

I could hear the ticking of a clock, the gears inside turning. Everything is black, I feel as if this black could go on forever, enveloping everything from me. I'm alone, no one with me, around me was the ever consuming darkness. I was my only source of existence, my only source of light. All felt empty, from me to the space I resided, there was nothing. Slowly I began to feel a curtain rise upon me as a sickeningly sweet voice echoed through my head.

"Wake up lad, you've rested long enough. No need to reside in a slumber as long as you have. Wake up rested and healed, wake up anew."

With that a curtain was lifted from over my eyes as a bright light creeped through the cracks of my eyes. Light overwhelmed me as I closed my eyes in pain, I let out a groan and shield my eyes. I hear a small chuckle as I feel a hand pat my head and begin to play with my hair. The feeling is nice, but foreign to me as contact with another person is… Weird. I slowly let my eyes flutter open as my gaze was met with a delicate faced maiden with fair skin, a soft pale that gave off a warm glow. I blinked my eyes to make sure that I'm not dreaming, something I've yet to do. I groan as a soft smile is directed towards me, her platinum hair to the right. It is full of waves and shines in the setting sun's light. I can feel the motion of the cart being pulled down the road, the rocking and clopping of hooves soothing me. I let out a sigh and lie still, enjoying the rest that has been different from all the others. She once more peered down upon me as our gaze's met, her eyes a soft yet vibrant red orange. I couldn't help take notice in the color, the strange way her eyes draw the gaze. Then it hits me, I can't remember what I look like from the color of my eyes to the color of my eyes, I drew a blank on it all. I sat up and slowly began to panic before looking back at the girl who's lap I was laying my head on. She chuckled and placed a hand on my shoulder where I previously was bitten,

"Calm down lad, no reason to be scared. My grandfather had accidentally hit you with our cart and sent you sailing! Oh it was a sight to see but what was even more strange to see was that you were gripping a fang of sorts. Would that happen to be from a Grimm? If so would it be possible that you too are heading to Beacon to enroll as a Hunter in training?

Worry not, me nor my grandpa did nothing to you and your handsome face wasn't harm other than a bloody lip."

Me checking my appearance seemed to upset her, maybe because she thought I was so self centered.

"Oh no no no, I wasn't worried about that. You've hit me with a wagon already there isn't much more you could do to me! I had um... Embarrassing as it is I forgot what I looked like... It has been a truly odd day for me as I kinda have forgotten some things and my memory isn't serving me too well."

I rubbed the back of my head in embarrassment and let my gaze drift to the floor of the cart before she busts out laughing. She is rolling on the floor of cart, tearing up and losing breath. I sigh and lean back in a tad of frustration. She finally stopped laughing so hard and sat back up, wiping the tears away from her eyes before smiling at me once more.

"Sorry lad, just a bit funny that you've forgotten that you've had such a handsome face. It's a tad unforgettable, I mean that scar on your jaw line and the light scar that goes up on your eye lid and under your left eye adds some character. Kinda says that you're a rough and tough badass who has seen some shit."

I chuckled a bit and began to wonder if this girl was snorting dust before extending my hand with a goofy smile. She daintily grabbed my hand and shook it lightly.

"My name is Seryy, I'm a traveler, adventurer and I guess soon to be Hunter. I have no memory of my past and am looking towards the future. Nice to meet you and thank you for fixing me up!"

She chuckled and smiled,

"My name Davina Blue, I too am an a aspiring Huntress . It is a wonderful day pleasure to meet you Seryy, to apologize I ask that you accompany me and my grandfather the rest of the way to Beacon to enroll."

This kinda shocked me as we kept shaking, my gauntlets still on. She then yanks my hand closer to her and pays a great deal of attention to them. Running her hands along the rigges and looking it over.

"This is finely crafted, an amazing piece of work. It holds so much but I feel you use it in a barbaric way, smashing and bashing."

I couldn't help but laugh as I took my hands back and shook my head. She furrowed a brow as I laughed but I was quickly cut short as the cart hit a rock and bounced me up and onto the floor. Davina laughed and her grandfather laughed as well.

'Now Davina, leave the poor boy alone on how he fights. If you truly look at his weapons you could see that they are made to do that, to send your opponent flying with your own strength. Aye it reminds me of my time as a Hunter, when times where simpler and you didn't have to worry about traveling on old roads like this. When bandits feared Hunters and Huntresses just from a glance and we wouldn't be surrounded like we have now.'

I perked up at his comment as I looked around for what the old man was speaking of. Sure enough there where some men hiding and waiting to strike.

'Step out boys, step out or leave us alone. We ask for no trouble but if you wish to cause one you'll get one"

Hit over 8k today! I’m excited to say that this series is gonna be fun and have all sorts of twists and tuns. I’d also like to thank my two biggest fans of this novel so far, AlucardDCXLVI and Rabbitborn13! Thank you all and I hope you keep reading!

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