

My journey had finally begun, the freedom that my heart is longing for is being quenched as I do as I please. No bounds to hold me down and my destiny my own to decide! I stepped carefully throughout the forest, wary of the dangers that lurked in the shadows and threatened to end my life. Each step was quiet as I kept my eyes open, noises outside of my field of vision but I could smell the scent of blood upon them. I let out a light sigh as I closed my eyes and began to expand my reach, the gauntlets unraveling and sending the wire into the air, glimpses of silver dancing about as the sun reflects on them. I continued to walk forward as silently and quickly as I could, the wires my own personal trap to keep the Grimm away. I hoped my plan was working as creature that was following me no longer made any noise, instead there was just silence, wind rustling branches and the hush of a songbird. I couldn't help but feel a tingle up my spine, knowing that something wasn't exactly right. That's when a sudden whoosh went through the trees and a black hooded snake with red come face to face with me, suffering some cuts from my trap but was ready to attack. I was caught off guard as the massive creature met my eyes, it bearing its fangs at me and hissing, poison dripping from its fangs as its mouth watered from the sight of me. Basilisk, a serpent like Grimm that usually resides in the forest, hunting its prey and stalking them for a kill and this one choose me. The beast reared forward towards me, taking hits from my wires which began to shred the beast. I flexed my hands and took them to the right, catching most of the beast. Yet the Grimm did not weaver as it continued to attack, pouncing at me and forcing me to jump a top it and ensnare it in my wires once more. It let out a dilapidated hiss as it began to struggle, sealing its own doom as the wires dug deeper into it before it gave out. There I stood, on top of the beast, it had gashes and cuts. It's life captured within my net, a smile creeped across my face, a real one. I was so happy! Suddenly I felt a nick on my shoulder and jumped in pain and surprise. I feel a weight against me for a moment to find the tip of a Basilisk fang in my shoulder. I peer back and over my shoulder to find the second half of the Basilisk trying to sink it in deeper to no avail. I felt a rush of adrenaline pump through my body as I reached over with my right hand, the wire weaving together as I reach over. With a solid and powerful hit the Basilisk is knocked back and to the ground, the fang still in my wound. With a grunt I dislodged the fang and my aura rushed over my body as a dull colorless light covered me, my wound beginning to heal as I stare down my new prey. The Grimm rises and looks as if it was ready to strike, coiled up into itself ready to kill. I raised my left to find my wires still were embedded into the other half. I pushed on and rose the other half up like a puppet on strings, forcing the deceased part of my foe to become its own enemy. The alive half attacked my puppet, trying to make it past and to me. My puppet took the attack and then exchanged a blow back, ripping into the underbelly with its fangs. My left hand moved elegantly and smoothly, orchestrating each attack and block, keeping me safe while my opponent kills itself. The Basilisk's white half locked down into its opposite while I allowed mine to tear into itself. The struggle lasted only a few moments as the beast passed on and I was left alone, sweating and panting. I clutched the fang I had in hand and once more scanned to see if any more threat. So far so good as my gauntlets weaved back. My shoulder hurt a tad as I rubbed it and marched on. I wandered in the direction that my scroll told me to go before stumbling onto a dirt road, dust kicked up. I look up and saw a beautiful sight, a town was but a ways away. Airships cruised over head and other machines were in and above the city, people walking around and an air. I was in awe, my mind was blow as I was suddenly launched into the air. I could see the ground as everything turned upside down,everything slowed down as the ground approached then all went black. I could taste blood in my mouth as I slowly dragged myself off the ground. My head was aching as I looked to see a wagon that had two horses pulling it and an old man driving it

"'Oh my goodness young one! I didn't see you there! Then again I'm not seein much these days!"'

He mustered a chuckle as a platinum haired girl with a simple top, silver blue in color that blossomed out into a silk like long skirt that went below the knees,this was white with elegant an elegant black primrose design. Everything was too blurry to make out facial features.

'Oh grandpa! You must be more careful of people on foot! Oh dear we've even hit a handsome young lad!'

Her voice was as sweet as honey and was giving me a toothache. I shifted my weight onto my left foot and spit up some blood before falling to the ground. My leg hurt a bit and I could feel the hoof print in my back. The old man entered my field of vision and placed a hand on my head.

"'Sleep child, we'll fix you up and take you to town. For now rest easy and heal'

An overwhelming exhaustion over took me as I slowly drifted into a dark and empty slumber.