

Junie:... (Shocked)... Why and how haven't you kissed?......

Lauren:... I don't know, we just haven't .....

Junie:... I won't say nothing cause I know his banging you tonight....

Lauren:(rolls her eyes)....

"Lake Fest High School"

(The whole school decorated)....

Ermias:(irritated, addressing his juniors).... You know this is happening soon right?......

A couple of students :(just starring at him).....

Ermias:..... Why did I sign up for this dumb shit...

Junie:...(to Lauren)... I gotta go to the bathroom cause Levan is here, I don't wanna be looking like a zombie... (Goes).....

Ermias:(now in a class looking at the desks moved aside)....

Lauren:... (To a random student)... Hey, do you know where Ermias is?.....

Student:... Yeah.... (Points)... There.....

Lauren:... (Walks to the class and walks in)....

Ermias:(sitting on a desk, on his phone)....

Lauren:.. Hey...

Ermias:(looks up, smiles).... Hi... (Puts his phone in his pocket).....

Lauren:(walks up to him)... The school looks amazing....

Ermias:.. Dead ass?...... I hate it...

Lauren:.. I bet you're just tired of seeing it all already.....

Ermias:... I hope so.... (Pulls out the ticket).....

Lauren :(walks over to him)...... (Takes her hand out)...

Ermias:(holds it).....

Lauren:............ (Biting her lip revealing her dimples).......

Ermias:(puts the ticket down beside him and pulls her closer)....

Lauren :(smiles,moves even closer )......

Ermias:(pecks her lips three times).....

Lauren:(her hands on his thighs)........

Ermias:..... (Goes in for a longer kiss).......... (Breaks away slowly)....

Lauren:(shy,looking down)....

Ermias:..... How are you still on that shy shit?....

Lauren:(bursts out).... You just freaking kissed me what did you think I'd do?......

Ermias:.... Like you didn't know that it would happen.....

Lauren:... I didn't....

Ermias:.. I've been starring at your lips from day one....... I know you noticed....

Lauren:(laughs)..... I barely hold eye contact for three seconds so no I didn't notice you staring...

Ermias:... Bet.


Ermias:...... (Gives her the ticket)... Show up...

Lauren:.. I will....

Ermias:... Come in your cutest pajamas for a nigga....

Lauren:... I will..... (Going)....

Ermias:... Wait wait wait..... (Gets off the desk, now standing)....

Lauren:(turns)... What?...

Ermias:.... (Leans in for a kiss)...

Lauren:(on the tips of her toes kissing him)........

Junie:.... (To some random student).... Have you seen Lauren?..... Dimples, short....

Student:... She in that class....

Junie:(walks to the class, reaches to the scene)...... (Smiles).....

Ermias:(breaks the kiss, sees Junie)....

Junie:.... Don't get all freaked out, I just got here.... (Smiles again).....

Lauren:(awkward).... Okay, now I'm going.... See you tonight..... (Going)....

Ermias:..... (Humorously).... Bring heels too Boogie.... My back won't make it through the night...

Junie:(laughs, excited)....

Lauren:.... (Pushes Junie out the class)......


"Later that day, students coming in, walking around talking, playing around in their pajamas"......

Ermias:(in the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror on his phone, wearing a black T-shirt with sweats)...

Tyler:(walks in with the squad)....

Ermias:(gives a glance, gets back on his phone).....

Tyler:.... Get off your phone son....

Ermias:... (Looks at them)....

Squad:(rounds him up)...

Ermias:(laughs)..... I wish you could see just how stupid y'all look rounding me up in your fucking pajamas...

Tyler:... I'm the one doing the talking here Ermias....

Ermias:... (Puts his hands in his pockets)....

Tyler:... I see you messing with my sister...

Ermias:.... And?....

Tyler:.. We homies.... knock that shit out...

Ermias:...No we are not.....'homies'. I ain't your friend.... We ain't on that shit....

Tyler:.. Okay..... So since we ain't homies........ Leave my sister the fuck alone....

Ermias:.... (Laughs)..... Nigga pick a side..... you was just about to run me on some shit because you thought we was homies........I don't know what you on but you got some balls talking to me like am a kid.....

Tyler:... I'll talk to you how I want to Ermias...... Look you some lost and found hood baby..

Squad:.. (Laughing)....

Tyler:.. I don't want my sister with that shit....

Ermias:.... Hood baby, okay. Listen to me nigga....... I don't know who you think you are .... But you on some shit I don't like and trust me...... I'll will fuck you up if you try play with me....

Tyler:... I can fuck your shit up right now....

Squad:(closing in)....

Ermias:.. (Lifts his shirt up to two guns on his sides).....

Squad:(backs away slowly).....

Ermias:.….... Don't play with me..... 15 years in the hood ain't no joke..... Imma burst heads open...... Trust me......

Squad:(back away more)....

Ermias:... Now get the fuck out of here.....

Tyler:(slowly backs away with his friends).....

Ermias:(rolls his eyes, takes the toy guns out and place them on the sink).........Dumb Motherfuckers...