

The cold submerge of darkness is familiar at this point but the lack of warmth was alarming. I could feel the cold pulse of my heart, its beat slowed and soft. I sighed as the sound of rhythmic sounds of a hammer hitting steel rings through my head. The sound rhythmic like a piano players greatest work, the soft glow of flames in the distance. I slowly approach to see a mans strike a glowing piece of metal, the blade taking for with each strike. The man that struck the metal had a scruffy facial hair, a head of curly, sandy blonde hair, he didn't even bother to look up as he smiled and held up the still glowing blade.

???: "You did a fantastic job in the fight, kinda took an arrow to the back that doomed ya but still. You need to remember that you may be a dragon but till your skills get better you aren't invincible. You're reckless, lack skill and rely too much on emotions, learn to strike an opponent without feeling. Once you master this I will help make you a weapon."

He sighs as he looks to his forge, the flame dying out and embers losing their glow. I feel the cold continue to seep into my body before the forge is suddenly lit asunder and the fires begin to leap from it. This causes the both of us jump as it does, his eyes as wide as mine, the flames a light green as it spills forth. This causes him to smile and let the blade he was working on become devourder before looking back at me with glassy, milk eyes, grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

"Go forth boy, you've yet to learn your purpose in this life and I only serve as a means to arm you. Remember this name well and call upon it when in need it is,"

He is cut off as I jolt up in bed, sweating and panting. I spookily sat there as I looked out onto the room, unsure of where I lie. I grip the blanket that lays over me and flop back into the bed, too tired to care where I am, knowing that the bed was warm. I closed my eyes and sighed as I began to recall the events of what had happened with Robin, the puncture wounds aching across my body. I sigh and open my eyes and look towards the ceiling, my thoughts scrambled and disoriented. I feel a weight begin to shift to my left as suddenly an arm is thrown over me and a warm body snuggles into me. This causes me to freeze as I lay there dumbfounded, unable to but together whose arm lays across my chest. I look to see who the arm is attached to, finding that not only am I missing my shirt but that I am incredibly warm. I groan as I feel weight shift to my right and a head pop up, Davina looks towards me and smiles,

Davina: "Welcome back to the world of the living Dumbass. Glad to see you're alive but I ask you remain still and I recommend going back to sleep, no reason not to."

She smirked and took notice in the arm thrown across my chest, her brow furrowing as she began sitting up and tracing it back to it's origins. She wore a silk night gown, the fabric soft yet slick as it rubs against my scales, practically her whole body laying upon mine before she chuckles and begins to shake the other person. A head popped up, sleepy eyes staring straight ahead, little white ears popping up as the face of Eve turns towards Davina. Her hand shifts as it is put on my pectoral and she shifts her weight to that arm, her hand squeezing a bit before she yawns and blinks a few times.

Eve: "Oh hey D, what are you doing up so late? Man is it warm under these blankets, any way what can I do for ya team leader?"

Her expression was so nonchalant as Davina raised a brow in question,

Davina: "Eve, if you don't mind me asking, why are you in this bed with us? And more importantly whose shirt are you wearing and please tell me you have clothes under it."

Eve began to chuckle as I sat there quietly and questioning what the hell was going on, unable to piece together what was happening. I felt something fuzzy wrap around my tail and bit my lower lip silently as my senses became a tad overwhelmed. Eve simply chuckled and laid down, snuggling back into me once more.

Eve: "What ever do you mean team leader? I just wish to help my fellow teammate recover after that enduring battle. After all the nurse said that he needed to be kept warm to regain strength. Why are you here D? Desire to steal our prized teammate away from the rest of the group, what shame!"

Davina began to get angry as she wrapped her arms around me, holding me tight.

Davina: "How dare you make such accusations against me! I was only doing the same, it is a team leader's job to properly take care of her team!"

I groaned and sighed as the two continued to bicker. I shook my head and began pulling up my stats to see what had changed.

Name: Seryy Ingram Ramos Smith


Age: 17

Sex: Male

Race: Third Dragon Faunus, Dragon of Three

Level: 10



Aura Color:Translucent

Skills: Brawler:MAX, Wire User:MAX, Devil's Charm:MAX, Unyielding Endurance:MAX, Physical Resistance:MAX, Dust Resistance:MAX, Devourer:5, Jack of Weapons Master of Few:MAX, Bullet Resistance:5, Gravity Well:7, Poison Resistance:MAX, Ladies Man:8, Self-Gravity:MAX, Scale Absorbtion:8, Poison Secretion:5, Tail Strike:4, Diamond Body:3, Transformation, Visions, Wire Transformations:3, Artifact User:5, Team Fighting:1, Threefold Flames:2, Arrow Resistance:5, Cold Resistance:3

Titles:Weapon of the Gods, Destiny's Unbound, Keeper of Balance, Walking Tank, Dragon of Grey, Team Member of DRKES, Flames of Three, Last Dragon
