
Gravity of the Situation

The cart stopped dead as the horses whinnied and nayed. Davina had a slight smile on her face as she drew a pair of dual revolvers out of nowhere. One was black while the other was white but the cylinder that holds bullets normally instead has glowing colors in it. She quickly spun the barrels of each one and kissed the hammer of each. I jumped down from the cart and put my dukes up for a fight, one that would be different from the others. My opponents were now humans and Faunus, my own people were ready to tear me to shreds for what little credits we had. The old man jumped down from his seat and hit the ground with a loud thud, his feet still beneath him. The bandits all laughed as they exposed themselves from their hiding places, carrying weapons of different calibers but the two that stood out where two large Faunus, each having a different animalistic feature. The one closest to me was burly as all get out and parts of his body were covered in green tinted scales as a tail protruded out his backside. In his hands was a Gatling gun, belts of bullets around him. The other guy who drew my attention was a very hairy man, no exaggeration when I mean hairy. He was hulking in size and looked to lack in IQ as he picked up a rock and roared at the group, ready to fight. Before I knew it a gunshot went off and it was a shootout, the crocodile Faunus opening fire and targeting the old man. Davina on the other hand began to precisely take shots at the bandits, wounding them or making their aura deplete. I stood there with little sense of what to do, unable to decide who I should start attacking first but I knew I had to help the old man who was narrowly dodging bullets like a maniac. I began to freeze up and tense up, feeling energy build up within me. A whirling bullet knocks me out of my daze and ricochets off me out of nowhere and hitting the person who shot me. My mind slides back into reality as I feel the energy within me expand and surround all the bandits as well as my companions. I grit my ethics in anger as everyone stopped in their place and struggled to stand but me, bullets falling out of mid air and into the ground.

(5 Times Gravity!)

Same exclaimed inside my head as a few people fell. The overtly hair man still managed to stand as he stumbled towards me, struggling to keep his ground. I walked towards him with a normal stride and clenched my fist tight, plunging it into his gut and knocking him off his feet, leaving him unable to move. I heard his companions struggle as the sunk into the ground a bit and the one let out a painful yelp. I decided to discontinue this effect, unsure how I even did it. Taking a deep breath and calming down seemed to be the trick as it began to dissipate. Without a second thought my wires spread across the field and floated in the wind, slowly the bandits stood up and grabbed their weapons to resume fighting. One took aim at the old man with his gun, I twitched a finger and the gun split in half. This caused the rest of the bandits to flip out and stay where they where, afraid that my 'invisible' attacks would make quick work of them. Davian and her grandfather slowly stood to their feet, Davina in complete shock of what had transpired, her grandfather had a huge grin on his face.

'Good job boy! I knew there was something about ya, who knew I'd pick up a fine young man like yourself!'

I smiled and allowed my gauntlets to weave themselves together, letting the bandits flee while they had a chance. I was stunned at the increase of weight I had distributed earlier and was looking myself over to find out what had even caused that to happen. Davina looked me dead in the eyes and raised a brow of curiosity,

"That thing you did then, with the sudden shift in weight as everyone fell to the ground, unable to stand up. That was you right? Was that your semblance, to increase the weight of everyone within a certain area?"

Once more this platinum haired girl was asking things I had no answer to. The old man chuckled more and pat his granddaughter on the back.

'Lass, leave the boy alone! Can't ya tell that power we witnessed was in fact his semblance! He increased the gravity of the situation that is or sure. If it wasn't for him, these old bones of mine would be filled with bullet holes!'

He walked over to me and took up my hand, shaking it and smiling,

'Thank you so much! As payment, please allow us to take you the rest of the way to the city and when we get there you will be paid for your time! They would have stolen our shipment of goods for sure if you hadn't helped!'

He hugged me and had tears in his eyes as he let go and jumped back up into the cart and motioned for us to get back in. Davina got in and I followed, be wildered by the fact of my powers. Sam began to ding off in my head and sent me a notification,

(Check stats! You've leveled up!)

With that my stats sheet was thrown up before me and was displayed

Name: Seryy Ingram Ramos Smith


Age: 17

Sex: Male

Race: Unknown Faunus

Level: 3

Skills: Brawler:4, Wire User:3, Devil's Charm:5, Unyielding Endurance:MAX, Physical Resistance:6, Dust Resistance:5, Devourer:1, Jack of Weapons Master of Few:MAX, Bullet Resistance:5, Gravity Well:2, Poison Resistance:3, Ladies Man:2

Titles:Weapon of the Gods, Destiny's Unbound
