
Incarnation of Power

Raven Eveningshade was present at the end of the world, alongside his companions he sought to stop it. In the end though, not even all of them together could hope to fell their enemy. So he decided to make the ultimate sacrifice. For a short time he would become a being of unmatched power, but his existence would end.

Primordial_VoidFox · Fantaisie
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Raven Eveningshade could remember how it all began. 13 years ago the world gained the mysterious power known as magic.

Its origin unknown, but everyone across the world gained access to it. Many gained special abilities due to it.

Elemental powers.



Space manipulation.

Time manipulation.

The list of powers was endless. However as the law of equivalent exchange says. A fair trade.

In return for receiving magic, humanity gained enemies. Demons rose from the ground beneath them.

The Great War of Humanity, began.

For thirteen long years humanity fought. In the beginning humanity struggled. Having no understanding of their powers, they were pushed back. For every demon they slayed, 10 more would rise.

In their darkest hour though, hope was found.

Divine beings of mythology came to help them. At a cost. The humans must allow for the gods and goddesses to possess them.

In exchange for possession of their body, the divine beings granted humanity knowledge on magic.

The next 7 years humanity started pushing the demons back. Even pushing the right to their territory.

However in the last year disaster struck.

The demon god, Satan, awoke from his sealed slumber. His mere presence strengthens the demons. His might easily besting many.

In an effort of last hope, humanity and the divine gathered their strongest to face the demon god.

However it wasn't enough.

Satan had demonstrated why he had only been sealed away and not killed. For he was unbeatable. His power unmatchable.

Even the combined might of 8 divine possessed beings couldn't beat the demon god. However one of them, Raven Eveningshade was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.

He would sacrifice himself and slay the demon god. All his companions shouting at him to stop.

'Are you ready...'

Raven Eveningshade never had the most glamorous life. He was your average 20 year old when the power of magic came to humanity.

He possessed the special ability of creation, but it was always weak.

He could barely create weapons in the beginning, but as time went on during the fight with demons, he would effortlessly learn and manage to summon a multitude of weapons and items.

He would always supply his comrades with weapons when theirs broke.

Eventually he gained several friends as they all fought to push back the demons from claiming their home. From destroying it.

However one day he found himself alone. Surrounded by demons he had no hope of beating.

Then it happened. The sky turned pitch black. White and silver beams of energy coming down to the ground.

However in front of him a beam of black energy came down and slammed into him. The demons freezing. Time itself froze. As if it didn't dare to even move.

It was then he met his partner. His best friend. His family. The one being he could and would always trust.

Together they pushed back the demons surrounding him and slayed them.

A contract formed between them. Together they pushed back the demons.

His powers magnified many times over. He could create anything he desired at a whim.

For that was what he and his partner were.

He and she were creators.


"Hahaha of course. If we are to die, I'd rather it be with you and together." The voice of Chaos, Greek Primordial. The first being in existence who created the universe.

The sheer power in her voice heard by all, for she hadn't spoke in his head, but out loud. As in that moment a spectral version of her humanoid form was visible. A being of humanoid shape that looked like a female. Made of stars. Her eyes galaxies.

However in that moment Raven and Chaos started being pushed together.

They weren't to be creators any longer.


For the first time in their lives, instead of controlling and being beings of creations, they became beings of destruction.

The light vanished and their combined form stood there.

A being of human origins. Pitch black wings of the vastness of space. Little stars littered over them glowing. A silver crown with a red gem on their head.

Their eyes though, they shone with intensity. There was galaxies in their eyes.

"Today we stop embracing creation and accept into ourselves destruction." The combined being said as in their hands formed a sword of stars before in a single moment they had vanished and appeared in front of the stunned Satan.

A single slash from the sword of the combined being cutting Satan in half from his left shoulder to his right hip.

The demon god fell down to the ground slowly dying. Without any hesitation the combined being stabbed their sword into the demon gods head as the demon god seemed to turn into black and blue dust before disappearing.

Satan was dead.

The combined being smiled. For that moment they had become the incarnation of power. Embracing the power to destroy.

However like everything it had a cost. For embracing a power alien to them, they would cease to exist. For that was what destruction was.

It stared into the beautiful now visible blue sky and stared at the sun.

In that moment they started to break apart into black and white motes of light. It only smiled.

"Goodbye my family. We are not sorry, but we wish you all to live strong and happy." The being said before it fully broke apart and vanished.

On that day humanity and divine beings won the war with demons.

The cost was too great for some though. Divine beings cried for the loss of their original creator. Humanity cried for the loss of their greatest hero.

However those who were at the final battle could smile as the tears fell. They would respect the last wish of their heroes.

To live strong and happy.

The day after the funeral the other heroes all entered the domain of the demons. That day the remaining 7 heroes slaughtered the demon face.

Humanity had won their war.

However some say that once a story ends, another begins.

That is true, for this was only the beginning.

The real story only begins now.

Hi hi! This is my first shot at creating a completely original story of my own making.

I've been wanting to do one for a while and have been coming up with ideas. This was one I've found that I didn't hate and found I could write out eventually to its fullest.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the prologue. Next chapter begins the actual story.


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