
Incomplete System in Marvel

A man wakes up in the body of Peter Parker with almost no memories of his previous life. How will he survive in a Marvel Universe that is much more different and dangerous than just the movie universe? A system, of course! But what’s up with this system being in version 0.1 and having almost no features? ------------ Turn off your brain and don't put too much thought into things. I certainly didn't.

Chaostic · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
75 Chs


The NYPD seemed to be in a great hurry to either get rid of or at least empty the storage of all the maggia families in New York, as the raid on Hammerhead was happening less than a week after the previous one on the Manfredi family. Understandably so, of course, as the arsenal, the Maggia families currently held in their hands made all the higherups sweat rivers just thinking of the chaos they could bring upon the city if they only wished to.

Unlike the Manfredi family, which was held up in a random abandoned factory close to the docks of Manhattan, Hammerhead had chosen a much more elegant option for his base, that being his own Mansion located in Richmond Park, Queens.

Reaching this location was a bit of an inconvenience for me. After crossing the Brooklyn bridge to head toward Queens, the houses were still sufficiently tall enough for me to swing off of them, but the farther away I got, the lower the houses became until I was in an area with at most two-story family houses, which were difficult to use for web-slinging.

Other than the occasional lamp post or a suitable tree that I could use to propel myself forward, I was forced to just run on the ground like a god damn pleb. Damn it, this is exactly why I moved away from Aunt May's house to live in the city center…

Web-slinging or not, I still made it to my destination in a matter of minutes. In spite of my whining, I might actually be faster running on the ground rather than slinging in the air so long as there is no traffic. In Manhattan, obviously, that isn't really an option since there would be too many cars and pedestrians on my path that I would have to dodge.

By the time Hammerhead's mansion comes into view, I am notified by Diana that Yuri's forces are still only getting ready and haven't even started to head over here, so I got quite a bit of time to roam around alone and take out people quietly.

The giant U-shaped mansion itself that Hammerhead was operating out of looked great, but unfortunately, the sight was ruined by the thick concrete fence that encircled the perimeter of his land. What an eyesore. Seriously every other house here has either a hedge wall or some iron fences with cool designs, why do you feel the need to ruin the view…

The front gate had guards standing on both sides of it, openly displaying some assault rifles that were strapped over their shoulders. They both looked highly on alert as well, could it be they are expecting something to happen? Usually, these underlings are pretty relaxed and unattentive.

I needed to take them both out without causing too much of a ruckus if I wanted to avoid alerting everyone inside the walls, so what I did was cast [Chains of Restraint] on one of them, binding them hard enough that they dropped their gun before they could even pull the trigger, I also shot some webs directly in his mouth to shut him up.

Before his partner was even able to react, I webbed the gun out of his hand and shot several loads on his face to seal his mouth and eyes. He immediately tried to pull the webbing off his face, but that would never come to fruition as I hastily made my way to him, pushed him against the wall, and attached him tightly to it. He wouldn't be moving anywhere anytime soon.

As for the first one… he was already choking to death on the webs down his throat, so I simply released the chains, gave him a blow to the back of the head, and stuck him to the ground as he fell down unconscious. Oh, and I got rid of the webs in his mouth. No need to kill the guy here, I already got my XP and loot.

I crawl up the fence and peek my head over to see that the gardens of this place are swarming with armed guards. Yeap, the guy who I interrogated definitely told the truth when he said other families also got their hands on a stupid amount of guns.

In my sight, I also spot a window on the second floor of the mansion being wide open, and I can't see anyone through it, so that might as well be my entrance way inside.

The guards in the garden are all patrolling set paths, almost like video game enemies meaning it was easy to pick out a time when nobody was looking at me, and I could quickly shoot webs through the open window and pull myself inside without anyone being the wiser.

"Hey, who are y-" The second I land inside, a female voice sounds out next to me, but almost instinctively, I turn around and punch them in the face to shut them up.

"Shhh, I'm being sneaky." The woman, wearing a traditional maid dress (Hammerhead has good taste), falls down.

Was that just a housekeeper? Well, I can't take any chances, I hope your nose isn't broken from that. American healthcare doesn't have the best reputation.

I pick her up and attach her to the ceiling with webs so if anyone happens to come into the room, they would most likely not notice her. While doing that, I happen to spot a vent entrance near the top of the wall, perfect.

Crawling inside, I marvel at how much space these vents provide for movement. You can't convince me that all New York buildings weren't designed with me in mind.

"Diana, can you get me the blueprints for this mansion?" I whisper

"One second… done!" One second was correct, as right after I asked, a window with the blueprints opened up in the corner of my vision. The vents ran throughout the whole building, granting me free access to pretty much all places of the mansion.

There were three floors to this building and… a basement. Ugh, why is there always a basement…

I leave the blueprints open where they are and start making my way through the vents. The hallways that these vents run above have guards patrolling them, the same as the garden outside. To ease the burdens of the police force whenever they get here and begin their plan, as well as to just grind my way ever so closer to level 100, I periodically pull up any guards that happen to stand below a vent entrance and stick them to the ceiling of the vent.

In this way, I spend nearly 15 minutes casually moving about the mansion and removing guards without anyone even knowing I am here. That is until I chance upon a much more suspicious looking person walking through the mansion.

The person is clearly a woman from her curves that are accented by the tight black leather armor she is wearing. On her head is a black hood that covers her hair, as well as a black mask covering her face. There is not an inch of skin that can be seen. Furthermore, she has a toolbelt around her waist holding knives, kunai, shurikens, and two desert eagles from what I can see, at least, there might even be more.

I follow her through the vents as she navigates the halls of the first and second floors before finally stopping and taking out her phone to make a call. The call is accepted immediately, and she speaks in with a forceful tone. "George, what happened to all the guards? The lunch break should be long over by now. I swear to god, if they are slacking off again…"

There is silence for a few seconds, presumably as the person on the other side is speaking. Unfortunately, I am not able to hear it.

"I will go make sure they aren't playing around. You better pray I won't find them cause if you fail to organize your men even on such an important day, I will come put a bullet between your eyes myself." A casual threat of murder, I love it.

A few seconds of silence once again go by before the woman continues speaking. "If I can't find anyone, then there is only one other possibility I can think of…"

As she says that, my spider sense fires off, warning me to pull back from the vent entrance that I was watching her through. A good thing too, as while pulling back, I briefly spot her starting to turn her head directly over at the vent entrance. Had I not retreated quick enough, she would have seen me for sure.

"We might have an intruder." I hear her say with a scarily calm voice, presumably while looking over at the vent I was spying on her from. A few seconds later, I hear her footsteps again as she starts moving further away. "Reroute some guards to Black Cat's cell in the basement, I want to make sure she stays put until the pickup arrives, or dad won't be happy."

Black Cat's cell? Shit, I need to move.


Note: Chapter, 5 days in a row now