

As I walk out of the shower people begin to flood in, boys and girls both with bags of bathroom amenities, were I am just holding my shirt and towel. I weave in and out of the crowd of my peers, all of them pushing and shoving their way past. I feel a slap on my ass from an unknown hand, causing me to jump and look around for my assailant with no avail. I groan as I push past and make it back to my cozy little spot before taking up my bag. Once more taking up my bag and rifling through what's in there, still only a wallet, damn. It called out to me as I slowly picked it up and looked at it curiously, wondering why I wanted to meet this as close to me as possible and kill anyone who tried to take it..... Whoa, ok that's weird. I quickly pocketed the wallet to my right back pocket and hold my now empty bag with sadness. I really want this bag to be filled with things, shiny and pretty things, worthless and worth while. Oh geeze what am I thinking! I don't need things! I have the sense of adventure and.... That button is.... No, wait, stay on track! Just as I say that I feel a tap on my shoulder causing me to jump almost over three foot. I land and see a surprised face of the yellow eyed girl who is a tad shocked at my reaction.

'Wow, didn't mean to scare you or anything but wow that was a jump for a reaction. Anyway, I wanted to apologise..."

It took my brain a moment to register what she meant by apologise before it hit me that she meant for slapping me. I chuckled and shook my head,

"No need for a beautiful girl like you to apologise to a nobody like me. I had woken you up from your sleep and I deserved the slap. The one who needs to apologise is me"

She furrowed a brow as she stared at me furiously,

'Im apologizing, take my apology and accept it'

I scoffed as a natural reaction and began to walk away,

"You can't demand someone to accept your apology, if you truly mean what you say then drop it. I thought a smart looking girl like yourself would know that"

I continue walking as I hear her anger rise from within her but she knew I was right as I walked away coldly. I disappeared into the mass of students, Ozpin took the podium and tapped on the mic.

'Hello? Hello? Students, students, students! Welcome Freshman to Beacon Academy! As you all know you each get a team, teams of four are made and that's your team for your time at Beacon! They are your family, so without further a do"

Everyone's scrolls began to ding as people looked at them. I looked at my scroll and saw a text that read ''Five'' painted in red across the screen. people looked around and began to shout for people of their numbers to gather in one spot. People grouped up and everyone noticed there was plenty more than four people in the group.

'As I was saying, you will each be put into a team that will be your family while here at Beacon, the numbers you have all been sent is the group you will be sent out with to find if any suitable teammates. Now I ask that you all gather up as you already have and sit quietly, group one and two will be taken with Professor Goodwitch, three with Oobleck, four with Professor Port and finally five with me. Oh and to dash any misconceptions these groups have little to do with your skills or anything like that.'

He stepped down as the groups gathered around their teachers and dispersed and my group was left standing there with Ozpin. In the group was a black hair with a pink stripped, green wearing guy with a orange haired girl hanging on him. She was laughing as she had a smile on her face as she messed with the guy. Another guy that drew my attention was A blond kid with a simple sword and shield, this threw me off as it seemed to hold no capabilities other than that, also wearing some armour. He was what I guessed was flirting with the white haired girl from the night before that was ignoring him profusely as he kept on at it. Then my vision caught the sight of red and bronze. She had a circlet on her head and her mere presence rowled me up as every nerve in my body anticipated a fight with her. She carried herself in such a way that yelled she was a fighter, as well as the weapons she carried. Other than that I saw the girls from the night before and another group of four. I couldn't help but feel like the odd man out here as there where 13 people including me. Ozpin began to walk off and the group followed, me straggling behind as I struggle to walk. As I continue walking I get looks from other people in the group before Yang speaks up,

"'Hey handsome, did you get any sleep because you're kinda lagging behind a bit. Why don't you pick it in high gear and join the rest of the group!'"

I groaned as I quickly caught up with the group. Ozpin began to lead us up a hill till we overlooked a vast forest, kind of like the one I was originally in.

'This is how team selection works. Each of you stand on a tile.'

I look down and stand at the end of the line while everyone took other spots. Everyone but me and the blonde kid knew what was going on as one at a time they were launched into the air by the tile. I began to mentally freak out as the line got closer to me.

'The first person you see is your teammate, the first group of two you see is your team, I wish you look Mr.Arc, have fun!'

With that the Arc kid was shot through the air by the tile and was flailing about when Ozpin looked at me and smiled,

'Good luck!"

And with that the tile made a thunk sound as I expected to be shot off into the forest but instead was still standing in front of Ozpin who looked inquisitive.

'Um, you should be gone now but the tile hasn't....'

I look at him and that's when it clicks that my Self-Gravity is currently active and too much for the tile. I quickly power my semblance down, no sooner than I do I am sent soaring into the air, forest underneath me and showing no sign of me landing. That is till I catch a face full of tree and am sent ragdolling into the forest.

25K! Thanks to all you fans who made it possible for me to hit 25K as well as be in the top 500 ranking!

TheLastD00Rcreators' thoughts