

The horns,the visions, all of it hurt to think about as the voices consumed my thoughts once more. I was hungry but each time I closed my eyes and kept quite the sickening sounds of shattering ankles and mangled bones filled my ears. I groan and hold my head, hiding in the corner to try and keep my thoughts constant on anything but that noise and the images. I sit in the corner and begin going down the list of infinity, starting at 3.14 and continuing the list. I keep counting, my mind on the task at hand instead of what I had seen prior before hand. I could feel my heart pumping through my chest as I tried to escape my head for a moment before I hear the door of the dorm open and jump to my feet. The girls began walking in with bags in arms and Robin in tow, their face full of cheer and laughter.I sigh and put on a straight face, the lights are out as I stand in front of the window, bathing in the moon light. The girls all grow quiet as I stare out the window and put on my best poker face, Robin making a slight gasp. I turn my attention to them slowly as they draw closer, unsure of how to react to the horns or me in the glow of the moon. I switch on the light and smile, they all are a bit weary as they look over me. Kara steps forward and holds up her bag, staying silent as she offers the bag to me. I slowly sit on the floor and slowly open the bag, checking out the clothes that she had picked out for me. I first took out a pair of jeans, the knees made to be distressed and the shirt a black base color with a simple red lines sprawling across it. I smiled and patted Kara on her head, making smile as she goes in for a hug. I'm taken by surprise as she wraps her arms around me and embracing, this mere feeling almost makes me melt as I slowly hug her back. The others join in as they dog pile onto me with hugs, forcing me to the ground and unable to get up with the mixture of my Self-Gravity being at 20 times and these girls on top of me. I groan as Sam dings in my head,

(Turning Self-Gravity off)

With that I slowly stand up, all of them still embracing me oddly as I do. I can't help but muster a chuckle as they all drop off, a bit surprised that I could stand.

Robin: "So we leave and you grow horns, that a metaphor for something or am I reading into it too much?"

He looks at our teammates and they all shake their heads and laugh, making Robin laugh as well and causing him to blush uncontrollably before he hands me his bags and flopping on the bed. The clothing is simple with a pair of nice black sweatpants and a grey T-shirt. There are a few other clothes that are simple, but he hands me small bag, his face a blazing crimson as he avoids eye contact. I slowly take the bag and eye it for a moment, unsure why Robin would be so anxious and bashful about the contents of the bag. I sigh and take out a small box , unsure of what the contents of the box could be and the others take out boxes just like it and hand them to me. I begin to open each one and find that each holds a piece of jewelry, each one different from the other. Davina had gotten me a black ring, Kara a necklace with a small gemstone, an amethyst, Eve had gotten me a wooden wrist watch with a skeleton face. Finally Robin's box held a piercing, one that looked like a a lip piercing or a ear one, I looked it over and tilted my head with curiosity. Everyone was now blushing and glaring at Robin who began to hide his face, leaving me in the dark as I look over at the girls and raise a brow.

"I understand this is used for piercing and is body jewelry yet I'm in the dark when it comes to where it goes. Anyone care to explain?"

Robin pokes his head out and coughs a bit,

Robin: "I-It's a Prince Albert piercing.. One that goes..."

I pull out my scroll and begin to look up just what this thing is and raise a brow.

"Robin, I can't say that I'm not flattered but I am not sure where to go to get this piercing or anything and after the things I saw tonight I can't deal with the blood for a bit..."

Robin nods as I crash to the floor and groan, causing the girls to laugh as I hit th floor. I sighed and looked at my scroll to see the time was about 19:48. I groaned and looked at the Davina who nudged me with her foot,

"Up into bed lad, we have sparring with not only other teams but one on one. This means I need you on your A game, Ive only seen you fight once and I can tell that you've grown so I am excited to see what you have in store. Now get in the bed or else!"

I groan and drag myself to the bed and begin to drift to sleep, those noise filling my ears as I hear the whispers of Grey,

Grey: "Each dream and vision is more than that, remember the past and who you truly are"

With that all had washed away as I kept quiet and calm in my slumber, a small ding going off to treat me to my stats.

Name: Seryy Ingram Ramos Smith


Age: 17

Sex: Male

Race: Third Dragon Faunus

Level: 8



Aura Color:Translucent

Skills: Brawler:MAX, Wire User:MAX, Devil's Charm:MAX, Unyielding Endurance:MAX, Physical Resistance:MAX, Dust Resistance:8, Devourer:5, Jack of Weapons Master of Few:MAX, Bullet Resistance:5, Gravity Well:5, Poison Resistance:MAX, Ladies Man:8, Self-Gravity:MAX, Scale Absorbtion:8, Poison Secretion:5, Tail Strike:4, Diamond Body:2, Transformation, Visions, Wire Transformations:1, Artifact User:3, Team Fighting:1, Threefold Flames:2

Titles:Weapon of the Gods, Destiny's Unbound, Keeper of Balance, Walking Tank, Dragon of Grey, Team Member of DRKES, Flames of Three


Hello all and have another chapter! We have hit 62K and Ive decided to do a Q&A! I ask that you all submit your questions in either the comments or to my email, kingpoe12@gmail.com. Ill wait a week to take in all the questions you all may have, please enjoy the novel and vote/comment!

TheLastD00Rcreators' thoughts