

As I removed my shirt I was bewildered at what I saw. What laid upon my chest was small specs of Vanta Black, just like the color of my tail. The specs were scattered across my and each one was no bigger than a grain of rice but some of them were clumped together, making larger spots. The black seemed to absorb all light and drew the eye. I had no thinkable idea of what these spots might be and why such an interesting and fascinating color! I looked around for the nearest bathroom, still running around with no shirt. I walked into the lobby where everyone else was and most were laying down, others talking to our peers. I sighed as I carefully and slowly walked over and around people, making sure not to trip on anyone or draw notice. I succeed in making it past everyone as I finally find a restroom. As I walk in I see showers, toilets, sinks, ect. All the typical things you find in the bathroom but one exception, it's co-ed. As I walk in a girl passes me and pays me little mind but I begin to mentally lose my shit. I quickly duck inside the nearest shower and sit on the bench that is in there. The shower isn't too large, about five foot by five foot, I honestly can't remember my last bath but I sure as hell know that I'm gonna enjoy this. I begin to shed what's left of my clothes, uncoiling my tail from my waist and letting my pants drop and my tail be free. I undress the rest of the way and turn on the water. The water begins to spill forth from the shower faucet, colder than ice and snow. It causes me to jump up and yip a bit, causing me to quickly change the temperature to hot. Slowly the water began to wash over me, this time in bliss as the temperature is to my liking. Dirt, soot, sweat and other things begin to run off with the water as I stand in the water and relax, giving myself to observe myself. I look down at my chest to see that this is nothing to do with my skin. In fact as it is I don't have skin, instead of the olive colored skin I thought I had I instead had scales! I wasn't talking big thick sales, more like small scales that couldn't be seen unless you had amazing vision and were up close. I ran my hands across each spot and it felt normal like skin, or what I guessed skin feels like. I groan and take up the shampoo, washing my hair and enjoying the beginning of my well deserved bath. After all is said and done, the bathroom is full of steam and I am feeling refreshed. I walk out of the shower with my pants back on and my tail holding them up. I couldn't help but have a smile on my face as I walk out into the lobby once more, this time with a pep in my step. I walk around my fellow peers and make sure not to trip over them. As I dance about my peers I hear a whistle, a cat call from across the room and draws my attention. My gaze was caught by a blonde, long haired mistress, her eyes a violet color and her body had curves yet was delicate but displayed power. She had a huge grin on her face as she sits with another girl with black and red hair. I look around the room to make sure she was cat calling me. I slowly point at me and look a her who is nodding and mouthing to me and beckoning me closer to her. I slowly make my way to her with an inquisitive look upon my face, unsure what to make of the whole situation. As I near closer the blonde smiles and looks me up and down. Stepping closer I'm now about five feet away from the girl who is sitting next to the younger black haired girl who's attention is on her scroll and has headphones on.

'Hey there big boy, why don't you have a seat and tell me about yourself ?'

I do as she asks and sit down in front of her, face to face with her,

'My name is Yang, this is my sister Ruby. How about you, what's your name?'

"The name is Seryy, Nice to meet you Yang and Ruby. Now if I may ask, why did you call me over here? I'm pretty sure no one here knows me."

This seems to peek her interest as she leans forward, giving me her full attention as she looked my body up and down.

'So no one really knows you? That's cool, makes you mysterious, tell me are you by chance single?'

This struck me as odd, not believing what had just come out of her mouth,

"I-Um, wait did you just ask me if I was single? I'm sorry to say no but you have confidence, I like that."

She smiled and Ruby looked up at me, that's when My eyes locked with hers. I had finally found the person who had the silver eyes, Ruby had those eyes and they caused my heart to flutter with glee. To finally find the silver eyes made me feel happy but unsure why exactly I wanted to fing them. Ruby began to blush and get flustered as she scrambled back and fell on another girl, causing her to wake up and groan. A white haired girl with a scar over her eye, pulled back a sleep mask and looked at Ruby. She looked quite upset before she laid eyes on me and smiled,

'Oh I must be dreaming if a shirtless hunk like you is so close to me'

I smiled and began to get flustered as I backed up, my hand slipping and falling back into the lap of a beautiful yellow eyed girl. God this was a nightmare as well as a dream.