

I lagged behind the team a bit just to observe and follow. The girls talked and converted about their classes the day before and about other things I didn't quite understand. As we walked through the hall I once more caught the unnecessary attention from girls and guys alike. I kept my head down and my eyes forward, girls came up to all to me and began to overwhelm me as the girls kept walking. The torrent of girls began begging and pleading for my scroll information, to touch my hair and touch my horns. I began to try and ward off the girls with no advail, them all crowding around me and causing me to begin to panic, all these girls making my heart beat faster. Suddenly I had gotten a glance of a familiar figure, there walked Kara through the crowd to me with the rest of the team. Kara was at my feet as she pulled me down and placed her hands on either side of my face, putting her thumbs over my lips as she presses her lips against her thumbs. The group of girls begin to groan and sigh as curses are sent sailing through the air. I was a little off put and unsure of what just happened as Kara had some blush to her cheeks as well as the others, Eve was awestruck.

Eve: "What the hell Kara, you cant just go kissing him! I want to do that but I'm not kissing up on him, stealing his jacket and sitting on his lap! You can't just hog him the whole time!"

I was off put as she said what she did, my mind drawing a blank as I try to think what the hell wasgoing on. Eve stormed off as the rest of the team remained quiet, me being extra quiet as I zoned out, unable to understand what was going on. Suddenly before I knew it we were in the arena and sparring was about to begin. My opponent was Davina who had her dual pistols in hands, my gauntlets on and getting in this arena a blur. Davina was ready as the bell ringed and the fight was on,gunshots ringing out as the bullets met their mark but simply bounced off me. I gained some focus put my fists up, allowing a few wires to expand outward in front of me. She fired more bullets and I moved a finger, cutting any that would hit me and I dodged the rest. She began to get angry as I retracted the wires and decided to test my new skill, Wire Transformation. To my surprise this skill worked by weaving together the wire and tightening them to make something like a weapon. The only thing I could think of was a Shield in my left hand, a big one that could keep me covered up. Sure enough the wires began to knit together and form a simple tower shield, allowing me to block most attacks that would come my way. I began to press forward towards Davina, hearing the twang of bullets hitting the shield and bouncing off. Suddenly the surpressing fire stopped and all went silent other than the spectators when suddenly with a leap Davina had jumped over my tower shield and in her hands were bladed whips. I quickly dispersed my wire and allows it to fan out. A thwack rang out as a sparks produced off my scales, the blade hitting my right wrist causing me to slash with the wires. Davina's aura dropped significantly and kept dropping after the hit when mrs.Goodwitch called off the match. She walked onto the platform and looked at the two of us before starting to lecture,

Goodwitch: "You both did an excellent job but you both are lacking in areas. Davina you kept Mr.Smith at bay with his bullets but when he produced the shield you were at a disadvantage. Coming in at close range was smart but I as why jump over the shield? Your reflexes are quite quick and you landed a solid blow but in exchange for almost completely depleting your aura. You on the other hand Mr.Smith need to stayed focus, keep your head in the fight! It took you too long to react when the matched started so you'll be going into another match with one of your teammates, Robin Locksly will be your opponent. Robin step down and face your teammate."

I was a little shocked as Robin made his way down the steps as people called him names and boo'd him on his way down. My attention was on him as he pulled out a pair of twin curved daggers, holding one with the blade out and towards me while the other was pointed towards him. Mrs.Goodwitch walked off stage and the count down began I tried my skill once more as my left glove began to turn into a solid pole, making a wire bo staff. The weapon felt natural in my hands as the timer went off and the match had begun. In a matter of an instant Robin was right on top of me, the dagger ready to sink into my stomach. I popped the blade out of his hands with my knee and struck his, his arm blacking my hit to the ribs. He quickly rebounded from this and snatched his dagger back from out of the air, ready to start an onslaught once more as he dashed forward with great speed. I was a bit more prepared this time as I put my right hand on the staff and held on, making the staff grow longer and launching me into the air. I didn't go to far up thanks to Self-Gravity but it was enough to dodge the blow and get behind Robin. I landed on my feet and felt a powerful force hit my left shoulder before an arrow fell to the ground and another hit my right. I saw that Robin now had put his daggers together to form a bow and I was his target as he let loose another arrow right for my head.